42 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan stres akademik dengan Cyberloafing pada mahasiswa Departemen Psikologi di Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI). Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif dengan total pertisipan berjumlah 150 orang. Instrument pengukuran stress akademik menggunakan Academic stress inventory yang telah diadaptasi sementara untuk pengukuran cyberloafing menggunakan The Cyberloafing Scale. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis sederhana dengan Spearman’s rho. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan positif antara stres akademik dan cyberloafing (r= 0.238, sig.<0.05). This study aims to investigate the relationship between academic stress and cyberloafing of psychology department students at Indonesia University of Education (UPI). The research method used is quantitative method and the sample amount is 150. The instrument used to measure academic stress is Academic Stress Inventory which has been adapted, whereas to measure cyberloafing used The Cyberloafing Scale. Data analysis used is simple correlation with Spearman’s rho. The result shows that there is a positive correlation beween academic stress and cyberloafing (r=0.238, sig.<0.05)

    An Empirical Investigation of Antecedents of Internet Abuse in the Workplace

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    engage in Internet abuse, and whether any of 15 antecedents predict the amount of that abuse. Data were collected from 571 Usenet users in an on-line survey. Aggregating the time for each of the eleven listed methods of Internet abuse revealed a total of 5.8 hours per week, on average. Most of the antecedents in two of the three Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) categories (Attitudes and Subjective Norms), were significant, and none of the antecedents in the third TPB category (Perceived Behavioral Control) showed significance. addiction, self-justification, job satisfaction, peer culture, and supervisor culture were significant predictors of Internet abuse. Exploratory demographic factors computer experience, gender, and firm revenue also showed predictive power

    Slacking and the Internet in the Classroom: A Preliminary Investigation

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    This paper investigates “slacking with Internet technologies” in a classroom environment. Rooted in the literature on social loafing, we develop a model linking attributes of the context, the individual, and technology to “intention to cyber-slack” and its influence on the effective use of Internet technology. Using data collected from 128 student respondents, we empirically test our model using the Partial Least Squares approach to structural equation modeling. Our analysis found support for many of the relationships in the theoretical model. Specifically, we found that personal innovativeness with IT and multi-tasking with internet applications contribute to cognitive absorption, while cognitive absorption and subjective norms contributed to the intention to cyber-slack. Further, we found that intention to cyber-slack accounted for a large amount of the variance in effective use of Internet technologies. The paper concludes with a discussion of implications for research and practice

    Personal Internet Usage at Work: The Dark Side of Technology Adoption

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    Internet access in the workplace has become ubiquitous in many organizations. Often, employees need this access to perform their duties. However, many studies report a large percentage of employees use their work Internet access to engage in nonwork- related activities. These activities can result in reduced efficiency, increased vulnerability to cyber attack, and legal liability for the organization. In this study, we use a survey method approach to determine the impact of perceived moral intensity on employees’ decisions to engage or not engage in personal Internet usage at work

    Cyberloafing, Baik atau Buruk?: Exploratory Case Study Karyawan Selama Pandemi Covid-19

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    Tindakan menggunakan internet untuk keperluan non-pekerjaan oleh karyawan saat jam kerja yang dikenal dengan istilah cyberloafing dapat menimbulkan dampak yang merugikan ataupun bermanfaat bagi perusahaan. Perilaku cyberloafing pada karyawan di masa pandemi meningkat selama program bekerja dari rumah (work from home) dilaksanakan. Hal ini disebabkan dengan adanya intensitas penggunaan internet yang lebih sering, misalnya untuk menunjang komunikasi jarak jauh antar sesama karyawan, atasan, dan/ atau klien. Informan dalam penelitian merupakan tiga karyawan dari berbagai perusahaan atau instansi yang bekerja WFH selama pandemi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan tipe studi kasus eksploratori. Sedangkan teknik pengambilan data pada penelitian ini menggunakan in-depth interview dengan berfokus pada empat dampak negatif dari cyberloafing, yaitu (1) produktivitas kerja menurun, (2) distraksi saat bekerja, (3) menguras waktu, energi dan fikiran, (4) interaksi dengan kolega berkurang, serta dampak positif cyberloafing (1) stres berkurang, (2) produktivitas kerja meningkat, (3) kreativitas meningkat, (4) balancing work/life). Selain itu, penelitian ini juga mengeksplorasi alasan karyawan melakukan cyberloafing saat jam kerja, menggunakan tiga faktor yang sudah ditentukan dari penelitian terdahulu, yaitu untuk mencari hiburan karena bosan, untuk menghilangkan stres dan kelelahan, serta pengaruh lingkungan. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa seluruh informan setuju bahwa cyberloafing lebih banyak memberikan dampak positif dibandingkan negatif. Cyberloafing akan membuat pekerjaan lebih menarik, karena menjelajahi situs media sosial, menonton video online, atau belanja online akan menjaga kepuasan kerja, kreativitas, kesejahterahan, sebagai pemulihan karyawan bahkan membuat karyawan lebih bahagia


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    As the use of the Internet has grown, so have new ways for employees to loaf. Cyberloafing has become a pervasive problem for firms. Information systems researchers have suggested that a deterrence approach through the use of acceptable use policies for Internet-based applications coupled with Internet monitoring mechanisms can be an effective way to reduce cyberloafing without actively blocking websites and impeding on the positive aspects of the Internet. However, the effectiveness of the deterrence approach is still in question due to inconsistent results in existing research. This study aims to reconcile these inconsistencies by exploring how other factors interact with the deterrence model. We propose that the deterrence model will affect more deviant types of behaviors differently than those that are perceived to be more socially acceptable. We also suggest that employees will self-impose expected ramifications or sanctions on themselves when they expect to get caught cyberloafing

    Effects of Neutralization Techniques and Rational Choice Theory on Internet Abuse in the Workplace

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    This research aims to identify the antecedents that drive an employee to commit Internet abuses at the workplace. Drawing on literatures in criminology, this present study developed a theoretical model based on neutralization techniques and rational choice theory. The model was validated using survey data from 428 employees. Our results indicate that neutralization techniques significantly influence employees’ Internet abuse intentions except denial of responsibility. The cost-benefits analysis of perceived security risks and perceived benefits are also found to play an important role in affecting Internet abuse intentions while the risks of perceived formal sanctions have no significant effect. We then discuss key implications of our findings for research and practice