6 research outputs found

    How beneficial is social media for business process management? A systematic literature review

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    Even though the implementation of different technological tools is already a trend, there are still aspects that should be refined so that companies' business processes can be improved. This is where social media comes to the foreground. Consequently, the objective of this paper is to study the evolution of research on social media implementation in the field of business process management. A systematic literature review was carried out following a search for and selection of articles that met our objective. To classify the sampled papers, we followed validated frameworks regarding social media management and business process management. Additionally, a detailed look at the sampled case studies was done to highlight companies' experiences in the field. Our final sample comprised 47 papers that simultaneously encompassed social media and business process management. The papers were classified according to their publishing frequency, the article type, both the topics and sectors to which they belonged, their methodological approaches, and the importance for business process management capability areas as well as capability subareas. Finally, word frequency queries were used to better understand diverse social media applications in business processes and to derive practical recommendations. The necessity for a multidisciplinary approach toward business processes was detected; therefore, topics, such as psychology, business economics, or information systems, were included, emphasizing innovation strategies, including gamification, big data, or crowdsourcing. Our most important recommendation concerns the evolution of business process management through different social media tools as a means to achieve a transition toward the recommended omnichannel management approach

    How Beneficial is Social Media for Business Process Management? A Systematic Literature Review

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    Social Media and the Mediating Role of Perceived Authenticity in Covert Celebrity Endorsement: Influencing Factors

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    This thesis analyses the factors that influence the celebrity endorser’s perceived authenticity and its impact on the promoted brand in covert social media marketing. To examine consumer behaviour, the Persuasion Knowledge Model and Attribution Theory were integrated, and a theoretical framework was then developed. In total, 653 social media users were recruited to participate in the research, and structural equation modelling was conducted to test the proposed model. The results confirm that (1) activated persuasion knowledge negatively influences celebrity endorser’s perceived authenticity in covert social media marketing; (2) celebrity-brand congruity does not have a significant impact on the endorser’s perceived authenticity; (3) celebrity’s expertise positively influences the celebrity endorser’s perceived authenticity when endorsing products related to his or her area of expertise; (4) the celebrity’s perceived attractiveness has a positive impact on the celebrity’s perceived authenticity when endorsing attractiveness enhancing products covertly in social media; and (5) perceived authenticity of a celebrity endorser positively influences brand attitudes and, consequently, behavioural intentions. Both theoretical and managerial implications are drawn, suggesting directions for future studies

    O marketing de conteúdo no TWITTER como instrumento de comunicação: o caso Netflix

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    No mundo atual, as redes sociais estão presentes no quotidiano de milhões de pessoas em todo o mundo, assim estas plataformas já são consideradas ferramentas indispensáveis para a comunicação não só entre as pessoas como também entre as pessoas e as empresas. Neste sentido, é de extrema importância que as marcas compreendam a importância destas plataformas na relação com os seus clientes, nomeadamente através da partilha de conteúdos nos seus perfis. A Netflix foi uma das marcas que compreendeu esta mudança na comunicação entre ambas as partes e atualmente tem uma enorme presença nas redes sociais, tornando-se referência no que diz respeito ao marketing de conteúdo e, consequentemente, um exemplo na relação que constrói com o seu público. A presente dissertação, que constitui um estudo de caso, tem como objetivo geral analisar os conteúdos publicados pela Netflix, bem como a estratégia de comunicação definida nas redes sociais e interação com o seu público. Para a obtenção de resultados foi realizada uma análise qualitativa à rede social Twitter da Netflix Portugal (@NetflixPT) entre 7 de janeiro e 7 de julho de 2023, de forma a compreender quais os conteúdos mais publicados pela plataforma de streaming, bem como as interações com o seu público. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que a Netflix apresenta uma estratégia de publicação de conteúdos todos os dias no seu perfil do Twitter, com as mais diversas características, conseguindo uma grande interação com os seus seguidores.In today's world, social networks are present in the daily lives of millions of people around the world, so these platforms are already considered indispensable tools for communication not only between people, but also between people and companies. In this sense, it is extremely important for brands to understand the importance of these platforms in their relationship with their customers, namely by sharing content on their profiles. Netflix was one of the brands that understood this change in communication between both parties and currently has a huge presence on social networks, becoming a benchmark in terms of content marketing and, consequently, an example in the relationship it builds with its audience. The general aim of this dissertation, which is a case study, is to analyze the content published by Netflix and how it communicates and interacts with its audience. To obtain the results, a qualitative analysis was carried out on Netflix Portugal's Twitter social network (@NetflixPT) between January 7 and July 7, 2023, in order to understand which content is most published by the streaming platform, as well as the interactions with its audience. The results show that Netflix publishes a wide range of content every day on its Twitter profile, with the most diverse characteristics

    Social Media Strategies that Lead to Success in the Film Industry

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    Social media influence is important to movie industry leaders as it directly affects film revenues. The problem is that independent film managers often fail to increase revenues due to limited resources and a lack of social media marketing strategies. Grounded in the conceptual framework of social media marketing management (SMMM), this multiple case study was an exploration of the social media strategies used by independent film managers to increase film revenues. Participants were 10 U.S.-based independent film managers who successfully leveraged social media strategies in the film industry. Data were collected using semistructured interviews, publicly available documentation, data found on websites, and social media. Through thematic analysis, three themes emerged including social media platforms as related to target audiences, social media marketing tactics, and use of other platforms, services, and media. Independent film managers should first understand their audiences and the nuances around the social media platforms their audiences use. A key recommendation is social media platform optimization as related to target audience. Implications for positive social change include audience empowerment, inspiration, and knowledge. Film content that addresses social causes and issues can influence activism for social good, widespread conversation, public awareness, funding of programs, and changing of laws that benefit those adversely affected

    Social Media Marketing Strategies for Improving Customer Relationships

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    Despite the potential benefits of social media marketing (SMM) to improve customer relationships, some small business leaders lack SMM strategies to improve customer relationships. Small business leaders who fail to improve customer relationships may observe a decline in their customer base, leading to decreased profitability. Grounded in Berry’s relationship marketing theory, the purpose of this qualitative multiple case study was to explore SMM strategies small business leaders used to improve customer relationships. Data were collected via reviews of company documentation, participants’ social media pages, and online semistructured interviews with five small retail business leaders who used SMM strategies to improve customer relationships. Data analysis was conducted using thematic analysis and three major themes emerged: social media engagement strategy, target audience strategy, and social customer relationship management strategy. A key recommendation is for business owners to use social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram to communicate, interact, and obtain feedback from customers. The implications for positive social change include the potential to increase employment opportunities and the standards of living in the community