9 research outputs found

    The Origins of ccTLD Policymaking

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    Extract: A long time ago in a galaxy not so far away, there was a decentralized global network of computers. These computers shared information with each other regardless of how far apart they were and whether there was any direct line of communication between them. In the very beginning, this network was used exclusively by government and military agencies, educational and research institutions, government contractors, scientists, and technology specialists. Instead of the domain names we use today, such as “www. amazon.com,” users typed in numeric addresses, such as “,” and, later, host names to send information to other computers. This network soon expanded, and domain names became a practical necessity. There are at least two reasons. First, alphanumeric texts are generally easier for humans to remember than numeric addresses. Second, as Internet traffic increases and computer systems are reconfigured, the computer server used for a particular Web site may change from time to time. In fact, some busy Web sites might use multiple servers, requiring them to take turns to address requests directed to a single domain name. While the Web site owner (or his or her technical staff) might know internally to which numeric address the Web site corresponds at a particular moment, the general public does not. Domain names are therefore needed for identification purposes

    The role of non-state actors in regime formation: Case study on Internet governance.

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    Many scholars argue that the Internet is a symbol of globalization and avoidance of state control. The Internet governance negotiations, which aims to establish an international regime for the Internet, is conducted through a multi-stakeholder setting associated with extensive involvement of non-state actors. This has been viewed as an indicator for a \u27diminishing state role\u27 in international relations; particularly, formation of international regimes. This study indicates that the role of states does not diminish in regime formation. States, especially great powers, are the main actors that set international principles, norms, rules and decision-making procedures. They create regimes in order to regulate international behavior as to global sectors, including the Internet. States deliberately enable certain non-state actors to participate in regime formation and governance of some global sectors, based on conscious perception of the utility and usefulness of such participation

    BloomCasting for publish/subscribe networks

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    Publish/subscribe has been proposed as a way of addressing information as the primary named entity in the network. In this thesis, we develop and explore a network architecture based on publish/subscribe primitives, based on our work on PSIRP project. Our work is divided into two areas: rendezvous and Bloomcasting, i.e. fast Bloom filter-based forwarding architecture for source-specific multicast. Taken together these are combined as a publish/subscribe architecture, where publisher and subscriber matching is done by the rendezvous and Bloom filter-based forwarding fabric is used for multicasting the published content. Our work on the inter-domain rendezvous shows that a combination of policy routing at edges and an overlay based on hierarchical distributed hash tables can overcome problems related to incremental deployment while keeping the stretch of queries small and that it can solve some policy related problems that arise from using distributed hash tables in inter-domain setting. Bloom filters can cause false positives. We show that false positives can cause network anomalies, when Bloom filters are used for packet forwarding. We found three such anomalies: packet storms, packet loops, and flow duplication. They can severely disrupt the network infrastructure and be used for denial-of-service attacks against the network or target services. These security and reliability problems can be solved by using the combination of three techniques. Cryptographically computed edge pair-labels ensure that an attacker cannot construct Bloom filter-based path identifiers for chosen path. Varying the Bloom filter parameters locally at each router prevents packet storms and using bit permutations on the Bloom filter locally at each router prevent accidental and malicious loops and flow duplications.Yksi Internetin puutteista on se, ettei ole mitään kaikille sovelluksille yhteistä tapaa nimetä informaatiota. Julkaisija/tilaaja-malli on yksi ehdotus, jolla Internet-arkkitehtuuria voisi muuttaa tämän puutteen korvaamiseksi. Väitöskirjassani kehitän julkaisija/tilaaja-malliin pohjautuvan verkkoarkkitehtuurin, joka pohjautuu työlleni PSRIP-projektissa. Arkkitehtuuri koostuu kohtaamisjärjestelmästä, joka yhdistää julkaisijat ja tilaajat, ja Bloom-suodattimiin pohjautuvasta monen vastaanottajan viestintäkanavasta, jolla julkaistu sisältö toimitetaan tilaajille. Internetin kattavalla kohtaamisjärjestelmällä on korkeat vaatimukset. Tutkin kahta erilaista menetelmää: paikallisiin reitityspolitiikoihin pohjautuvaa järjestelmää ja toinen hajautettuihin hajautustauluihin pohjautuvaa järjestelmää. Ensimmäisen haasteena on skaalautuvuus erityisesti silloin, kun kaikki Internetin verkot eivät osallistu järjestelmän ylläpitoon. Jälkimmäinen on ongelmallinen, sillä siihen pohjautuvat järjestelmät eivät voi taata, mitä reittiä julkaisu ja tilaus -viestit kulkevat järjestelmässä. Näin viesti saattaa kulkea myös julkaisijan tai tilaajan kilpailijan verkon kautta. Ehdotan väitöskirjassani menetelmää, joka yhdistää reunoilla politiikkaan pohjautuvan julkaisu/tilaaja reitityksen ja verkon keskellä yhdistää nämä erilliset saarekkeet hierarkista hajautettua hajautustaulua hyödyntäen. Julkaisujen toimittamiseen tilaajille käytän Bloom-suodattimiin pohjautuvaa järjestelmää. Osoitan väitöskirjassani, että Bloom-suodattimien käyttö pakettien reitittämiseen voi aiheuttaa verkossa merkittäviä vikatilanteita, esimerkiksi pakettiräjähdyksen, silmukan, tai samaan vuohon kuuluvien pakettien moninkertaistumisen. Nämä ongelmat aiheuttavat verkolle turvallisuus- ja luotettavuusongelmia, jotka voidaan ratkaista kolmen tekniikan yhdistelmällä. Ensinnäkin, Bloom-suodattimiin laitettavat polun osia merkitsevät nimet lasketaan kryptografiaa hyödyntäen, ettei hyökkääjä kykene laskemaan Bloom-suodatinta haluamalleen polulle ilman verkon apua. Toisekseen, reitittimet määrittävät Bloom suodatinparametrit paikallisesti siten, ettei pakkettiräjähdyksiä tapahdu. Kolmannekseen, kukin reititin uudelleen järjestelee Bloom-suodattimen bitit varmistaen, ettei suodatin ole enää sama, jos paketti kulkee esimerkiksi silmukan läpi ja palaa samalle takaisin samalle reitittimelle.

