9 research outputs found

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    The regulation of unsolicited electronic communications (SPAM) in South Africa : a comparative study

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    The practice of spamming (sending unsolicited electronic communications) has been dubbed “the scourge of the 21st century” affecting different stakeholders. This practice is also credited for not only disrupting electronic communications but also, it overloads electronic systems and creates unnecessary costs for those affected than the ones responsible for sending such communications. In trying to address this issue nations have implemented anti-spam laws to combat the scourge. South Africa not lagging behind, has put in place anti-spam provisions to deal with the scourge. The anti-spam provisions are scattered in pieces of legislation dealing with diverse issues including: consumer protection; direct marketing; credit laws; and electronic transactions and communications. In addition to these provisions, an Amendment Bill to one of these laws and two Bills covering cybercrimes and cyber-security issues have been published. In this thesis, a question is asked on whether the current fragmented anti-spam provisions are adequate in protecting consumers. Whether the overlaps between these pieces of legislation are competent to deal with the ever increasing threats on electronic communications at large. Finally, the question as to whether a multi-faceted approach, which includes a Model Law on spam would be a suitable starting point setting out requirements for the sending of unsolicited electronic communications can be sufficient in protecting consumers. And as spam is not only a national but also a global problem, South Africa needs to look at the option of entering into mutual agreements with other countries and organisations in order to combat spam at a global level.Mercantile LawLL. D

    Simulation and analysis of adaptive routing and flow control in wide area communication networks

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    This thesis presents the development of new simulation and analytic models for the performance analysis of wide area communication networks. The models are used to analyse adaptive routing and flow control in fully connected circuit switched and sparsely connected packet switched networks. In particular the performance of routing algorithms derived from the L(_R-I) linear learning automata model are assessed for both types of network. A novel architecture using the INMOS Transputer is constructed for simulation of both circuit and packet switched networks in a loosely coupled multi- microprocessor environment. The network topology is mapped onto an identically configured array of processing centres to overcome the processing bottleneck of conventional Von Neumann architecture machines. Previous analytic work in circuit switched work is extended to include both asymmetrical networks and adaptive routing policies. In the analysis of packet switched networks analytic models of adaptive routing and flow control are integrated to produce a powerful, integrated environment for performance analysis The work concludes that routing algorithms based on linear learning automata have significant potential in both fully connected circuit switched networks and sparsely connected packet switched networks

    El origen de Internet. El camino hacia la red de redes.

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    Motivación Internet es sin duda sinónimo de telecomunicaciones en este momento, es la tecnología no de futuro, sino de presente llamada a cambiar la sociedad hasta puntos insospechables, sin opción de retorno. Hoy en día ha cambiado la forma en la que nos relacionamos, la forma en la que trabajamos y la manera en que tomamos decisiones se ve fuertemente apoyada en esta herramienta. Por supuesto el devenir de la Red está por ver, los gobiernos y las grandes compañías quieren "meter mano" en el control de los contenidos, sin embargo parece que la Red sabe autogestionarse y es capaz de funcionar dentro de un modelo semi-anárquico. Objetivos El objetivo del presente proyecto es dar a conocer los orígenes de la red de redes, desarrollando un entorno social, político, económico y tecnológico para una mejor comprensión. El lector no obtendrá un extenso conocimiento técnico sobre redes y ordenadores, sin embargo será capaz de entender los verdaderos motivos que llevaron a una comunidad científica a crear la mayor herramienta para el desarrollo del ser humano. También es mi intención hacer que el lector reflexione sobre cómo influyen diferentes factores en el devenir de los hechos, momentos de grandes cambios sociales o políticos, o cómo la ciencia resuelve problemas mediante la observación o el análisis, buscando siempre la mejor opción, sin conformarse con soluciones a medias. Estructura El proyecto está estructurado en 3 grandes bloques. El primer bloque corresponde a los tres primeros capítulos que nos adentran en el tema vía una introducción a modo de punto de partida u origen del concepto, un marco histórico del período de formación de la Red y un pequeño análisis del estado del arte de los ordenadores desde sus orígenes como tal, prácticamente coetáneos con el origen de Internet. El segundo bloque narra cómo comienza el desarrollo de la Red, los pasos que se van dando y las soluciones adoptadas hasta llegar a lo que conocemos hoy día como la red de redes: Internet. Por último se detallan las conclusiones obtenidas tras la escritura de este documento, realizando una serie de reflexiones globales que me surgen tras conocer la historia de la Red. ABSTRACT. Motivation Nowadays Internet without any doubt means telecommunications. It is not the future technology but the present one and it is supposed to change the society to an unexpected point, without possibility of return. It has already changed the way we communicate each other, the way we work and also the way we take decisions are strongly hold by this tool. Meanwhile we will see the becoming of the Network, the governments and the big companies want to have the control over the contents, however it seems that the Network has the ability to self-manage and it is also capable to keep working in a semi-anarchic model. Objectives The main aim of the present project is to show what is the real origin of the network of networks, developing a social, politic, economic and technologic context of it to ensure a better comprehension. The reader won´t get an extended knowledge about computing or networking, however he or she will be able to understand the truly motivation that lead a scientific community to create the most important tool for the human development. It is also my intention to make the reader think about how different facts, depending on the moment they take place like social or political changes, can transform the way everything happens and how science solves problems by the observation and the analysis, searching always the best option, without comply with half solutions. Structure This project is divided into three sections. The first part which includes the three first chapters place us in the topic by an introduction of the concept origin, an historic context of the period of Network development and a small analysis of the state of the art in computing since its origins, which appear at the same time as the Internet. The second block explains how the development of the Net starts, the steps followed and the solutions taken until the arrival of the network of networks we all know: the Internet. Finally, we can find the conclusions, which are exposed in a reflection way, with some considerations that came to me after writing this document about the history of the Internet

    Risques, controverses et démocraties : le cas du pourriel

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    Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal

    Host-IMP interface

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    Host/IMP interface documentation

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    Speedup of Host-IMP interface

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