4 research outputs found

    To Explore the Influence of AR-Filtered Selfies on Impression Management in Users' Intrapersonal Communication Under Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC)

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    Selfies are increasingly being shared on social media. On the basis of selfies, traditional beauty filters only finish tasks like whitening and face-lifting. However, with the introduction of augmented reality technology into selfie filters, more and more virtual impressions are presented, causing new influences on social media.This paper explores the influence of AR filters on the impressions management of selfie under Computer Mediad Communication (CMC) from the perspective of Goffman's (1959) dramaturgical theory. This study adopts a qualitative phenomenological research paradigm. Data were collected using document analysis, focus groups and in-depth interviews at two universities in Pingdingshan, China. Research has found that the media characteristics of AR filter selfies allow users to have a rich ability to choose and present their impressions, prompting users to project multiple impressions of themselves on social media. Let users be willing to communicate intrapersonally with AR selfies, thereby achieving self-improvement. This article expands the application scope of new media AR filters of dramaturgical theory in CMC. It also provides a basic understanding of the further communication influence of AR selfies on senders and receivers in CMC. This can provide relevant reference for the government to formulate media policies and manage social media platforms. It can also provide relevant research results as research by other relevant scholars

    The Role of Facial Enhancement Technology in Online Sales of Branded Color Cosmetics [védés előtt]

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    The Role of Facial Enhancement Technology in Online Sales of Branded Color Cosmetics This is an article-based dissertation. The author conducted three published studies to support this dissertation during her PhD studies. It includes three quantitative studies. The purpose of this dissertation is multifold: First, to explore the factors that may contribute to FET adoption. Second, to investigate the extent to which FET adoption contributes to subsequent online purchases (i.e., color cosmetics). Despite its strategic importance, the existing body of literature specifically discussing the essential role of AR-based FET on consumers’ behavioral intentions is still scarce (Javornik, 2016; Wang et al., 2022). Additionally, the customers’ adoption rate of FET is still relatively low with an unproven conversion rate on a mass scale (Monteros, 2021). The mechanisms by which users adopt FET and whether FET contributes to the online purchase intention of branded color cosmetics are still less explored. To interconnect these three studies, the dissertation adopts the UTAUT theoretical model as the foundational framework, which was utilized in Study 3. The unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) developed by Venkatesh et al. (2003) is one of the most popular theories for explaining behavioral intentions to adopt new technology. The primary contribution of this dissertation is to extend the traditional UTAUT model (Venkatesh et al., 2003) and apply it in the context of FET. More specifically, UTAUT is used as a baseline model in this dissertation since it can be leveraged to examine determinants of AI adoption (Venkatesh, 2022) such as FET. In this dissertation, the author primarily employed a quantitative online survey as the core research methodology, employing purposive and snowball sampling techniques for data collection. The sample populations varied across the studies: Study 1 focused on Chinese social media influencers (N=221), Study 2 on Indonesian FET users (N=262), and Study 3 on Chinese FET users (N=473). The dissertation investigated six independent variables (performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions, body esteem, and price sensitivity), one dependent variable (online purchase intention), one mediator (facial enhancement technology adoption), and one moderator (social media addiction). In total, eight construct-level hypotheses were tested throughout the dissertation. The constructs were measured using a five-point Likert scale ranging from “strongly disagree” (1) to “strongly agree” (5). All three selected studies utilized Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) via SPSS and AMOS software for data analysis. A 2-step approach, comprising Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), was implemented to validate the hypotheses and generate the results. This dissertation adapted UTAUT as the theoretical foundation, the main findings primarily stem from Study 3. Some relevant findings from Studies 1 and 2 are also presented, helping to shape the research model for the dissertation. For instance, body esteem was tested in the relationship with FET adoption in Study 1 and Study 2. In Study 1, body esteem was not found to be a significant predictor of FET adoption, whereas in Study 2, both positive and negative views of body esteem exhibited a positive relationship with FET adoption. These results inspired the author to include both positive and negative body esteem in the final dissertation model. This dissertation has several theoretical contributions: First, this dissertation introduces a new concept, namely facial enhancement technology (FET). FET was used as an umbrella term in this dissertation to refer to artificial intelligence (AI), augmented reality (AR), and virtual reality (VR) technologies capable of altering users' facial features in a virtual environment. Second, this dissertation’s primary theoretical contribution is to identify the antecedents of FET adoption and how it may lead to online purchases of branded color cosmetics. Third, this dissertation adds to the body of knowledge in social comparison theory by elucidating the roles of body esteem and online purchase behavior in the context of FET adoption, a relatively new innovation in interactive technology. Lastly, this dissertation introduces social media addiction as a moderating variable. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first dissertation to propose and provide empirical evidence of the moderating role of social media addiction in the relationship between FET and online purchases

    Location-based augmented reality visualization of 3D models using a mobile application – izanagiXR

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    Introduction: The increasing use of AR in practical applications such as education, design, manufacturing, and construction shows enormous promise for upgrading existing technology and improving quality of life. Meanwhile, the construction industry is well known for falling behind in the implementation of IT even though the digitalization is already transforming the industry across the entire lifecycle. A peculiarity in Switzerland is that in most cantons, projects still must be marked with physical metal poles called construction spans. Methodology: The aim of this research is to investigate an effective method for visualizing 3D models using location-based Augmented Reality. This paper seeks to identify the necessary steps for developing an application to accurately visualize 3D buildings using location-based AR for replacing construction spans and to find out what the benefits and challenges are. For this purpose, an AR artifact is being developed and five interviews with industry experts are being conducted to gain a better understanding of the current practice. Findings: The costs of erecting and maintaining such construction spans can amount to 0.1% or more of each construction project depending on its height and the complexity of the terrain. AR represents an enabling technology for customer engagement. It can be reasoned that by externalizing the visualization of construction projects, AR can reduce the mental effort customers need to participate in a productive discourse. AR technology has been improving dramatically and together with hybrid localization methods it is able to display information accurately and reliably in the physical world. Recommendations: In light of the findings of this research, developers, and public bodies such as municipalities alike should evaluate the use of AR applications for replacing construction spans and digitize the construction span industry to save significant investment amounts and opportunity losses. This paper recommends the above-mentioned stakeholders to explore the potential of AR applications additionally to using construction spans to gain important experience and to get an idea how their industry could look like once construction spans are not legally required anymore and AR hardware has overcome current limitations