9 research outputs found

    Generating a Category Set of Words Using a Hierarchical Part-of-Speech System and Tagged Corpus

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    Corpus linguistics and language learning: bootstrapping linguistic knowledge and resources from text

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    This submission for the award of the degree of PhD by published work must: “make a contribution to knowledge in a coherent and related subject area; demonstrate originality and independent critical ability; satisfy the examiners that it is of sufficient merit to qualify for the award of the degree of PhD.” It includes a selection of my work as a Lecturer (and later, Senior Lecturer) at Leeds University, from 1984 to the present. The overall theme of my research has been bootstrapping linguistic knowledge and resources from text. A persistent strand of interest has been unsupervised and semi-supervised machine learning of linguistic knowledge from textual sources; the attraction of this approach is that I could start with English, but go on to apply analogous techniques to other languages, in particular Arabic. This theme covers a broad range of research over more than 20 years at Leeds University which I have divided into 8 sub-topics: A: Constituent-Likelihood statistical modelling of English grammar; B: Machine Learning of grammatical patterns from a corpus; C: Detecting grammatical errors in English text; D: Evaluation of English grammatical annotation models; E: Machine Learning of semantic language models; F: Applications in English language teaching; G: Arabic corpus linguistics; H: Applications in Computing teaching and research. The first section builds on my early years as a lecturer at Leeds University, when my research was essentially a progression from my previous work at Lancaster University on the LOB Corpus Part-of-Speech Tagging project (which resulted in the Tagged LOB Corpus, a resource for Corpus Linguistics research still in use today); I investigated a range of ideas for extending and/or applying techniques related to Part-of-Speech tagging in Corpus Linguistics. The second section covers a range of co-authored papers representing grant-funded research projects in Corpus Linguistics; in this mode of research, I had to come up with the original ideas and guide the project, but much of the detailed implementation was down to research assistant staff. Another highly productive mode of research has been supervision of research students, leading to further jointly-authored research papers. I helped formulate the research plans, and guided and advised the students; as with research-grant projects, the detailed implementation of the research has been down to the research students. The third section includes a few of the most significant of these jointly-authored Corpus Linguistics research papers. A “standard” PhD generally includes a survey of the field to put the work in context; so as a fourth section, I include some survey papers aimed at introducing new developments in corpus linguistics to a wider audience

    Open-source resources and standards for Arabic word structure analysis: Fine grained morphological analysis of Arabic text corpora

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    Morphological analyzers are preprocessors for text analysis. Many Text Analytics applications need them to perform their tasks. The aim of this thesis is to develop standards, tools and resources that widen the scope of Arabic word structure analysis - particularly morphological analysis, to process Arabic text corpora of different domains, formats and genres, of both vowelized and non-vowelized text. We want to morphologically tag our Arabic Corpus, but evaluation of existing morphological analyzers has highlighted shortcomings and shown that more research is required. Tag-assignment is significantly more complex for Arabic than for many languages. The morphological analyzer should add the appropriate linguistic information to each part or morpheme of the word (proclitic, prefix, stem, suffix and enclitic); in effect, instead of a tag for a word, we need a subtag for each part. Very fine-grained distinctions may cause problems for automatic morphosyntactic analysis – particularly probabilistic taggers which require training data, if some words can change grammatical tag depending on function and context; on the other hand, finegrained distinctions may actually help to disambiguate other words in the local context. The SALMA – Tagger is a fine grained morphological analyzer which is mainly depends on linguistic information extracted from traditional Arabic grammar books and prior knowledge broad-coverage lexical resources; the SALMA – ABCLexicon. More fine-grained tag sets may be more appropriate for some tasks. The SALMA –Tag Set is a theory standard for encoding, which captures long-established traditional fine-grained morphological features of Arabic, in a notation format intended to be compact yet transparent. The SALMA – Tagger has been used to lemmatize the 176-million words Arabic Internet Corpus. It has been proposed as a language-engineering toolkit for Arabic lexicography and for phonetically annotating the Qur’an by syllable and primary stress information, as well as, fine-grained morphological tagging

