1,439 research outputs found

    Homogeneous Sobolev Metric of Order One on Diffeomorphism Groups on Real Line

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    In this article we study Sobolev metrics of order one on diffeomorphism groups on the real line. We prove that the space Diff1(R)\mathrm{Diff }_{1}(\mathbb R) Diff 1 ( R ) equipped with the homogeneous Sobolev metric of order one is a flat space in the sense of Riemannian geometry, as it is isometric to an open subset of a mapping space equipped with the flat L2L^2 L 2 -metric. Here Diff1(R)\mathrm{Diff }_{1}(\mathbb R) Diff 1 ( R ) denotes the extension of the group of all compactly supported, rapidly decreasing, or W,1W^{\infty ,1} W ∞ , 1 -diffeomorphisms, which allows for a shift toward infinity. Surprisingly, on the non-extended group the Levi-Civita connection does not exist. In particular, this result provides an analytic solution formula for the corresponding geodesic equation, the non-periodic Hunter-Saxton (HS) equation. In addition, we show that one can obtain a similar result for the two-component HS equation and discuss the case of the non-homogeneous Sobolev one metric, which is related to the Camassa-Holm equation

    Geometric investigations of a vorticity model equation

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    This article consists of a detailed geometric study of the one-dimensional vorticity model equation ωt+uωx+2ωux=0,ω=Hux,tR,  xS1,\omega_{t} + u\omega_{x} + 2\omega u_{x} = 0, \qquad \omega = H u_{x}, \qquad t\in\mathbb{R},\; x\in S^{1}\,, which is a particular case of the generalized Constantin-Lax-Majda equation. Wunsch showed that this equation is the Euler-Arnold equation on Diff(S1)\operatorname{Diff}(S^{1}) when the latter is endowed with the right-invariant homogeneous H˙1/2\dot{H}^{1/2}-metric. In this article we prove that the exponential map of this Riemannian metric is not Fredholm and that the sectional curvature is locally unbounded. Furthermore, we prove a Beale-Kato-Majda-type blow-up criterion, which we then use to demonstrate a link to our non-Fredholmness result. Finally, we extend a blow-up result of Castro-C\'ordoba to the periodic case and to a much wider class of initial conditions, using a new generalization of an inequality for Hilbert transforms due to C\'ordoba-C\'ordoba.Comment: 30 pages; added references; corrected typo

    Local and Global Well-posedness of the fractional order EPDiff equation on Rd\mathbb{R}^{d}

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    Of concern is the study of fractional order Sobolev--type metrics on the group of HH^{\infty}-diffeomorphism of Rd\mathbb{R}^{d} and on its Sobolev completions Dq(Rd)\mathcal{D}^{q}(\mathbb{R}^{d}). It is shown that the HsH^{s}-Sobolev metric induces a strong and smooth Riemannian metric on the Banach manifolds Ds(Rd)\mathcal{D}^{s}(\mathbb{R}^{d}) for s>1+d2s >1 + \frac{d}{2}. As a consequence a global well-posedness result of the corresponding geodesic equations, both on the Banach manifold Ds(Rd)\mathcal{D}^{s}(\mathbb{R}^{d}) and on the smooth regular Fr\'echet-Lie group of all HH^{\infty}-diffeomorphisms is obtained. In addition a local existence result for the geodesic equation for metrics of order 12s<1+d/2\frac{1}{2} \leq s < 1 + d/2 is derived.Comment: 37 page

    Shape analysis on homogeneous spaces: a generalised SRVT framework

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    Shape analysis is ubiquitous in problems of pattern and object recognition and has developed considerably in the last decade. The use of shapes is natural in applications where one wants to compare curves independently of their parametrisation. One computationally efficient approach to shape analysis is based on the Square Root Velocity Transform (SRVT). In this paper we propose a generalised SRVT framework for shapes on homogeneous manifolds. The method opens up for a variety of possibilities based on different choices of Lie group action and giving rise to different Riemannian metrics.Comment: 28 pages; 4 figures, 30 subfigures; notes for proceedings of the Abel Symposium 2016: "Computation and Combinatorics in Dynamics, Stochastics and Control". v3: amended the text to improve readability and clarify some points; updated and added some references; added pseudocode for the dynamic programming algorithm used. The main results remain unchange

    Sobolev Metrics on Diffeomorphism Groups and the Derived Geometry of Spaces of Submanifolds

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    Given a finite dimensional manifold NN, the group DiffS(N)\operatorname{Diff}_{\mathcal S}(N) of diffeomorphism of NN which fall suitably rapidly to the identity, acts on the manifold B(M,N)B(M,N) of submanifolds on NN of diffeomorphism type MM where MM is a compact manifold with dimM<dimN\dim M<\dim N. For a right invariant weak Riemannian metric on DiffS(N)\operatorname{Diff}_{\mathcal S}(N) induced by a quite general operator L:XS(N)Γ(TNvol(N))L:\frak X_{\mathcal S}(N)\to \Gamma(T^*N\otimes\operatorname{vol}(N)), we consider the induced weak Riemannian metric on B(M,N)B(M,N) and we compute its geodesics and sectional curvature. For that we derive a covariant formula for curvature in finite and infinite dimensions, we show how it makes O'Neill's formula very transparent, and we use it finally to compute sectional curvature on B(M,N)B(M,N).Comment: 28 pages. In this version some misprints correcte