81 research outputs found

    How\u27s My Network - Incentives and Impediments of Home Network Measurements

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    Gathering meaningful information from Home Networking (HN) environments has presented researchers with measurement strategy challenges. A measurement platform is typically designed around the process of gathering data from a range of devices or usage statistics in a network that are specifically behind the HN firewall. HN studies require a fine balance between incentives and impediments to promote usage and minimize efforts for user participation with the focus on gathering robust datasets and results. In this dissertation we explore how to gather data from the HN Ecosystem (e.g. devices, apps, permissions, configurations) and feedback from HN users across a multitude of HN infrastructures, leveraging low impediment and low/high incentive methods to entice user participation. We look to understand the trade-offs of using a variety of approach types (e.g. Java Applet, Mobile app, survey) for data collections, user preferences, and how HN users react and make changes to the HN environment when presented with privacy/security concerns, norms of comparisons (e.g. comparisons to the local environment and to other HNs) and other HN results. We view that the HN Ecosystem is more than just “the network” as it also includes devices and apps within the HN. We have broken this dissertation down into the following three pillars of work to understand incentives and impediments of user participation and data collections. These pillars include: 1) preliminary work, as part of the How\u27s My Network (HMN) measurement platform, a deployed signed Java applet that provided a user-centered network measurement platform to minimize user impediments for data collection, 2) a HN user survey on preference, comfort, and usability of HNs to understand incentives, and 3) the creation and deployment of a multi-faceted How\u27s My Network Mobile app tool to gather and compare attributes and feedback with high incentives for user participation; as part of this flow we also include related approaches and background work. The HMN Java applet work demonstrated the viability of using a Web browser to obtain network performance data from HNs via a user-centric network measurement platform that minimizes impediments for user participation. The HMN HN survey work found that users prefer to leverage a Mobile app for HN data collections, and can be incentivized to participate in a HN study by providing attributes and characteristics of the HN Ecosystem. The HMN Mobile app was found to provide high incentives, with minimal impediments, for participation with focus on user Privacy and Security concerns. The HMN Mobile app work found that 84\% of users reported a change in perception of privacy and security, 32\% of users uninstalled apps, and 24\% revoked permissions in their HN. As a by-product of this work we found it was possible to gather sensitive information such as previously attached networks, installed apps and devices on the network. This information exposure to any installed app with minimal or no granted permissions is a potential privacy concern

    A Portal Banking Solution Research, SQM and Inspire 2012 Tampere Conference

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    Abstract The growth of the Internet as a financial business and core banking has done possible for everyday life for everyone. Core Banking solutions are banking applications on a platform enabling a phased, strategic approach that lets people improve operations, reduce costs, and prepare for growth. The main focus of this paper is the research of a Web Banking Service infrastructure and study with mixed method for its services functionality and use ability for a research of consumers view. Core Banking solutions are banking applications on a platform enabling a phased, strategic approach that lets people improve operations, reduce costs, and prepare for growth. Implementing a modular, componentbased enterprise solution ensures strong integration with your existing technologies. An overall service-oriented-architecture (SOA) helps banks reduce the risk that can result from multiple data entries and outof-date information, increase management approval, and avoid the potential disruption to business caused by replacing entire systems. Here, computer software is developed to perform core operations of banking like recording of transactions, passbook maintenance, and interest calculations on loans and deposits, customer records, balance of payments and withdrawal are done. This software is installed at different branches of bank and then interconnected by means of communication lines like telephones, satellite, Internet, etc. It allows the user a customer to operate accounts from any branch if it has installed core banking solutions. In this paper, I‘ve explored portal solutions system and oftwaredesign techniques for a core banking system. There is taken an example for card banking system (CBS) portal improvement and engineering. Also programming development and functionality of mainly banking class method are investigated for banking solutions

    New IR & Ranking Algorithm for Top-K Keyword Search on Relational Databases ‘Smart Search’

