30 research outputs found

    How does leadership affect information systems success? The role of transformational leadership

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    We examined the positive impact of transformational leadership on IS success in organizations via two psychological mechanisms of system users’—perceived organizational support and systems self-efficacy. Our conceptual model was assessed using a sample of 251 employees from a multi-national bank in Korea. Overall, our results supported the hypothesized relationships: transformational leadership was positively related to system users’ IS success, and both perceived organizational support and systems self-efficacy of the system users mediated the relationship between transformational leadership and IS success. The results call for manager’s attention to the importance of transformational leadership development in organizations

    Companies’ Response to Consumerization and their Motivation Factors for Implementation

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    The use of private-owned technological devices for professional activities is an even frequent and inevitable phenomenon. The variety of gadgets, the lack of control about their getting into the enterprise’s network and accessing information stands a growing challenge for Information Technology management and for the entire organization. By using a qualitative approach (content analysis) to examine cases of success in the acceptance of consumerization, this work aims to identify some motivation factors based in real experiences. Based on these factors, an organizational motivation profile classification emerges. Finally, a diagram based on Information System success is proposed intending to call for further research concerning consumerization

    The Influence of Leadership Style on Accounting Information System Success and Its Impact on Accounting Information Quality

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    Accounting information system is a tool used by management in organizations to provide added value in order to generate a competitive advantage for the organization. The functions of accounting information systems are to provide important information to reduce the uncertainty, support the decision-making, and encourage a better planning, scheduling, and controlling of the work activities. Leadership is an important factor in the effective implementation of accounting information system. This study examines the influence of leadership style on accounting information system success and its impact on accounting information quality. The results showed that the stronger leadership style within the organization will enhance accounting information system success. Accounting information systems strongly associated with the use of information technology. To plan and implement accounting information systems in organizations needed strong leadership in influencing and directing the organization's members. Furthermore, it was also found that accounting information system success has implications for accounting information quality. Keywords: Accounting Information Systems Success, Accounting Information Quality, Leadership Style Errata: There is a writing error the name of the reference. In the article, name written Loudon and Loudon (2012). It should be Laudon and Laudon (2012)

    How does contingent reward affect enterprise resource planning continuance intention? The role of contingent reward transactional leadership

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    During the past decade, an increased focus on charismatic and transformational leadership has led to a diminished recognition of the importance of transactional leadership behaviours for successful information systems. We say that this is important because recent studies have shown that transactional leadership, in the form of contingent reward behaviour, can have substantial effects on employee attitudes, perceptions and behaviour. Therefore, in this study we discuss how contingent reward transactional leadership behaviour influences enterprise resource planning (ERP) users&rsquo; continuance intention by proposing a research model that explains how contingent reward has a positive effect on ERP users&rsquo; satisfaction and perceived usefulness which leads to ERP continuance intention. We further argue that distributive justice mediates this relationship. This study calls for managers to pay attention to the importance of contingent reward leadership behaviour in continuous intention of ERP.<br /

    How Does Contingent Reward Affect Enterprise Resource Planning Continuance Intention? The Role of Contingent Reward Transactional Leadership

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    During the past decade, an increased focus on charismatic and transformational leadership has led to a diminished recognition of the importance of transactional leadership behaviours for successful information systems. We say that this is important because recent studies have shown that transactional leadership, in the form of contingent reward behaviour, can have substantial effects on employee attitudes, perceptions and behaviour. Therefore, in this study we discuss how contingent reward transactional leadership behaviour influences enterprise resource planning (ERP) users’ continuance intention by proposing a research model that explains how contingent reward has a positive effect on ERP users’ satisfaction and perceived usefulness which leads to ERP continuance intention. We further argue that distributive justice mediates this relationship. This study calls for managers to pay attention to the importance of contingent reward leadership behaviour in continuous intention of ERP

    Exploration and exploitation, MIS, engineering projects automotive industry: a synthesis of a clinical research

