3 research outputs found

    SatSel: A Satellite Selection Algorithm to reduce delivery time in DTN-Nanosatellite Networks for Internet Access in Rural Areas.

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    There are some different ways to connect rural areas to the Internet. One of these provides the use of a nanosatellite constellation. This type of network allows people in rural areas to enjoy all services the Internet can offer keeping low the cost of Internet access. One of the critical aspect is related to the delivery time, because LEO satellite links are not always up. This means that the system must be able to deal with periodic disruptions and high delays in the path from the source to the destination, considering that data could be stored in nanosatellite, Internet gateway (also called hot spot), and rural gateway (also called cold spot) buffers also for several seconds or minutes waiting to be forwarded. In the path from rural areas to the Internet, it is possible to reduce data delivery time acting on rural gateways. We propose SatSel: a selection algorithm which allows the cold spots to choose the nanosatellite to whom upload data in order to reduce the data delivery tim

    Revisão sistemática sobre o acesso à internet em propriedades rurais

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    O desenvolvimento tecnológico propiciou o uso crescente da computação nos mais diversos setores da sociedade moderna. Entretanto, uma parcela da população mundial, devido a problemas de conexão e mesmo de acesso ao conhecimento, ainda possui sérias dificuldades para usufruir do potencial disponibilizado pela tecnologia, em especial ferramentas de acesso à Internet. Nesse contexto, o trabalho realiza uma revisão sistemática da literatura. Foram selecionados 14 artigos dos 101 retornados pela ACM Digital Library referentes aos temas de uso da computação e o acesso à Internet nos estabelecimentos rurais, levando em consideração pesquisas de caráter técnico e social. Além disso, os estudos selecionados contemplam países dos mais diferentes padrões econômicos, estruturais e geográficos, demonstrando assim as diversidades e semelhanças entre os mesmos. O objetivo do estudo é identificar problemas e dificuldades no uso de Internet e software em estabelecimentos agrícolas das zonas rurais em nível mundial. Dessa forma foi possível propiciar uma reflexão sobre o quanto as novas tecnologias impactam fora das grandes áreas urbanas.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Hot spot selection in rural access nanosatellite networks

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    Nanosatellites architectures have been proposed as a cost-effective solution to extend the network access in rural and remote areas. To guarantee a reliable service and a large coverage, a good number of nanosatellites and ground stations (or hot spot) must be deployed. During a data connection, a server on the Internet that wants to reply to the user on rural area, has many hot spot alternatives to whom it can deliver data. The problem of choosing the \u201coptimal\u201d hot spot becomes important because a wrong choice could lead a high delivery delay. In this paper, we propose \u201cHotSel\u201d: an hot spot selection mechanism able to minimize the delivery time. HotSel is simple and practical, and outperforms two other selection mechanisms used as comparison