    Deploying DNSSEC in islands of security

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    The Domain Name System (DNS), a name resolution protocol is one of the vulnerable network protocols that has been subjected to many security attacks such as cache poisoning, denial of service and the 'Kaminsky' spoofing attack. When DNS was designed, security was not incorporated into its design. The DNS Security Extensions (DNSSEC) provides security to the name resolution process by using public key cryptosystems. Although DNSSEC has backward compatibility with unsecured zones, it only offers security to clients when communicating with security aware zones. Widespread deployment of DNSSEC is therefore necessary to secure the name resolution process and provide security to the Internet. Only a few Top Level Domains (TLD's) have deployed DNSSEC, this inherently makes it difficult for their sub-domains to implement the security extensions to the DNS. This study analyses mechanisms that can be used by domains in islands of security to deploy DNSSEC so that the name resolution process can be secured in two specific cases where either the TLD is not signed or the domain registrar is not able to support signed domains. The DNS client side mechanisms evaluated in this study include web browser plug-ins, local validating resolvers and domain look-aside validation. The results of the study show that web browser plug-ins cannot work on their own without local validating resolvers. The web browser validators, however, proved to be useful in indicating to the user whether a domain has been validated or not. Local resolvers present a more secure option for Internet users who cannot trust the communication channel between their stub resolvers and remote name servers. However, they do not provide a way of showing the user whether a domain name has been correctly validated or not. Based on the results of the tests conducted, it is recommended that local validators be used with browser validators for visibility and improved security. On the DNS server side, Domain Look-aside Validation (DLV) presents a viable alternative for organizations in islands of security like most countries in Africa where only two country code Top Level Domains (ccTLD) have deployed DNSSEC. This research recommends use of DLV by corporates to provide DNS security to both internal and external users accessing their web based services.LaTeX with hyperref packagepdfTeX-1.40.1

    Data Driven Network Design for Cloud Services Based on Historic Utilization

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    In recent years we have seen a shift from traditional networking in enterprises with Data Center centric architectures moving to cloud services. Companies are moving away from private networking technologies like MPLS as they migrate their application workloads to the cloud. With these migrations, network architects must struggle with how to design and build new network infrastructure to support the cloud for all their end users including office workers, remote workers, and home office workers. The main goal for network design is to maximize availability and performance and minimize cost. However, network architects and network engineers tend to over provision networks by sizing the bandwidth for worst case scenarios wasting millions of dollars per year. This thesis will analyze traditional network utilization data from twenty-five of the Fortune 500 companies in the United States and determine the most efficient bandwidth to support cloud services from providers like Amazon, Microsoft, Google, and others. The analysis of real-world data and the resulting proposed scaling factor is an original contribution from this study

    ICANN and the Problem of Legitimacy

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    Host names on-line

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    Host names on-line

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