2,641 research outputs found

    Homotopy in digital spaces

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    The main contribution of this paper is a new “extrinsic” digital fundamental group that can be readily generalized to define higher homotopy groups for arbitrary digital spaces. We show that the digital fundamental group of a digital object is naturally isomorphic to the fundamental group of its continuous analogue. In addition, we state a digital version of the Seifert-Van Kampen theorem.Dirección General de Investigación Científica y TécnicaDirección General de Enseñanza Superio

    Digital homotopy with obstacles

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    As a sequel of [4] Ayala, R., E. Dom´ıguez, A. R. Franc´es and A. Quintero, Homotopy in Digital Spaces, Discrete and Applied Mathematics, To Appear, this paper is devoted to the computation of the digital fundamental group π d 1 (O/S; σ) defined by loops in the digital object O for which the digital object S acts as an “obstacle”. We prove that for arbitrary digital spaces the group π d 1 (O/S; σ) maps onto the usual fundamental group of the difference of continuous analogues |AO∪S | − |AS |. Moreover, we show that this epimorphism turns to be an isomorphism for a large class of digital spaces including most of the examples in digital topology.Dirección General de Enseñanza Superio