418 research outputs found

    Major issues in SISP: Insights into the main reason of SISP failure

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    Blogs are increasingly being used as collaboration tools in organizations. However the quality and accuracy of the posted messages in them are still causes for concern. This study proposes a research model to investigate the factors affecting trust in posted messages and the influence of such trust on knowledge use. It suggests that users’ intention to use trusted messages can act as a moderator variable in the relationship between trust and use of the collaboration tool

    How To Persuade Non-Mobile Shoppers Into Mobile Shoppers: A Trust Enhancing Perspective

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    Mobile shopping is getting popular and pervasive. However, the number of mobile users is not parallel to the number of mobile shoppers, because consumers frequently concern about security while conducting mobile transactions. The current study aims to elaborate in what trust enhancing message designs can be used to persuade non-mobile shoppers into mobile shoppers. Drawing on social judgment theory and the model of persuasion, our study has the potential revealing that consumers’ negative attitudes toward ubiquitously using credit cards over the air can be improved by persuasive messages if they are added into the checkout page of a shopping website

    Do Physicians’ Online Activities Impact Outpatient Visits? An Examination of Online Health Communities

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    The medical service on online health communities (OHCs) has created an additional touch point whereby physicians can interact with patients and extends physicians’ service from hospitals to the online environment. As the supplement and improvement of physicians’ diagnosis and treatment services, online consultation services can make full use of physicians’ spare time. Despite heated debates about the pros and cons of the online services to the traditional services in the hospitals, little empirical work has been conducted to examine it. We seek to understand and measure the impacts of physicians’ various activities online on their outpatient visits in the hospitals. By collecting a panel dataset from an OHC and a hospital in China, we find that participation in the OHCs leads to an increase in outpatient visits. We provide insights for physicians about how to increase patient visits in the emerging era of the Internet medical


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    Post adoptive IT use is a hot research stream in information systems field, including continuance behaviours and switching behaviours. While there are a great number of studies on users’ intentions or behaviors for diversified information systems, previous post adoptive IT studies pay relatively less attention on users’ switching behaviors. Hence, we know little about this phenomenon and triggers on users’ switching behaviors. This research identifies the features of users IT switching behaviors and examines what trigger their switching intentions and actual behaviors in the context of mobile instant messaging (MIM) application in China. A model of MIM switching behaviors is developed based on Curran and Saguy’s (2001) research on how networks of obligation, trust and relative deprivation affect human’s migration decision and process. Besides these three triggers, we also introduce dissatisfaction and curiosity into our model according to prior IS studies on switching behaviors. A survey research method will be adopted to test this model. Overall, our study may theoretically contribute to further understand users’ IT switching behaviors and yield some practical implications for designers and managers in MIM providers and their products propaganda

    User’s Continuance Intentions of Digital Payment Based on Expectation-Confirmation Method and Trust

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    Since the Covid-19 pandemic entered Indonesia in 2020, people have started to switch from cash/traditional payments to digital payments with aim to reduce direct physical contact. Digital payment that currently booming is Qris payment method, which offer convenience and speed in transactions. This study aims to look at user continuance intention on using digital payments using the Expectation-Confirmation Model (ECM) approach. In this volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA) era, this study adapt the concept of trust in technology adoption. Based on the literature study that has been collected, researchers obtain several variables that can influence user intentions to continue using digital payments, including: confirmation, perceived usefulness, satisfaction, information quality, perceived privacy protection and security, trust, and continuance intention

    Purchasing through Social Platforms with Buy Buttons: Academic and Practical Considerations

