4 research outputs found

    The impact of blockchain technology on the trustworthiness of online voting systems - an exploration of blockchain-enabled online voting

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    Online Voting evidently increases election turnouts. However, recent state-owned initiatives have failed due to security concerns and a lack of trust in the systems. Block chain seems to be a very suitable technical solution to establish transparency in online voting and thus, create trust. We have built our own, block chain-enabled voting platform and utilized it to run an A/B-testing experiment at an university election to investigate its effect. Our results which show that students trusted the block chain-based voting version less than the control version can be found in Vysna (2020). The following discussion can be found in Konzok (2020

    A proposal for the use of blockchain in the portuguese voting system

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Knowledge Management and Business IntelligenceThe key objective of this proposal is to present one of the problems that the Portuguese economy, as well as other European countries, have been facing in regard to the civil society intervention in the democracy: the decrease of turnover rates in the voting system. The main objective is to propose the use of Blockchain technology in the Portuguese Voting System, as a mechanism to counter this trend. In order to understand how the possible application of a remote e-voting system succeeds, Estonia was selected as the case of study. Its architecture, as well as the legal, social and technological issues and challenges associated are investigated in the light of the information collected in the literature review. Considering the case analysis and discussion, a set of recommendations that purpose the use of a remote electronic voting system in the Portuguese electoral system are presented and a critical analysis about the introduction of a Blockchain algorithm is made. This dissertation concludes about the advantages and disadvantages from the use of this decentralized system when compared with a system involving a third-party as the one used in the Estonian I-Voting. The validation is based on interviews and discussions with professors in the area of information systems and law, and also with a contribution of a Digital adviser of the Estonian e-Governance model

    Digitalizzazione, Pubblica Amministrazione e Dati Aperti. L\u2019Open Data Analysis pubblica come esempio di Born-Digital Administrative Functions

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    La Tesi di Dottorato analizza l\u2019impatto della digitalizzazione sulla Pubblica Amministrazione. Lo studio si sofferma, in particolare, sul ruolo dei dati aperti (Open Data) nell\u2019esercizio delle funzioni amministrative. Dopo aver ricostruito il concetto digitalizzazione della Pubblica Amministrazione, e aver proceduto a delinearne una definizione giuridica, dall\u2019indagine emerge come la digitalizzazione possa essere intesa come un processo esecutivo e organizzativo che consta di due momenti. Da un lato, la Pubblica Amministrazione agisce, e si organizza per agire, per esercitare con le tecnologie digitali (ICT) funzioni amministrative preesistenti, al fine di attuare i principi \u201ctradizionali\u201d dell\u2019Amministrazione. Dall\u2019altro, la Pubblica Amministrazione agisce, e si organizza per agire, per esercitare con le ICT funzioni amministrative nuove, non preesistenti, al fine di attuare i principi della strategia di Open Government (trasparenza, partecipazione e collaborazione). In questa seconda declinazione del concetto di digitalizzazione, la Pubblica Amministrazione si trova a esercitare funzioni amministrative innovative, nuove, rese concretamente possibili dall\u2019impiego della tecnologia digitale: funzioni amministrative che possono essere definite Born-Digital Administrative Functions. Fra esse, un esempio pu\uf2 essere costituito dall\u2019Open Data Analysis pubblica, vale a dire l\u2019analisi dei dati aperti in possesso delle Pubbliche Amministrazioni, la quale rappresenta la crasi della concretizzazione dei principi di trasparenza, partecipazione e collaborazione

    Electronic voting : 6th International Joint Conference, E-Vote-ID 2021, virtual event, October 5-8, 2021

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    This book constitutes the proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Electronic Voting, E-Vote-ID 2021, held online -due to COVID -19- in Bregenz, Austria, in October 2021. The 14 full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 55 submissions. The conference collected the most relevant debates on the development of Electronic Voting, from aspects relating to security and usability through to practical experiences and applications of voting systems, as well as legal, social or political aspects