16 research outputs found

    Untangling Fine-Grained Code Changes

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    After working for some time, developers commit their code changes to a version control system. When doing so, they often bundle unrelated changes (e.g., bug fix and refactoring) in a single commit, thus creating a so-called tangled commit. Sharing tangled commits is problematic because it makes review, reversion, and integration of these commits harder and historical analyses of the project less reliable. Researchers have worked at untangling existing commits, i.e., finding which part of a commit relates to which task. In this paper, we contribute to this line of work in two ways: (1) A publicly available dataset of untangled code changes, created with the help of two developers who accurately split their code changes into self contained tasks over a period of four months; (2) a novel approach, EpiceaUntangler, to help developers share untangled commits (aka. atomic commits) by using fine-grained code change information. EpiceaUntangler is based and tested on the publicly available dataset, and further evaluated by deploying it to 7 developers, who used it for 2 weeks. We recorded a median success rate of 91% and average one of 75%, in automatically creating clusters of untangled fine-grained code changes

    Visualizing code and coverage changes for code review

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    One of the tasks of reviewers is to verify that code modifications are well tested. However, current tools offer little support in understanding precisely how changes to the code relate to changes to the tests. In particular, it is hard to see whether (modified) test code covers the changed code. To mitigate this problem, we developed Operias, a tool that provides a combined visualization of fine-grained source code differences and coverage impact. Operias works both as a stand-alone tool on specific project versions and as a service hooked to GitHub. In the latter case, it provides automated reports for each new pull request, which reviewers can use to assess the code contribution. Operias works for any Java project that works with maven and its standard Cobertura coverage plugin. We present how Operias could be used to identify test-related problems in real-world pull requests. Operias is open source and available on GitHub with a demo video: https://github.com/SERG-Delft/operia

    How Do Software Engineers Understand Code Changes?- An Exploratory Study in Industry

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    Software evolves with continuous source-code changes. These code changes usually need to be understood by software engineers when performing their daily development and maintenance tasks. However, despite its high importance, such change-understanding practice has not been systematically studied. Such lack of empirical knowledge hinders attempts to evaluate this fundamental practice and improve the corresponding tool support. To address this issue, in this paper, we present a large-scale quantitative and qualitative study at Microsoft. The study investigates the role of understanding code changes during software-development process, explores engineers ’ information needs for understanding changes and their requirements for the corresponding tool support. The study results reinforce our beliefs that understanding code changes is an indispensable task performed by engineers in software-development process. A number of insufficiencies in the current practice also emerge from the study results. For example, it is difficult to acquire important information needs such as a change’s completeness, consistency, and especially the risk imposed by it on other software components. In addition, for understanding a composite change, it is valuable to decompose it into sub-changes that are aligned with individual development issues; however, currently such decomposition lacks tool support


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    Developers often perform copy-and-paste activities. This practice causes the similar code fragment (aka code clones) to be scattered throughout a code base. Refactoring for clone removal is beneficial, preventing clones from having negative effects on software quality, such as hidden bug propagation and unintentional inconsistent changes. However, recent research has provided evidence that factoring out clones does not always reduce the risk of introducing defects, and it is often difficult or impossible to remove clones using standard refactoring techniques. To investigate which or how clones can be refactored, developers typically spend a significant amount of their time managing individual clone instances or clone groups scattered across a large code base. To address the problem, this research proposes two techniques to inspect and validate refactoring changes. First, we propose a technique for managing clone refactorings, Pattern-based clone Refactoring Inspection (PRI), using refactoring pattern templates. By matching the refactoring pattern templates against a code base, it summarizes refactoring changes of clones, and detects the clone instances not consistently factored out as potential anomalies. Second, we propose Refactoring Investigation and Testing technique, called RIT. RIT improves the testing efficiency for validating refactoring changes. RIT uses PRI to identify refactorings by analyzing original and edited versions of a program. It then uses the semantic impact of a set of identified refactoring changes to detect tests whose behavior may have been affected and modified by refactoring edits. Given each failed asserts, RIT helps developers focus their attention on logically related program statements by applying program slicing for minimizing each test. For debugging purposes, RIT determines specific failure-inducing refactoring edits, separating from other changes that only affect other asserts or tests

    Survey on Safety Evidence Change Impact Analysis in Practice: Detailed Description and Analysis

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    Critical systems must comply with safety standards in many application domains. This involves gathering safety evidence in the form of artefacts such as safety analyses, system specifications, and testing results. These artefacts can evolve during a system’s lifecycle, and impact analysis might be necessary to guarantee that system safety and compliance are not jeopardised. Although extensive research has been conducted on impact analysis and on safety evidence management, the knowledge about how safety evidence change impact analysis is addressed in practice is limited. This technical report presents a survey targeted at filling this gap by analysing the circumstances under which safety evidence change impact analysis is addressed, the tool support used, and the challenges faced. We obtained 97 valid responses representing 16 application domains, 28 countries, and 47 safety standards. The results suggest that most projects deal with safety evidence change impact analysis during system development and mainly from system specifications, the level of automation in the process is low, and insufficient tool support is the most frequent challenge. Other notable findings are that safety case evolution should probably be better managed, no commercial impact analysis tool has been reported as used for all artefact types, and experience and automation do not seem to greatly help in avoiding challenges

    Improving Software Quality by Synergizing Effective Code Inspection and Regression Testing

