4 research outputs found


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    The main purpose of the study is to see whether three is a relationship between knowledge development (KD) and knowledge retention (KR) on the performance of Small and Medium-scale Enterprises (SMEs) and also to understand which factor has a significant effect on the performance of the SMEs. The data was collected from the owners of export-oriented apparel SMEs through a self-administrated questionnaire and used SPSS 21 version to analyze the data statistically. The results suggested that KD and KR have a positive significant relationship with the performance of SMEs, jointly. In the individual effect, the KR is the most influential factor on the performance of SMEs. The findings further reveal that apparel SMEs are practicing KD and KR strategies at the work place at average level.  Article visualizations

    Advancing Consumer Behavior: The Role of Artificial Intelligence Technologies and Knowledge Sharing

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    The increasing use of digital technologies has significantly reshaped marketing and consumer behavior (CB) as online communities and cutting-edge innovations such as artificial intelligence (AI) disrupt and advance consumer attitudes on specific products and services. As such, online communities that are supported by AI technologies creating new knowledge from consumer interactions through platforms like social media as consumers share experiences on specific products or services. Since AI is designed to “learn” and improve with data generated from digital technologies linked to consumer interactions, AI relies on consumer knowledge-sharing (KS) activities to replicate new knowledge for product and service improvement. However, given the knowledge gap in this area, this article applies the fsQCA technique to data generated from 291 participants to develop CB metaframework predicted on the concepts of AI, CB, and KS. Our results suggest that AI advances consumer attitudes and behaviors when knowledge is acquired while online communities promote curiosity and engage consumers to learn by sharing experiences about specific products or services. Furthermore, understanding the causality between AI, CB, and KS concepts offers critical decision-making insights to marketing experts across the industry

    Efecto de la visión holística, las network ties y el aprendizaje continuo encaminadas a la capacidad de innovación en servicios en el sector hotelero a través de la transferencia de conocimiento en las empresas

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    [ES] El foco principal de esta tesis se sustenta en conformar la vinculación entre la transferencia del conocimiento y la capacidad de innovación en servicios enmarcado en el sector hotelero. El estudio de las relaciones existentes entre la visión global que se aprecia holísticamente junto con los lazos de la red y la capacidad de aprendizaje continuo de las organizaciones como factores que influyen en la capacidad de transferencia del conocimiento. El trabajo empírico se traslada a los hoteles de 4 y 5 estrellas ubicados en territorio español, fundamentado por la importancia que aporta el sector al turismo y por ende, al PIB nacional, convirtiéndolo en un sector estratégico. Realizamos 280 encuestas válidas a los gerentes de los hoteles. Empleamos la metodología de ecuaciones estructurales y el Análisis Facotorial Exploratorio para comprobar las relaciones existentes entre las variabes y la sostenibilidad del modelo propuesto.[CAT] El focus principal d'aquesta tesi se sustenta a conformar la vinculació entre la transferència del coneixement i la capacitat d'innovació en serveis emmarcat en el sector hoteler. L'estudi de les relacions existents entre la visió global que s'aprecia *holísticamente juntament amb els llaços de la xarxa i la capacitat d'aprenentatge continu de les organitzacions com a factors que influeixen en la capacitat de transferència del coneixement. El treball empíric es trasllada als hotels de 4 i 5 estreles situats en territori espanyol, fonamentat per la importància que aporta el sector al turisme i per tant, al PIB nacional, convertint-lo en un sector estratègic. Realitzem 280 enquestes vàlides als gerents dels hotels. Emprem la metodologia d'equacions estructurals i l'Anàlisi Facotorial Exploratori per a comprovar les relacions existents entre les variabes i la sostenibilitat del model proposat.[EN] This thesis focuses on shaping the link between knowledge transfer and the service innovation capability within the hospitality sector. More especifically, the thesis studies the existing relationships between the comprehensive overview, seen holistically along with the network ties and the lifelong learning capacity of the organisations as factors that influence the capacity of knowledge transfer. The empirical work is carried out with 4 and 5 star hotels located in Spain, due to the importance of this sector's contribution to tourism and, therefore, to the country's GDP, thus making it a strategic sector. We conducted 280 valid surveys of hotel managers. Methodologically, we used Structural Equations and Exploratory Factor Analysis to test the relationships between the variables and the sustainability of the proposed model.Hernández Gadea, FJ. (2023). Efecto de la visión holística, las network ties y el aprendizaje continuo encaminadas a la capacidad de innovación en servicios en el sector hotelero a través de la transferencia de conocimiento en las empresas [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/19607