3,141 research outputs found

    Why Use Sobolev Metrics on the Space of Curves

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    We study reparametrization invariant Sobolev metrics on spaces of regular curves. We discuss their completeness properties and the resulting usability for applications in shape analysis. In particular, we will argue, that the development of efficient numerical methods for higher order Sobolev type metrics is an extremely desirable goal

    Equivariant embedding theorems and topological index maps

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    The construction of topological index maps for equivariant families of Dirac operators requires factoring a general smooth map through maps of a very simple type: zero sections of vector bundles, open embeddings, and vector bundle projections. Roughly speaking, a normally non-singular map is a map together with such a factorisation. These factorisations are models for the topological index map. Under some assumptions concerning the existence of equivariant vector bundles, any smooth map admits a normal factorisation, and two such factorisations are unique up to a certain notion of equivalence. To prove this, we generalise the Mostow Embedding Theorem to spaces equipped with proper groupoid actions. We also discuss orientations of normally non-singular maps with respect to a cohomology theory and show that oriented normally non-singular maps induce wrong-way maps on the chosen cohomology theory. For K-oriented normally non-singular maps, we also get a functor to Kasparov's equivariant KK-theory. We interpret this functor as a topological index map

    Clemens-Schmid exact sequence in characteristic p

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    For a semistable family of varieties over a curve in characteristic pp, we prove the existence of a "Clemens-Schmid type" long exact sequence for the pp-adic cohomology. The cohomology groups appearing in such a long exact sequence are defined locall

    Homological stability for moduli spaces of high dimensional manifolds. II

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    We prove a homological stability theorem for moduli spaces of manifolds of dimension 2n2n, for attaching handles of index at least nn, after these manifolds have been stabilised by countably many copies of Sn×SnS^n \times S^n. Combined with previous work of the authors, we obtain an analogue of the Madsen--Weiss theorem for any simply-connected manifold of dimension 2n≥62n \geq 6.Comment: 60 pages, 4 figures. Final accepted versio
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