    Iterated learning framework for unsupervised part-of-speech induction

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    Computational approaches to linguistic analysis have been used for more than half a century. The main tools come from the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and are based on rule-based or corpora-based (supervised) methods. Despite the undeniable success of supervised learning methods in NLP, they have two main drawbacks: on the practical side, it is expensive to produce the manual annotation (or the rules) required and it is not easy to find annotators for less common languages. A theoretical disadvantage is that the computational analysis produced is tied to a specific theory or annotation scheme. Unsupervised methods offer the possibility to expand our analyses into more resourcepoor languages, and to move beyond the conventional linguistic theories. They are a way of observing patterns and regularities emerging directly from the data and can provide new linguistic insights. In this thesis I explore unsupervised methods for inducing parts of speech across languages. I discuss the challenges in evaluation of unsupervised learning and at the same time, by looking at the historical evolution of part-of-speech systems, I make the case that the compartmentalised, traditional pipeline approach of NLP is not ideal for the task. I present a generative Bayesian system that makes it easy to incorporate multiple diverse features, spanning different levels of linguistic structure, like morphology, lexical distribution, syntactic dependencies and word alignment information that allow for the examination of cross-linguistic patterns. I test the system using features provided by unsupervised systems in a pipeline mode (where the output of one system is the input to another) and show that the performance of the baseline (distributional) model increases significantly, reaching and in some cases surpassing the performance of state-of-the-art part-of-speech induction systems. I then turn to the unsupervised systems that provided these sources of information (morphology, dependencies, word alignment) and examine the way that part-of-speech information influences their inference. Having established a bi-directional relationship between each system and my part-of-speech inducer, I describe an iterated learning method, where each component system is trained using the output of the other system in each iteration. The iterated learning method improves the performance of both component systems in each task. Finally, using this iterated learning framework, and by using parts of speech as the central component, I produce chains of linguistic structure induction that combine all the component systems to offer a more holistic view of NLP. To show the potential of this multi-level system, I demonstrate its use ‘in the wild’. I describe the creation of a vastly multilingual parallel corpus based on 100 translations of the Bible in a diverse set of languages. Using the multi-level induction system, I induce cross-lingual clusters, and provide some qualitative results of my approach. I show that it is possible to discover similarities between languages that correspond to ‘hidden’ morphological, syntactic or semantic elements

    Automating the conversion of natural language fiction to multi-modal 3D animated virtual environments

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    Popular fiction books describe rich visual environments that contain characters, objects, and behaviour. This research develops automated processes for converting text sourced from fiction books into animated virtual environments and multi-modal films. This involves the analysis of unrestricted natural language fiction to identify appropriate visual descriptions, and the interpretation of the identified descriptions for constructing animated 3D virtual environments. The goal of the text analysis stage is the creation of annotated fiction text, which identifies visual descriptions in a structured manner. A hierarchical rule-based learning system is created that induces patterns from example annotations provided by a human, and uses these for the creation of additional annotations. Patterns are expressed as tree structures that abstract the input text on different levels according to structural (token, sentence) and syntactic (parts-of-speech, syntactic function) categories. Patterns are generalized using pair-wise merging, where dissimilar sub-trees are replaced with wild-cards. The result is a small set of generalized patterns that are able to create correct annotations. A set of generalized patterns represents a model of an annotator's mental process regarding a particular annotation category. Annotated text is interpreted automatically for constructing detailed scene descriptions. This includes identifying which scenes to visualize, and identifying the contents and behaviour in each scene. Entity behaviour in a 3D virtual environment is formulated using time-based constraints that are automatically derived from annotations. Constraints are expressed as non-linear symbolic functions that restrict the trajectories of a pair of entities over a continuous interval of time. Solutions to these constraints specify precise behaviour. We create an innovative quantified constraint optimizer for locating sound solutions, which uses interval arithmetic for treating time and space as contiguous quantities. This optimization method uses a technique of constraint relaxation and tightening that allows solution approximations to be located where constraint systems are inconsistent (an ability not previously explored in interval-based quantified constraint solving). 3D virtual environments are populated by automatically selecting geometric models or procedural geometry-creation methods from a library. 3D models are animated according to trajectories derived from constraint solutions. The final animated film is sequenced using a range of modalities including animated 3D graphics, textual subtitles, audio narrations, and foleys. Hierarchical rule-based learning is evaluated over a range of annotation categories. Models are induced for different categories of annotation without modifying the core learning algorithms, and these models are shown to be applicable to different types of books. Models are induced automatically with accuracies ranging between 51.4% and 90.4%, depending on the category. We show that models are refined if further examples are provided, and this supports a boot-strapping process for training the learning mechanism. The task of interpreting annotated fiction text and populating 3D virtual environments is successfully automated using our described techniques. Detailed scene descriptions are created accurately, where between 83% and 96% of the automatically generated descriptions require no manual modification (depending on the type of description). The interval-based quantified constraint optimizer fully automates the behaviour specification process. Sample animated multi-modal 3D films are created using extracts from fiction books that are unrestricted in terms of complexity or subject matter (unlike existing text-to-graphics systems). These examples demonstrate that: behaviour is visualized that corresponds to the descriptions in the original text; appropriate geometry is selected (or created) for visualizing entities in each scene; sequences of scenes are created for a film-like presentation of the story; and that multiple modalities are combined to create a coherent multi-modal representation of the fiction text. This research demonstrates that visual descriptions in fiction text can be automatically identified, and that these descriptions can be converted into corresponding animated virtual environments. Unlike existing text-to-graphics systems, we describe techniques that function over unrestricted natural language text and perform the conversion process without the need for manually constructed repositories of world knowledge. This enables the rapid production of animated 3D virtual environments, allowing the human designer to focus on creative aspects