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    Social commerce sales are considerably increasing in recent years. Social platforms (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, and WeChat) play a strategic role in world economy. However, social platforms ran into several burning issues: low ad conversion rates, social platform users’ free-riding behaviors, etc. Although buy buttons, a clickable navigation element leading users from a social platform to an e-commerce platform, could be a solution for such issues, the outcomes of using buy buttons did not reach many professionals’ expectation. This thesis studied four issues related to social shopping with buy buttons. First, as it is undetermined whether a social platform should roll out the buy-button feature or not, it is necessary to study whether the presence of buy button is associated with better outcomes (e.g. users’ higher willingness to purchase through the social platform) or not. Second, as social commerce is a remote shopping mode in which buyers and sellers cannot have face-to-face interactions, high risk and low trust could be two crucial barriers of social commerce. Hence, it is needed to study how risk- and trust-related factors influence users’ direct purchasing behavior. Third, considering that social commerce could be risky, this thesis wants to examine whether the presence of safe shopping measures (vs. an unsafe shopping scenario) can improve the performance of social shopping or not. Finally, social commerce involves a purchase path from a social platform to an e-commerce platform. There are many pain points (e.g., re-entering billing and shipping information) in the purchase path. Meanwhile, as social shopping risks and pain points in the purchase path could be caused by a same factor, the silos between social platforms and e-commerce platforms. It is interesting to study how safe shopping measures and integrated path-to-purchase (users can complete a purchase without leaving the social platform; vs. separated path-to-purchase in which users have to leave the social platform and go to the e-commerce platform to complete a purchase) jointly influence users. In order to answer these questions, three essays have been included in this thesis. Several online surveys were conducted. The between-subjects experimental design and the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) technique were used. The results showed that the presence of buy button was related to better outcomes. It found that risk- and trust-related factors significantly influenced users’ direct purchasing behavior. Both the safe shopping measures and the integrated path-to-purchase design can generate better outcomes of using a buy button in social shopping. In most circumstances, users showed more positive reactions when the safe shopping measures or the integrated path-to-purchase was present. However, no significant interaction effects between the safe shopping measures (vs. an unsafe shopping scenario) and the integrated path-to-purchase (vs. the separated path-to-purchase) were found. The theoretical contributions have been discussed in contrast to previous literature. This thesis has added academic value by offering new insights for previously established variable relationships in a different research context and studying variable relationships that have not been examined in previously relevant studies. From a practical viewpoint, as buy buttons inject e-commerce capabilities into social platforms, this thesis implies that socially focused platforms could reap benefits from social commerce by rolling out a buy-button feature. It is recommended that social platforms wanting to roll out buy buttons take safe shopping measures and create a seamless shopping experience for users.Tesis Univ. Granada.China Scholarship Council grant number: 201606170055National Natural Science Foundation of China grant number: 7170206

    Trust, felt trust, and e-government adoption: a theoretical perspective

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    The level of trust citizens have in e-government has been proposed as an important impediment to increased utilization of e-government. Although there is a large amount of literature on online trust, the impact of felt trust - the feeling of being trusted - on the adoption of electronic business in general, or online government services in particular has never been investigated. This felt trust construct, which is new to the IS literature, has received the attention of scholars in other disciplines; their empirical works have shown that perceptions of felt trust lead to trust-related behavior and other considerations (e.g., satisfaction and loyalty). This article introduces felt trust as a construct to the IS community by extending traditional adoption models currently used in predicting adoption intentions

    A review of ethical theory in the ‘upper echelons’ of information systems research

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    Despite some notable and rare exceptions and after many years of relatively neglect (particularly in the ‘upper echelons’ of IS research), there appears to be some renewed interest in Information Systems Ethics (ISE). This paper reflects on the development of ISE by assessing the use and development of ethical theory in contemporary IS research with a specific focus on the ‘leading’ IS journals (according to the Association of Information Systems). The focus of this research is to evaluate if previous calls for more theoretically informed work are permeating the ‘upper echelons’ of IS research and if so, how (Walsham 1996; Smith and Hasnas 1999; Bell and Adam 2004). For the purposes of scope, this paper follows on from those previous studies and presents a detailed review of the leading IS publications between 2005 to 2007 inclusive. After several processes, a total of 32 papers are evaluated. This review highlights that whilst ethical topics are becoming increasingly popular in such influential media, most of the research continues to neglect considerations of ethical theory with preferences for a range of alternative approaches. Finally, this research focuses on some of the papers produced and considers how the use of ethical theory could contribute
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