558 research outputs found

    How Does the Low-Rank Matrix Decomposition Help Internal and External Learnings for Super-Resolution

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    Wisely utilizing the internal and external learning methods is a new challenge in super-resolution problem. To address this issue, we analyze the attributes of two methodologies and find two observations of their recovered details: 1) they are complementary in both feature space and image plane, 2) they distribute sparsely in the spatial space. These inspire us to propose a low-rank solution which effectively integrates two learning methods and then achieves a superior result. To fit this solution, the internal learning method and the external learning method are tailored to produce multiple preliminary results. Our theoretical analysis and experiment prove that the proposed low-rank solution does not require massive inputs to guarantee the performance, and thereby simplifying the design of two learning methods for the solution. Intensive experiments show the proposed solution improves the single learning method in both qualitative and quantitative assessments. Surprisingly, it shows more superior capability on noisy images and outperforms state-of-the-art methods

    Time- and value-continuous explainable affect estimation in-the-wild

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    Today, the relevance of Affective Computing, i.e., of making computers recognise and simulate human emotions, cannot be overstated. All technology giants (from manufacturers of laptops to mobile phones to smart speakers) are in a fierce competition to make their devices understand not only what is being said, but also how it is being said to recognise user’s emotions. The goals have evolved from predicting the basic emotions (e.g., happy, sad) to now the more nuanced affective states (e.g., relaxed, bored) real-time. The databases used in such research too have evolved, from earlier featuring the acted behaviours to now spontaneous behaviours. There is a more powerful shift lately, called in-the-wild affect recognition, i.e., taking the research out of the laboratory, into the uncontrolled real-world. This thesis discusses, for the very first time, affect recognition for two unique in-the-wild audiovisual databases, GRAS2 and SEWA. The GRAS2 is the only database till date with time- and value-continuous affect annotations for Labov effect-free affective behaviours, i.e., without the participant’s awareness of being recorded (which otherwise is known to affect the naturalness of one’s affective behaviour). The SEWA features participants from six different cultural backgrounds, conversing using a video-calling platform. Thus, SEWA features in-the-wild recordings further corrupted by unpredictable artifacts, such as the network-induced delays, frame-freezing and echoes. The two databases present a unique opportunity to study time- and value-continuous affect estimation that is truly in-the-wild. A novel ‘Evaluator Weighted Estimation’ formulation is proposed to generate a gold standard sequence from several annotations. An illustration is presented demonstrating that the moving bag-of-words (BoW) representation better preserves the temporal context of the features, yet remaining more robust against the outliers compared to other statistical summaries, e.g., moving average. A novel, data-independent randomised codebook is proposed for the BoW representation; especially useful for cross-corpus model generalisation testing when the feature-spaces of the databases differ drastically. Various deep learning models and support vector regressors are used to predict affect dimensions time- and value-continuously. Better generalisability of the models trained on GRAS2 , despite the smaller training size, makes a strong case for the collection and use of Labov effect-free data. A further foundational contribution is the discovery of the missing many-to-many mapping between the mean square error (MSE) and the concordance correlation coefficient (CCC), i.e., between two of the most popular utility functions till date. The newly invented cost function |MSE_{XY}/σ_{XY}| has been evaluated in the experiments aimed at demystifying the inner workings of a well-performing, simple, low-cost neural network effectively utilising the BoW text features. Also proposed herein is the shallowest-possible convolutional neural network (CNN) that uses the facial action unit (FAU) features. The CNN exploits sequential context, but unlike RNNs, also inherently allows data- and process-parallelism. Interestingly, for the most part, these white-box AI models have shown to utilise the provided features consistent with the human perception of emotion expression

    A novel methodology for the assessment or wave energy opions at early stages

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    276 p.El aumento de la proporción de generación de electricidad a partir de fuentes renovables es clave para garantizar un sistema energético totalmente descarbonizado y luchar contra el cambio climático. La energía undimotriz es un recurso abundante pero, al mismo tiempo, es la menos desarrollada de todas las tecnologías renovables. El marco de evaluación común desarrollado en la tesis se basa en principios sólidos de ingeniería de sistemas y abarca el contexto externo, los requisitos del sistema y los criterios de evaluación. Se puede aplicar a diferentes niveles de madurez tecnológica y capta los aspectos cualitativos relacionados con las expectativas de las partes interesadas. El enfoque novedoso guía las decisiones de diseño a lo largo del proceso de desarrollo para la gestión adecuada del riesgo y la incertidumbre, y facilita la selección y evaluación comparativa de la tecnología undimotriz a diferentes niveles de madurez de manera controlada. Los métodos propuestos en esta investigación brindan información valiosa para enfocar los esfuerzos de innovación en aquellas áreas que tienen la mayor influencia en el desempeño de la tecnología. La incorporación de estrategias de innovación eficaces en el desarrollo de la energía undimotriz ayuda a gestionar la complejidad del sistema y canalizar la innovación hacia mejoras útiles.Tecnali

    Radiomics risk modelling using machine learning algorithms for personalised radiation oncology