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    Database management systems are as old as computers, and the continuous research and development in databases is huge and an interest of many database venders and researchers, as many researchers work in solving and developing new modules and frameworks for more efficient and effective information retrieval based on free form search by users with no knowledge of the structure of the database. Our work as an extension to previous works, introduces new algorithms and components to existing databases to enable the user to search for keywords with high performance and effective top-k results. Work intervention aims at introducing new table structure for indexing of keywords, which would help algorithms to understand the semantics of keywords and generate only the correct CN‟s (Candidate Networks) for fast retrieval of information with ranking of results according to user‟s history, semantics of keywords, distance between keywords and match of keywords. In which a three modules where developed for this purpose. We implemented our three proposed modules and created the necessary tables, with the development of a web search interface called „Smart Search‟ to test our work with different users. The interface records all user interaction with our „Smart Search‟ for analyses, as the analyses of results shows improvements in performance and effective results returned to the user. We conducted hundreds of randomly generated search terms with different sizes and multiple users; all results recorded and analyzed by the system were based on different factors and parameters. We also compared our results with previous work done by other researchers on the DBLP database which we used in our research. Our final result analysis shows the importance of introducing new components to the database for top-k keywords search and the performance of our proposed system with high effective results.نظم إدارة قواعد البيانات قديمة مثل أجيزة الكمبيوتر، و البحث والتطوير المستمر في قواعد بيانات ضخم و ىنالك اىتمام من العديد من مطوري قواعد البيانات والباحثين، كما يعمل العديد من الباحثين في حل وتطوير وحدات جديدة و أطر السترجاع المعمومات بطرق أكثر كفاءة وفعالية عمى أساس نموذج البحث الغير مقيد من قبل المستخدمين الذين ليس لدييم معرفة في بنية قاعدة البيانات. ويأتي عممنا امتدادا لألعمال السابقة، ويدخل الخوارزميات و مكونات جديدة لقواعد البيانات الموجودة لتمكين المستخدم من البحث عن الكممات المفتاحية )search Keyword )مع األداء العالي و نتائج فعالة في الحصول عمى أعمى ترتيب لمبيانات .)Top-K( وييدف ىذا العمل إلى تقديم بنية جديدة لفيرسة الكممات المفتاحية )Table Keywords Index ،)والتي من شأنيا أن تساعد الخوارزميات المقدمة في ىذا البحث لفيم معاني الكممات المفتاحية المدخمة من قبل المستخدم وتوليد فقط الشبكات المرشحة (s’CN (الصحيحة السترجاع سريع لممعمومات مع ترتيب النتائج وفقا ألوزان مختمفة مثل تاريخ البحث لممستخدم، ترتيب الكمات المفتاحية في النتائج والبعد بين الكممات المفتاحية في النتائج بالنسبة لما قام المستخدم بأدخالو. قمنا بأقتراح ثالث مكونات جديدة )Modules )وتنفيذىا من خالل ىذه االطروحة، مع تطوير واجية البحث عمى شبكة اإلنترنت تسمى "البحث الذكي" الختبار عممنا مع المستخدمين. وتتضمن واجية البحث مكونات تسجل تفاعل المستخدمين وتجميع تمك التفاعالت لمتحميل والمقارنة، وتحميالت النتائج تظير تحسينات في أداء استرجاع البينات و النتائج ذات صمة ودقة أعمى. أجرينا مئات عمميات البحث بأستخدام جمل بحث تم أنشائيا بشكل عشوائي من مختمف األحجام، باالضافة الى االستعانة بعدد من المستخدمين ليذه الغاية. واستندت جميع النتائج المسجمة وتحميميا بواسطة واجية البحث عمى عوامل و معايير مختمفة .وقمنا بالنياية بعمل مقارنة لنتائجنا مع االعمال السابقة التي قام بيا باحثون آخرون عمى نفس قاعدة البيانات (DBLP (الشييرة التي استخدمناىا في أطروحتنا. وتظير نتائجنا النيائية مدى أىمية أدخال بنية جديدة لفيرسة الكممات المفتاحية الى قواعد البيانات العالئقية، وبناء خوارزميات استنادا الى تمك الفيرسة لمبحث بأستخدام كممات مفتاحية فقط والحصول عمى نتائج أفضل ودقة أعمى، أضافة الى التحسن في وقت البحث

    Insourcing a government information system: a case study from Malaysia.

