10,625 research outputs found

    Spreminjajoča se vloga učbenikov v osnovnošolskem izobraževanju v digitalni dobi: česa se lahko naučimo s pomočjo raziskav branja

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    Textbooks have been the primary teaching tool since the 19th century. By their nature, they contained a comprehensive compilation of the content of a particular subject with the intention of explaining it; this knowledge, in turn, was usually filtered to conform to a particular society’s expectations of elementary knowledge about the natural and social environments. There has been a great deal of research on how the content of textbooks has changed in line with changing values in different societies and over different periods. However, little research has been done on how textbook reading substrates and design have changed and how these changes have affected learning and comprehension: studies that systematically examined the effects of different reading substrates and different layouts on reading and learning comprehension did not appear until the late 20th century and early 21st century. We examine such studies and PISA 2021 results to draw five conclusions for future textbook research. These conclusions indicate that screens are worse than printed texts for some types of reading, while interactivity and dynamic design are not values per se but require coherent design to improve reading performance and higher-level thinking skills. (DIPF/Orig.

    Book selection behavior in the physical library: implications for ebook collections

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    Little is known about how readers select books, whether they be print books or ebooks. In this paper we present a study of how people select physical books from academic library shelves. We use the insights gained into book selection behavior to make suggestions for the design of ebook-based digital libraries in order to better facilitate book selection behavior

    Multimedia -assisted reading in Spanish and its relationship with the cognitive control of field dependence and field independence

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    This study examines the influence of the cognitive controls of field independence and field dependence on the use of a multimedia-assisted reading program and reading recall. The participants were 11 university students of intermediate Spanish as a second language. The participants were classified as field dependent or field independent based on GEFT scores. The participants read a passage about Mayan architecture that was converted to a multimedia-assisted format. Participants could access as many or as few of the multimedia aids as they chose. After completing the reading, a recall measure was obtained in which participants wrote everything they could recall of the passage. Independent t-tests examined the relationship between cognitive control and the use of multimedia aids, and the relationship between cognitive control and recall score. None of these differences were significant. However, since there were apparent differences in the access patterns, future research should include replication of the study with a larger sample

    Visual syntax and intelligence

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    This thesis project is concerned with the role that graphic designers have in making learning materials more effective. It is focused on the need for instructional materials to reflect current advances in cognitive psychology and our society\u27s definition of intelligence. Most instructional materials today are outdated and ineffective. Some reasons are political, others are socio-economic, and some fall within the scope of the designed environment. Learning materials, especially textbooks, designed before the 1980\u27s have been designed without standards, and at a time when intelligence was seen as a narrow list of abilities

    Textbooks and teacher decision-making: The case of Jamaican teachers using sociology textbooks in the sixth form

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    Textbook pedagogy and the textbook competence of teachers are relatively new areas of inquiry in Caribbean countries. This study investigates the decisions teachers made in how they used textbooks in the sixth form where mastery of complex content is required for high-stakes examinations at the end of secondary school. Another line of inquiry pertained to calls for the development of the ideal Caribbean citizen by regional bodies and explored whether a textbook dependent pedagogy could meaningfully address the broader goals of education. Sixty four sociology teachers participated in this qualitative study using focus groups and questionnaires in Jamaica. The findings revealed that the print textbook was an integrated core resource (Horsley, Knight and Huntly,2010) and that teachers displayed conceptions of the curriculum as either fidelity to the textbook or drawing upon it (Remillard, 2005), even though the textbook was too costly for most students and many were reluctant readers.La pedagogi?a del libro de texto y la incumbencia de los profesores en los libros dida?cticos son a?reas de investigacio?n relativamente nuevas en pai?ses del Caribe. Este estudio investiga las decisiones que han tomado profesores sobre co?mo utilizaron los libros dida?cticos de sixthform (12 y 13 an?os) donde el dominio de contenido complejo se requiere para exa?menes en el final de escuela secundaria. Otra li?nea de investigacio?n que se refirio? a solicitudes para el desarrollo del ciudadano ideal cariben?o por organismos regionales y exploro? si una pedagogi?a dependiente de libros dida?cticos podri?a abordar significativamente los objetivos ma?s amplios de la educacio?n. Sesenta y cuatro profesores de Sociologi?a participaron en este estudio cualitativo utilizando grupos focales y cuestionarios, en Jamaica. Los resultados revelaron que el libro dida?ctico impreso era un recurso ba?sico integrado (Horsley, Knight y Huntly (2010) y que los profesores teni?an concepciones de curri?culo como fidelidad al libro dida?ctico o construido sobre el (Remillard, 2005), aunque el libro fuera demasiado caro para la mayori?a de los estudiantes y muchos de ellos fueran lectores renuentesA pedagogia do livro de texto e a compete?ncia dos professores em livros dida?ticos sa?o a?reas de inque?rito relativamente novas nos pai?ses caribenhos. Este estudo investiga as deciso?es que os professores tomaram quanto a? forma como eles usaram livros dida?ticos no sixth form (12o e 13o anos), onde o domi?nio de conteu?do complexo e? necessa?rio para exames de alto ni?vel no final da escola secunda?ria. Outra linha de indagac?a?o referiu-se a solicitac?o?es para o desenvolvimento do cidada?o ideal do Caribe por o?rga?os regionais e explorou se uma pedagogia dependente de livros dida?ticos poderia abordar significativamente os objetivos mais amplos da educac?a?o. Sessenta e quatro professores de sociologia participaram deste estudo qualitativo usando grupos focais e questiona?rios, na Jamaica. Os resultados revelaram que o livro de texto impresso era um recurso ba?sico integrado (Horsley, Knight e Huntly, 2010) e que os professores apresentavam concepc?o?es de curri?culo como fidelidade ao livro de texto ou construi?do a partir dele (Remillard, 2005), mesmo que o livro fosse muito caro para a maioria dos estudantes e que muitos deles fossem leitores relutantes