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    One major objective in radiation oncology is the personalisation of cancer treatment. The implementation of this concept requires the identification of biomarkers, which precisely predict therapy outcome. Besides molecular characterisation of tumours, a new approach known as radiomics aims to characterise tumours using imaging data. In the context of the presented thesis, radiomics was established at OncoRay to improve the performance of imaging-based risk models. Two software-based frameworks were developed for image feature computation and risk model construction. A novel data-driven approach for the correction of intensity non-uniformity in magnetic resonance imaging data was evolved to improve image quality prior to feature computation. Further, different feature selection methods and machine learning algorithms for time-to-event survival data were evaluated to identify suitable algorithms for radiomics risk modelling. An improved model performance could be demonstrated using computed tomography data, which were acquired during the course of treatment. Subsequently tumour sub-volumes were analysed and it was shown that the tumour rim contains the most relevant prognostic information compared to the corresponding core. The incorporation of such spatial diversity information is a promising way to improve the performance of risk models.:1. Introduction 2. Theoretical background 2.1. Basic physical principles of image modalities 2.1.1. Computed tomography 2.1.2. Magnetic resonance imaging 2.2. Basic principles of survival analyses 2.2.1. Semi-parametric survival models 2.2.2. Full-parametric survival models 2.3. Radiomics risk modelling 2.3.1. Feature computation framework 2.3.2. Risk modelling framework 2.4. Performance assessments 2.5. Feature selection methods and machine learning algorithms 2.5.1. Feature selection methods 2.5.2. Machine learning algorithms 3. A physical correction model for automatic correction of intensity non-uniformity in magnetic resonance imaging 3.1. Intensity non-uniformity correction methods 3.2. Physical correction model 3.2.1. Correction strategy and model definition 3.2.2. Model parameter constraints 3.3. Experiments 3.3.1. Phantom and simulated brain data set 3.3.2. Clinical brain data set 3.3.3. Abdominal data set 3.4. Summary and discussion 4. Comparison of feature selection methods and machine learning algorithms for radiomics time-to-event survival models 4.1. Motivation 4.2. Patient cohort and experimental design 4.2.1. Characteristics of patient cohort 4.2.2. Experimental design 4.3. Results of feature selection methods and machine learning algorithms evaluation 4.4. Summary and discussion 5. Characterisation of tumour phenotype using computed tomography imaging during treatment 5.1. Motivation 5.2. Patient cohort and experimental design 5.2.1. Characteristics of patient cohort 5.2.2. Experimental design 5.3. Results of computed tomography imaging during treatment 5.4. Summary and discussion 6. Tumour phenotype characterisation using tumour sub-volumes 6.1. Motivation 6.2. Patient cohort and experimental design 6.2.1. Characteristics of patient cohorts 6.2.2. Experimental design 6.3. Results of tumour sub-volumes evaluation 6.4. Summary and discussion 7. Summary and further perspectives 8. Zusammenfassun

    Examining the Validity of a State Policy-Directed Framework for Evaluating Teacher Instructional Quality: Informing Policy, Impacting Practice

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    abstract: ABSTRACT This study examines validity evidence of a state policy-directed teacher evaluation system implemented in Arizona during school year 2012-2013. The purpose was to evaluate the warrant for making high stakes, consequential judgments of teacher competence based on value-added (VAM) estimates of instructional impact and observations of professional practice (PP). The research also explores educator influence (voice) in evaluation design and the role information brokers have in local decision making. Findings are situated in an evidentiary and policy context at both the LEA and state policy levels. The study employs a single-phase, concurrent, mixed-methods research design triangulating multiple sources of qualitative and quantitative evidence onto a single (unified) validation construct: Teacher Instructional Quality. It focuses on assessing the characteristics of metrics used to construct quantitative ratings of instructional competence and the alignment of stakeholder perspectives to facets implicit in the evaluation framework. Validity examinations include assembly of criterion, content, reliability, consequential and construct articulation evidences. Perceptual perspectives were obtained from teachers, principals, district leadership, and state policy decision makers. Data for this study came from a large suburban public school district in metropolitan Phoenix, Arizona. Study findings suggest that the evaluation framework is insufficient for supporting high stakes, consequential inferences of teacher instructional quality. This is based, in part on the following: (1) Weak associations between VAM and PP metrics; (2) Unstable VAM measures across time and between tested content areas; (3) Less than adequate scale reliabilities; (4) Lack of coherence between theorized and empirical PP factor structures; (5) Omission/underrepresentation of important instructional attributes/effects; (6) Stakeholder concerns over rater consistency, bias, and the inability of test scores to adequately represent instructional competence; (7) Negative sentiments regarding the system's ability to improve instructional competence and/or student learning; (8) Concerns regarding unintended consequences including increased stress, lower morale, harm to professional identity, and restricted learning opportunities; and (9) The general lack of empowerment and educator exclusion from the decision making process. Study findings also highlight the value of information brokers in policy decision making and the importance of having access to unbiased empirical information during the design and implementation phases of important change initiatives.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Educational Leadership and Policy Studies 201
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