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    Insourcing, outsourcing and co-sourcing are three approaches to procuring an information system. This research contributes to the body of knowledge on insourcing an information system; exploring and discussing the enabling and inhibiting factors of the insourcing of an information system in selected government agencies in Malaysia. This study was undertaken in response to a paucity of similar projects and a limited literature focused on developing countries. It considers the post outsourcing context following the decision to insource a major Malaysian Government Information System in 2011. A qualitative research method was used to obtain empirical evidence from selected government agencies through 69 semi-structured interviews in two data collection periods: 2013-2014 and 2015. Interviews were conducted with civil servants at all levels, from senior management to clerical staff, including users of the government information system. By using coding principles from grounded theory to analyse the data, seven exciters and six inhibitors of insourcing a government information system were identified and mapped in the analytical framework. Further, this is the first research to use an enhanced model, devised by combining the OPTIMISM model and two distinct theoretical traditions: institutional theory and the capability approach; in order to analyse the insourcing of government information system adoption. The enhanced model was created by mapping the OPTIMISM model (that has a set of dimensions) to an analytical framework comprising the capability approach, institutional theory and technology (ICTs). The main research contribution of this thesis is in the area of capacity building of the internal development team. The increased budget for training, the selection of appropriate training providers and knowledge sharing among experienced and novice developers all contribute to building capacity in the internal development team; and consequently help to improve the quality of the system which will improve service delivery to the general public. The approach and findings of this study contribute to the body of knowledge and understanding of the subject in government information system development and implementation, and can also be applied to improving the quality of service delivery. While this study has focused on government information systems, the wider area of eGovernment, and applications serving the needs of the general public, is equally important, and therefore the researcher suggests that insourcing eGovernment applications would also assist in the capacity building of internal IT staff

    Untangling the Web: A Guide To Internet Research

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    [Excerpt] Untangling the Web for 2007 is the twelfth edition of a book that started as a small handout. After more than a decade of researching, reading about, using, and trying to understand the Internet, I have come to accept that it is indeed a Sisyphean task. Sometimes I feel that all I can do is to push the rock up to the top of that virtual hill, then stand back and watch as it rolls down again. The Internet—in all its glory of information and misinformation—is for all practical purposes limitless, which of course means we can never know it all, see it all, understand it all, or even imagine all it is and will be. The more we know about the Internet, the more acute is our awareness of what we do not know. The Internet emphasizes the depth of our ignorance because our knowledge can only be finite, while our ignorance must necessarily be infinite. My hope is that Untangling the Web will add to our knowledge of the Internet and the world while recognizing that the rock will always roll back down the hill at the end of the day

    Designing a framework for the alignment of e-business strategy and consultant engagement processes for Australian SMEs : a cross-case analysis

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    The majority of SMEs have neither the internal expertise nor financial resources to enable in-house development of electronic commerce and therefore turn to the services of website design consultants to assist them. Unfortunately, they often engage consultants without any clear idea of their intended e-business strategy and without due care as to effective engagement processes. This frequently leads to ineffective e-business development and a highly disaffected group of small entrepreneurs. The study suggests that there is a significant gap between the intended strategies of SMEs and the actual e-business strategy implemented. The study aimed to investigate the relationship between Australian Small and Medium Enterprises, Internet strategy and the engagement of website design consultants. The objectives of the research project were firstly, to identify factors including SME engagement of website design consultants, and other factors presented in previous research that may influence the success of online organizations. Secondly, to construct a framework for analysing those factors\u27 which may influence the success of online organizations. Finally, to provide a set of critical development factors that may be used by Australian SMEs to implement the online organisation. The research methodology chosen used an interpretivist perspective and incorporated a multiple cross-case study approach. Four research instruments were employed in the study to enable triangulation of data and to increase validity and reliability. A pilot study was conducted and the results were used to refine and develop the data collection methods, procedures and theory development for the main study. The expected outcomes of the research project included developing a framework to enhance negotiations between website design consultants and Australian SMEs; to design a set of critical development factors, in relation to Internet strategy and consultant engagement, that may be used by Australian SMEs and consultants to facilitate the implementation of the online organization; and to provide a summarised report to Dow Digital in fulfilment of the requirements of the research funding, and to publish a number of papers based on the research project

    Essays on platform ecosystems

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    There has been a tremendous increase in the number and variety of ecosystems. Extant literature has paid more attention to platform owners within ecosystems. In this dissertation, I focus on complementors and try to understand their capabilities and strategies. First, I review the literature and summarize existing research that spans across the three phases of the ecosystem namely nascent, growth and technological change. I highlight some of the gaps in existing research, especially those concerning the nature and role of complementors within the ecosystem. I use empirical studies based on the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Platform Ecosystem to address some of these gaps. More specifically, in one study, I look at the complementor strategy of multihoming and explore the role played by complementor capabilities in terms of their human capital and ecosystem learning facilitated by the complementor’s prior platform partnership in multihoming. In another study, I examine the relationship between platform level competition and complementor performance. When an incumbent platform faces competition from an entrant platform, it tends to engage in steering activities that are aimed at supporting its complementors and dissuading them from joining the rival platform. I analyze the potential role of steering in complementor performance and its differential impact based on the complementors’s human capital profile.Ph.D

    Culture and Social Media

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