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    Abstract This paper uses a clinical study that suggests that exploration versus exploitation strategies have a mechanistic aspect that can be dysfunctional when managing large automotive and IS projects in highly turbulent cyclical environments. The clinical research demonstrates that the results of the strategies tuned to mechanical systems and ERP sustained systems were short-sighted and were suitable only for simple automotive projects. In the current complex landscape, the management should adopt a cyclical view of their complex project landscape that recognizes that IS projects can be improvised and then switch to a mechanical system. The fragile ecosystem of automotive integrators is a factor in the enrichment of well-established theories, including the contingency, the structuration or the innovation theory (Qiu, Gopal & Hann 2017). In this context, neither the target nor the path to reach it can be defined, and anticipating problems proves even more impossible. The main result of this study is that the timing of the switch between exploration and exploitation of the IS projects and automotive project is a key success factor

    Exploration and exploitation of an IS in the engineering projects automotive industry: a synthesis of a clinical research

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    This paper applies a clinical study that suggests that exploration versus exploitation strategies have a mechanistic aspect that can be dysfunctional when managing large automotive and IS projects in highly turbulent cyclical environments. The clinical research demonstrates that the results of the strategies tuned to mechanical systems and ERP sustained systems were short-sighted and were suitable only for simple automotive projects (Bernard, 2013). In the current complex landscape, the management should adopt a cyclical view of their complex project landscape that recognizes that IS projects can be improvised and then switch to a mechanical system (Qiu, Gopal & Hann 2017). 20 years after the start of the study, the main result is that the timing of the switch between exploration and exploitation of the IS projects and automotive project is a key success factor (Azan, 2003). 20 years after, the simple PAUTs are successful and the complex PAUTS stopped. This contribution explains the role played by the IS

    The Effects of Perceived Organizational Support and Personality Traits on User Involvement

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    User involvement in information system development has long received research attention due to its significant effects on information system success. Prior studies have tended to focus on the consequences of user involvement, and in contrast, this research focuses on the factors that influence user involvement. The factors deserving more attention are perceived organizational support and personality traits that play significant roles in users’ IS related perceptions and behaviours. This in-progress research aims to explore the relationship among POS, personality traits, and user involvement. To achieve the research objectives, we developed a theoretical model that explains how perceived organizational support and the five personality traits namely: Neuroticism, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Openness, Conscientiousness influence user involvement. Further, this model explains how personality traits mediate the relationship between POS and user involvement

    Crowdsourcing in a Public Organization: Transformation and Culture

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    Employees increasingly want to participate in the decision-making processes of their organization. Approaches that facilitate organizational participation, such as internal crowdsourcing platforms, can achieve this. However, although organizations of various backgrounds should be able to reap benefits from such systems, in practice, implementation might fail due to an organizational culture built on hierarchical structures, low experience with employee participation and fixed processes. Taking a design science approach, we explore this relation in a five-month case study of a transformational process at a public organization. We design, implement and evaluate an information system for internal crowdsourcing. Based on the results from user-generated content analysis of the proposals and comments, survey data and several in-depth interviews, we observe an IT culture conflict that significantly affects system adoption and use. Our findings contribute to the discussion on theoretical and practical implications for design and implementation of information systems in organizational contexts

    The Role of Transformational Leadership in the Successful Implementation of Information Systems in the Government Sector

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    This study examines the mediating role of transformational leadership in the successful implementation of information systems in government. Unlike previous research conducted in the commercial sector, the implementation of information systems in the government sector is mandatory so operational variables need to be modified. The data used are primary data collected from 86 respondents who are information system operators. Analysis was performed using Partial Least Square (PLS) SEM. The results of the study show that system quality, information quality, and service quality have a positive effect on the successful implementation of information systems in government. These results also prove that transformational leadership mediates the relationship between overall quality and information system usage. This supports the hypothesis regarding the importance of transformational leadership in the successful implementation of information systems