8 research outputs found

    Hitting minors, subdivisions, and immersions in tournaments

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    The Erd\H{o}s-P\'osa property relates parameters of covering and packing of combinatorial structures and has been mostly studied in the setting of undirected graphs. In this note, we use results of Chudnovsky, Fradkin, Kim, and Seymour to show that, for every directed graph HH (resp. strongly-connected directed graph HH), the class of directed graphs that contain HH as a strong minor (resp. butterfly minor, topological minor) has the vertex-Erd\H{o}s-P\'osa property in the class of tournaments. We also prove that if HH is a strongly-connected directed graph, the class of directed graphs containing HH as an immersion has the edge-Erd\H{o}s-P\'osa property in the class of tournaments.Comment: Accepted to Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science. Difference with the previous version: use of the DMTCS article class. For a version with hyperlinks see the previous versio

    On the Erd\H{o}s-P\'osa property for immersions and topological minors in tournaments

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    We consider the Erd\H{o}s-P\'osa property for immersions and topological minors in tournaments. We prove that for every simple digraph HH, kNk\in \mathbb{N}, and tournament TT, the following statements hold: \bullet If in TT one cannot find kk arc-disjoint immersion copies of HH, then there exists a set of OH(k3)\mathcal{O}_H(k^3) arcs that intersects all immersion copies of HH in TT. \bullet If in TT one cannot find kk vertex-disjoint topological minor copies of HH, then there exists a set of OH(klogk)\mathcal{O}_H(k\log k) vertices that intersects all topological minor copies of HH in TT. This improves the results of Raymond [DMTCS '18], who proved similar statements under the assumption that HH is strongly connected.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figur

    Polynomial Kernel for Immersion Hitting in Tournaments

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    For a fixed simple digraph H without isolated vertices, we consider the problem of deleting arcs from a given tournament to get a digraph which does not contain H as an immersion. We prove that for every H, this problem admits a polynomial kernel when parameterized by the number of deleted arcs. The degree of the bound on the kernel size depends on H

    On digraphs without onion star immersions

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    The tt-onion star is the digraph obtained from a star with 2t2t leaves by replacing every edge by a triple of arcs, where in tt triples we orient two arcs away from the center, and in the remaining tt triples we orient two arcs towards the center. Note that the tt-onion star contains, as an immersion, every digraph on tt vertices where each vertex has outdegree at most 22 and indegree at most 11, or vice versa. We investigate the structure in digraphs that exclude a fixed onion star as an immersion. The main discovery is that in such digraphs, for some duality statements true in the undirected setting we can prove their directed analogues. More specifically, we show the next two statements. There is a function f ⁣:NNf\colon \mathbb{N}\to \mathbb{N} satisfying the following: If a digraph DD contains a set XX of 2t+12t+1 vertices such that for any x,yXx,y\in X there are f(t)f(t) arc-disjoint paths from xx to yy, then DD contains the tt-onion star as an immersion. There is a function g ⁣:N×NNg\colon \mathbb{N}\times \mathbb{N}\to \mathbb{N} satisfying the following: If xx and yy is a pair of vertices in a digraph DD such that there are at least g(t,k)g(t,k) arc-disjoint paths from xx to yy and there are at least g(t,k)g(t,k) arc-disjoint paths from yy to xx, then either DD contains the tt-onion star as an immersion, or there is a family of 2k2k pairwise arc-disjoint paths with kk paths from xx to yy and kk paths from yy to xx.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure

    LIPIcs, Volume 244, ESA 2022, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 244, ESA 2022, Complete Volum

    Hitting minors, subdivisions, and immersions in tournaments

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    The Erd\H{o}s-P\'osa property relates parameters of covering and packing of combinatorial structures and has been mostly studied in the setting of undirected graphs. In this note, we use results of Chudnovsky, Fradkin, Kim, and Seymour to show that, for every directed graph HH (resp. strongly-connected directed graph HH), the class of directed graphs that contain HH as a strong minor (resp. butterfly minor, topological minor) has the vertex-Erd\H{o}s-P\'osa property in the class of tournaments. We also prove that if HH is a strongly-connected directed graph, the class of directed graphs containing HH as an immersion has the edge-Erd\H{o}s-P\'osa property in the class of tournaments

    LIPIcs, Volume 261, ICALP 2023, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 261, ICALP 2023, Complete Volum