    Automating the conversion of natural language fiction to multi-modal 3D animated virtual environments

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    Popular fiction books describe rich visual environments that contain characters, objects, and behaviour. This research develops automated processes for converting text sourced from fiction books into animated virtual environments and multi-modal films. This involves the analysis of unrestricted natural language fiction to identify appropriate visual descriptions, and the interpretation of the identified descriptions for constructing animated 3D virtual environments. The goal of the text analysis stage is the creation of annotated fiction text, which identifies visual descriptions in a structured manner. A hierarchical rule-based learning system is created that induces patterns from example annotations provided by a human, and uses these for the creation of additional annotations. Patterns are expressed as tree structures that abstract the input text on different levels according to structural (token, sentence) and syntactic (parts-of-speech, syntactic function) categories. Patterns are generalized using pair-wise merging, where dissimilar sub-trees are replaced with wild-cards. The result is a small set of generalized patterns that are able to create correct annotations. A set of generalized patterns represents a model of an annotator's mental process regarding a particular annotation category. Annotated text is interpreted automatically for constructing detailed scene descriptions. This includes identifying which scenes to visualize, and identifying the contents and behaviour in each scene. Entity behaviour in a 3D virtual environment is formulated using time-based constraints that are automatically derived from annotations. Constraints are expressed as non-linear symbolic functions that restrict the trajectories of a pair of entities over a continuous interval of time. Solutions to these constraints specify precise behaviour. We create an innovative quantified constraint optimizer for locating sound solutions, which uses interval arithmetic for treating time and space as contiguous quantities. This optimization method uses a technique of constraint relaxation and tightening that allows solution approximations to be located where constraint systems are inconsistent (an ability not previously explored in interval-based quantified constraint solving). 3D virtual environments are populated by automatically selecting geometric models or procedural geometry-creation methods from a library. 3D models are animated according to trajectories derived from constraint solutions. The final animated film is sequenced using a range of modalities including animated 3D graphics, textual subtitles, audio narrations, and foleys. Hierarchical rule-based learning is evaluated over a range of annotation categories. Models are induced for different categories of annotation without modifying the core learning algorithms, and these models are shown to be applicable to different types of books. Models are induced automatically with accuracies ranging between 51.4% and 90.4%, depending on the category. We show that models are refined if further examples are provided, and this supports a boot-strapping process for training the learning mechanism. The task of interpreting annotated fiction text and populating 3D virtual environments is successfully automated using our described techniques. Detailed scene descriptions are created accurately, where between 83% and 96% of the automatically generated descriptions require no manual modification (depending on the type of description). The interval-based quantified constraint optimizer fully automates the behaviour specification process. Sample animated multi-modal 3D films are created using extracts from fiction books that are unrestricted in terms of complexity or subject matter (unlike existing text-to-graphics systems). These examples demonstrate that: behaviour is visualized that corresponds to the descriptions in the original text; appropriate geometry is selected (or created) for visualizing entities in each scene; sequences of scenes are created for a film-like presentation of the story; and that multiple modalities are combined to create a coherent multi-modal representation of the fiction text. This research demonstrates that visual descriptions in fiction text can be automatically identified, and that these descriptions can be converted into corresponding animated virtual environments. Unlike existing text-to-graphics systems, we describe techniques that function over unrestricted natural language text and perform the conversion process without the need for manually constructed repositories of world knowledge. This enables the rapid production of animated 3D virtual environments, allowing the human designer to focus on creative aspects