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    Software quality assurance is an essential practice in software development and maintenance. Evolving software systems consistently and safely is challenging. All changes to a system must be comprehensively tested and inspected to gain confidence that the modified system behaves as intended. To detect software defects, developers often conduct quality assurance activities, such as regression testing and code review, after implementing or changing required functionalities. They commonly evaluate a program based on two complementary techniques: dynamic program analysis and static program analysis. Using an automated testing framework, developers typically discover program faults by observing program execution with test cases that encode required program behavior as well as represent defects. Unlike dynamic analysis, developers make sure of the program correctness without executing a program by static analysis. They understand source code through manual inspection or identify potential program faults with an automated tool for statically analyzing a program. By removing the boundaries between static and dynamic analysis, complementary strengths and weaknesses of both techniques can create unified analyses. For example, dynamic analysis is efficient and precise but it requires selection of test cases without guarantee that the test cases cover all possible program executions, and static analysis is conservative and sound but it produces less precise results due to its approximation of all possible behaviors that may perform at run time. Many dynamic and static techniques have been proposed, but testing a program involves substantial cost and risks and inspecting code change is tedious and error-prone. Our research addresses two fundamental problems in dynamic and static techniques. (1) To evaluate a program, developers are typically required to implement test cases and reuse them. As they develop more test cases for verifying new implementations, the execution cost of test cases increases accordingly. After every modification, they periodically conduct regression test to see whether the program executes without introducing new faults in the presence of program evolution. To reduce the time required to perform regression testing, developers should select an appropriate subset of the test suite with a guarantee of revealing faults as running entire test cases. Such regression testing selection techniques are still challenging as these methods also have substantial costs and risks and discard test cases that could detect faults. (2) As a less formal and more lightweight method than running a test suite, developers often conduct code reviews based on tool support; however, understanding context and changes is the key challenge of code reviews. While reviewing code changes—addressing one single issue—might not be difficult, it is extremely difficult to understand complex changes—including multiple issues such as bug fixes, refactorings, and new feature additions. Developers need to understand intermingled changes addressing multiple development issues, finding which region of the code changes deals with a particular issue. Although such changes do not cause trouble in implementation, investigating these changes becomes time-consuming and error-prone since the intertwined changes are loosely related, leading to difficulty in code reviews. To address the limitations outlined above, our research makes the following contributions. First, we present a model-based approach to efficiently build a regression test suite that facilitates Extended Finite State Machines (EFSMs). Changes to the system are performed at transition level by adding, deleting or replacing transition. Tests are a sequence of input and expected output messages with concrete parameter values over the supported data types. Fully-observable tests are introduced whose descriptions contain all the information about the transitions executed by the tests. An invariant characterizing fully observable tests is formulated such that a test is fully-observable whenever the invariant is a satisfiable formula. Incremental procedures are developed to efficiently evaluate the invariant and to select tests from a test suite that are guaranteed to exercise a given change when the tests run on a modified EFSM. Tests rendered unusable due to a change are also identified. Overlaps among the test descriptions are exploited to extend the approach to simultaneously select and discard multiple tests to alleviate the test selection costs. Although test regression selection problem is NP-hard [78], the experimental results show the cost of our test selection procedure is still acceptable and economical. Second, to support code review and regression testing, we present a technique, called ChgCutter. It helps developers understand and validate composite changes as follows. It interactively decomposes these complex, composite changes into atomic changes, builds related change subsets using program dependence relationships without syntactic violation, and safely selects only related test cases from the test suite to reduce the time to conduct regression testing. When a code reviewer selects a change region from both original and changed versions of a program, ChgCutter automatically identifies similar change regions based on the dependence analysis and the tree-based code search technique. By automatically applying a change to the identified regions in an original program version, ChgCutter generates a program version which is a syntactically correct version of program. Given a generated program version, it leverages a testing selection technique to select and run a subset of the test suite affected by a change automatically separated from mixed changes. Based on the iterative change selection process, there can be each different program version that include its separated change. Therefore, ChgCutter helps code reviewers inspect large, complex changes by effectively focusing on decomposed change subsets. In addition to assisting understanding a substantial change, the regression testing selection technique effectively discovers defects by validating each program version that contains a separated change subset. In the evaluation, ChgCutter analyzes 28 composite changes in four open source projects. It identifies related change subsets with 95.7% accuracy, and it selects test cases affected by these changes with 89.0% accuracy. Our results show that ChgCutter should help developers effectively inspect changes and validate modified applications during development

    UML-SOA-Sec and Saleem's MDS Services Composition Framework for Secure Business Process Modelling of Services Oriented Applications

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    In Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) environment, a software application is a composition of services, which are scattered across enterprises and architectures. Security plays a vital role during the design, development and operation of SOA applications. However, analysis of today's software development approaches reveals that the engineering of security into the system design is often neglected. Security is incorporated in an ad-hoc manner or integrated during the applications development phase or administration phase or out sourced. SOA security is cross-domain and all of the required information is not available at downstream phases. The post-hoc, low-level integration of security has a negative impact on the resulting SOA applications. General purpose modeling languages like Unified Modeling Language (UML) are used for designing the software system; however, these languages lack the knowledge of the specific domain and "security" is one of the essential domains. A Domain Specific Language (DSL), named the "UML-SOA-Sec" is proposed to facilitate the modeling of security objectives along the business process modeling of SOA applications. Furthermore, Saleem's MDS (Model Driven Security) services composition framework is proposed for the development of a secure web service composition