263 research outputs found

    How effectively does metamorphic testing alleviate the oracle problem?

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    In software testing, something which can verify the correctness of test case execution results is called an oracle. The oracle problem occurs when either an oracle does not exist, or exists but is too expensive to be used. Metamorphic testing is a testing approach which uses metamorphic relations, properties of the software under test represented in the form of relations among inputs and outputs of multiple executions, to help verify the correctness of a program. This paper presents new empirical evidence to support this approach, which has been used to alleviate the oracle problem in various applications and to enhance several software analysis and testing techniques. It has been observed that identification of a sufficient number of appropriate metamorphic relations for testing, even by inexperienced testers, was possible with a very small amount of training. Furthermore, the cost-effectiveness of the approach could be enhanced through the use of more diverse metamorphic relations. The empirical studies presented in this paper clearly show that a small number of diverse metamorphic relations, even those identified in an ad hoc manner, had a similar fault-detection capability to a test oracle, and could thus effectively help alleviate the oracle problem

    How can non-technical end users effectively test their spreadsheets?

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    Purpose – An alarming number of spreadsheet faults have been reported in the literature, indicating that effective and easy-to-apply spreadsheet testing techniques are not available for “non-technical,” end-user programmers. The purpose of this paper is to alleviate the problem by introducing a metamorphic testing (MT) technique for spreadsheets. Design/methodology/approach – The paper discussed four common challenges encountered by end-user programmers when testing a spreadsheet. The MT technique was then discussed and how it could be used to solve the common challenges was explained. An experiment involving several “real-world” spreadsheets was performed to determine the viability and effectiveness of MT. Findings – The experiment confirmed that MT is highly effective in spreadsheet fault detection, and yet MT is a general technique that can be easily used by end-user programmers to test a large variety of spreadsheet applications. Originality/value – The paper provides a detailed discussion of some common challenges of spreadsheet testing encountered by end-user programmers. To the best of the authors knowledge, the paper is the first that includes an empirical study of how effective MT is in spreadsheet fault detection from an end-user programmer's perspective

    Identifying Implementation Bugs in Machine Learning based Image Classifiers using Metamorphic Testing

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    We have recently witnessed tremendous success of Machine Learning (ML) in practical applications. Computer vision, speech recognition and language translation have all seen a near human level performance. We expect, in the near future, most business applications will have some form of ML. However, testing such applications is extremely challenging and would be very expensive if we follow today's methodologies. In this work, we present an articulation of the challenges in testing ML based applications. We then present our solution approach, based on the concept of Metamorphic Testing, which aims to identify implementation bugs in ML based image classifiers. We have developed metamorphic relations for an application based on Support Vector Machine and a Deep Learning based application. Empirical validation showed that our approach was able to catch 71% of the implementation bugs in the ML applications.Comment: Published at 27th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA 2018

    On the integration of metamorphic testing and model checking

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    Metamorphic testing, an innovative software testing technique, generates test cases based on domain specific properties. Model checking is a technique that verifies software designs against system properties. Motivated by the fact that both techniques are based on some properties of software under development, we investigate how to integrate metamorphic testing and model checking. This paper will introduce and discuss some potential topics on this new research direction

    An empirical comparison between direct and indirect test result checking approaches

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    The SOQUA 2006 Workshop was held in conjunction with the 14th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Foundations of Software Engineering (SIGSOFT 2006/FSE-14) ACM Press, New York, NY.An oracle on software testing is a mechanism for checking whether the system under test has behaved correctly for any executions. In some situations, oracles are unavailable or too expensive to apply. This is known as the oracle problem. It is crucial to develop techniques to address it, and metamorphic testing (MT) was one of such proposals. This paper conducts a controlled experiment to investigate the cost effectiveness of using MT by 38 testers on three open-source programs. The fault detection capability and time cost of MT are compared with the popular assertion checking method. Our results show that MT is cost-efficient and has potentials for detecting more faults than the assertion checking method. Copyright 2006 ACM.preprintThis research is supported in part by a grant of the Research Grants Council of Hong Kong (project no. HKU 7145/04E), a grant of City University of Hong Kong and a grant of The University of Hong Kong

    Metamorphic testing for cybersecurity

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    Metamorphic testing (MT) can enhance security testing by providing an alternative to using a testing oracle, which is often unavailable or impractical. The authors report how MT detected previously unknown bugs in real-world critical applications such as code obfuscators, giving evidence that software testing requires diverse perspectives to achieve greater cybersecurity

    Metamorphic testing: testing the untestable

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    What if we could know that a program is buggy, even if we could not tell whether or not its observed output is correct? This is one of the key strengths of metamorphic testing, a technique where failures are not revealed by checking an individual concrete output, but by checking the relations among the inputs and outputs of multiple executions of the program under test. Two decades after its introduction, metamorphic testing has become a fully-fledged testing technique with successful applications in multiple domains, including online search engines, autonomous machinery, compilers, Web APIs, and deep learning programs, among others. This article serves as a hands-on entry point for newcomers to metamorphic testing, describing examples, possible applications, and current limitations, providing readers with the basics for the application of the technique in their own projects. IEE

    On automatic testing of web search engines

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    Web search engines are very important because they are the means by which people retrieve information from the World Wide Web. However, testing these web search engines is difficult because there are no test oracles, so this research proposes seven new metrics based on the idea of metamorphic relations to alleviate the oracle problem in search engine testing. Using these metrics, our method can test search engines automatically in the absence of an ideal oracle. Using this method, we further conduct large-scale empirical studies to investigate and compare the qualities of four major search engines, namely, Google (www.google.com), Baidu (www.baidu.com), Bing (www.bing.com), and Chinese Bing (www.bing.com.cn). Our empirical studies involve more than 50 million queries sent to the search engines across 9 months, and about 300 GB data collected from the search engine responses. It is found that different search engines have significantly different performance and that the nature of the query terms can have a significant impact on the performance of the search engines. These empirical study results demonstrate that our method can effectively alleviate the oracle problem in search engine testing, and can help both developers and users to obtain a better understanding of the search engine behaviour under different operational profiles