    The influence of technological savviness and home internet access on student decisions to use print or digital course materials

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    The purpose of this survey research study was to examine Tennessee community college student decisions and experiences with print and digital course material formats. Analysis considered which format students prefer between print or digital, the reasons behind those preferences, and whether those preferences significantly differed based upon demographic characteristics, perceived levels of technological savviness, and/or the availability of home internet access. Students enrolled for the fall 2019 semester at community colleges across the Tennessee Board of Regents system were surveyed using both open-and closed-ended questions (n = 1,912). Results showed that most students (63.6%) preferred to use print materials, with no significant connections based on demographic characteristics (non-White, low income, age) or home internet access. Student voices woven throughout provided an additional layer of insight for educational leaders seeking to establish policies and practices that optimize the student experience

    Modified Delphi Investigation of Lesson Planning Concepts for Physical Education Teacher Education

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    Improving the methods of instructing future educators, through program evaluation and improvement, should be a goal of all teacher education programs. In physical education, the National Association for Sport & Physical Education created standards for initial preparation of physical education teachers. The six standards for preparation include Planning and Implementation, which include tenants pertaining to unit and lesson planning. Despite the significant importance of planning in the growth of preservice teachers as they complete a Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE) program, there is currently no consensus on what concepts to be included in lesson planning for physical education teacher education. The purpose of the study was to determine the essential lesson planning concepts for PETE. Following a nationwide pilot study of PETE programs in the United States to gather lesson planning concepts, a modified Delphi investigation using PETE experts was conducted to gain consensus on the pertinent lesson planning concepts for preservice teachers. Results of the study indicated 31 lesson planning concepts that experts found essential for preservice teachers to use when planning for teaching vignettes, peer teaching experiences and student teaching. Implications for use in PETE programs are also discussed

    Youth and Digital Media: From Credibility to Information Quality

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    Building upon a process-and context-oriented information quality framework, this paper seeks to map and explore what we know about the ways in which young users of age 18 and under search for information online, how they evaluate information, and how their related practices of content creation, levels of new literacies, general digital media usage, and social patterns affect these activities. A review of selected literature at the intersection of digital media, youth, and information quality -- primarily works from library and information science, sociology, education, and selected ethnographic studies -- reveals patterns in youth's information-seeking behavior, but also highlights the importance of contextual and demographic factors both for search and evaluation. Looking at the phenomenon from an information-learning and educational perspective, the literature shows that youth develop competencies for personal goals that sometimes do not transfer to school, and are sometimes not appropriate for school. Thus far, educational initiatives to educate youth about search, evaluation, or creation have depended greatly on the local circumstances for their success or failure


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    Clinical judgment among nurses is imperative to assure quality, safe healthcare to all. The licensure exam for registered nurses has been criticized for not adequately measuring the clinical judgment needed by entry-level nurses. The National Board of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) responded to this criticism by developing a new Clinical Judgment Measurement Model (CJMM) with measurable cognitive processes, including cue recognition, to be used as a framework for item development on the new licensure exam. Nursing programs must evaluate current teaching and evaluation modalities for alignment with the new CJMM measurable cognitive processes to prepare entry-level nurses for successful completion of the licensure exam and practice. A concept analysis of cue recognition determined the defining attributes, antecedents, and consequences most commonly depicted medical, nursing, occupational therapy, and physical therapy literature. Cue recognition was more clearly defined resulting in an operational definition of cue recognition. The operational definition of cue recognition informs nurse educator of specific measurable criteria to include on student evaluations in areas such as clinical and simulation. In addition, question items on exams can be created on cue recognition using cue recognition defining attributes, antecedents, and consequences. The second paper investigated the effect of using classroom quizzing on the short and long-term cue recognition retrieval of previously learned client cues. Classroom quizzing, a retrieval-based learning strategy, was given to baccalaureate nursing students prior to watching a simulated patient scenario. The posttest scores of the group receiving the classroom quizzing scored lower than the group whom did not receive the classroom quizzing. There was no significant difference in long-term cue recognition ability as measure by retention questions one week after the intervention. The final study examined nurse educators’ knowledge of cue recognition and factors that affect the knowledge of cue recognition. The results revealed a knowledge deficit among nurse educators. Factors that affected the cue recognition knowledge level included years in the educator role, age, and confidence in using cue recognition as a teaching strategy