7 research outputs found

    Dialog o Śląsku : o (nie)zmienności obrazu krainy i jej mieszkańców w polskich syntezach dziejów narodowych epoki zaborów : (studium historiograficzne)

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    The very study constitutes an attempt to reflect on the ways of approaching the Silesian issues in Polish synthetic narrations written at the end of the Republic of Both Nations at the time of a complete loss of Polish statehood. The author aimed to both reconstruct the presence of Silesian motives in the afore-mentioned type of historical works synthetically, and recognize and capture a dynamic process of their shaping and changing. She also tried to present a specified selection of opinions on Silesia as a certain living whole, a set of presentations and explanations connected with complex relations of references, continuation, negation or transposition. In searching proper categories and research tools, she turned to the theory of dialogue and studies on intertextuality deriving from it. The work consists of five chapters. In the first, the author tries to ground her considerations in the context of an already existing historiographic tradition of researching the “Polish historical thought”, presents the theoretical assumptions, explains the conception, and discusses the empirical basis, as well as specifies the subject of research. In the second chapter, she outlines a socio-political and historiographic-cultural context accompanying the appearance of the “first text”, Historya narodu polskiego by Adam Naruszewicz, develops a detailed analysis of the very work from the perspective of selected Silesian aspects, and, finally, discusses “references” — subsequent views on Silesia included in synthetic works of the Enlightenment. In two subsequent chapters, she presents “voices” of a dialogue on Silesia heard in Romanticism and Positivism respectively in a chronological order. In each of them, she tries to show a network of dialogue relations combining subsequent “replicas” with the most important texts of the epochs in question, syntheses by Joachim Lelewel (for Romanticism) and works by the leader of Krakow school owned by Michał Bobrzyński and Józef Szujski (for post-Upraising times). The scope of considerations is expanded to monographic books at that time which to a smaller or greater extent dealt with the Silesian issues, treating them as the “providers” of the new arguments to the dialogue participants. In the fifth chapter, devoted to Neoromanticism, the author presents the first two opinions of the subsequent segment of a dialogue process, interrupted by the outbreak of the World War I, belonging to Feliks Koneczny and Józef Dąbrowski. In closing, she shows a holistic characteristic of a dialogue on Silesia in a synthetic way, and points to its substantial determinants

    Польская пародия на «Отче наш» середины XVII века и ее русский перевод: в поисках неизвестного польского источника

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    The purpose of this study is a textual analysis of a Russian translation of a Polish pamphlet, a parody of the prayer “Our Father”, which was found among documents from 1671–1673 in the archive of the Ambassadorial Chancery (Posol’skii prikaz). The actual source of the translation was not found, but since any study of a translated text must include an analysis of its connection with the original, it was first of all necessary to pay attention to the known copies of the Polish pamphlet “Ojcze nasz krolu polski Janie Kazimierzu” (“Pacierz dworski”), since one of its now most probably lost copies was translated into Russian. “Ojcze nasz krolu polski Janie Kazimierzu” is a Polish political parody from the middle of the 17th century (probably 1665), directed against King John II Casimir Vasa. The article investigates the history of its creation, describes its form, content, and genre, discusses its literary value, the Polish tradition of parodying religious texts, and analyzes the versions of the pamphlet. As a result, it was possible to reveal some new details about the anonymous author and the time when the work was written, the number and character of the preserved copies, the correlation between manuscript variants and their later editions. A comparative analysis of seven different textual variants of the Polish pamphlet made it possible to find a version which is textually — and perhaps even genetically — close to the Russian translation (a copy of the family saga “Sylva rerum Szyrmów”). Particular attention is paid to the interpretation of Polish translation parody in mid-17th century Russian culture, the possible reasons why this Polish political pamphlet caught the attention of the Russian translator (reader), and the functional transformation of the occasional political pamphlet into a parody with a political theme and a more explicit humoristic component. The appendix provides a parallel publication of the Polish pamphlet from the family saga “Sylva rerum Szyrmów” and the Russian translation from the archive of the Ambassadorial Chancery. DOI: 10.31168/2305-6754.2018.7.2.4Цель исследования — текстологический анализ русского перевода польского памфлета-пародии на молитву «Отче наш», обнаруженного среди документов Посольского приказа 1671–1673 гг. Источник перевода в архивном деле не найден. Изучение сохранившихся списков польского памфлета “Ojcze nasz krolu polski Janie Kazimierzu” (“Pacierz dworski”) показало, что именно он является оригиналом русского перевода. Эта польская политическая пародия на молитву, написанная «на случай» и направленная против короля Яна II Казимира Вазы, датируется серединой XVII в. (вероятно, 1665 г.). В статье реконструируется история ее создания, дается формально-содержательная и жанровая характеристика, обсуждается ее художественная ценность в контексте польской традиции пародирования религиозных текстов, анализируются редакции и варианты памфлета. В результате нам удалось пролить свет на новые данные, касающиеся вопросов авторства текста и времени создания сочинения, количества и характера сохранившихся списков, соотношения рукописных вариантов и позднейших их изданий. Сравнительный анализ семи вариантов польского памфлета позволил обнаружить версию, текстуально и, возможно, даже генетически близкую русскому переводу (список из домашней хроники Ширмов “Sylva rerum Szyrmów”). Особое внимание в статье уделяется осмыслению положения польской переводной пародии в русской культуре середины XVII в., а также возможных причин внимания русского переводчика (читателя) к польскому политическому памфлету. Результатом трансмиссии польского текста в Россию становится его функциональная трансформация из политического в «курьезный», с более выразительной смеховой доминантой. В приложении публикуется польский памфлет из домашней хроники Ширмов с разночтениями по другим шести спискам и русский перевод из архива Посольского приказа. DOI: 10.31168/2305-6754.2018.7.2.

    Polsko - inflandzka literatura romantyczna

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    Najważniejsze, a zarazem inaugurujące niniejsze studium, słowo wypowiem, sięgając wpierw do krótkiego fragmentu obyczajowej powieści, której zachowany autograf, przechowywany jest obecnie w Bibliotece Litewskiej Akademii Nauk im. Wróblewskich w Wilnie. Badacze kultury polsko-inflanckiej doskonale kojarzą cytowany urywek. Gdy przyjdzie konieczność, opatrzą go właściwym przypisem lub krytycznym komentarzem. Z pewnością wielu z nich, to właśnie Kazimierz Bujnicki, przywiódł na „prowincji zakąty”, do dawnych Polskich Inflant. Nie jestem pewna, czy opiszę romantyczną literaturę tego „małego kraju” w sposób „trafny”, wszakże wybrałam dość „egzotyczny” obszar, który pod tym względem, nie został jeszcze szczegółowo zbadany. Nie posiadam nadto kompetencji „podróżo-pisarza”. Jednakże, nie „wypada” mi lekceważyć zaproszenia wystosowanego w 1841 roku przez słynnego nestora z Dagdy. Chętnie podejmę się więc tego nowego wyzwania. Zamierzam wyprawić się nad Dźwinę, na „małe drogi”. Za chwilę zaś spróbuję po krótce wyjawić powody, dla których skierowałam swe kroki ku zapomnianym albo nieznanym „traktom”

    Józef Kremer (1806-1875) : studia i materiały

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    Poetyka i łowy : o idei dawnego polowania w literaturze polskiej XIX wieku

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    The work is an attempt at reading selected works of the Polish literature of the 19"' century that is focused on various relations between the art of hunting and literary art. Texts, where the nostalgic - from the point of view of the passing noble customs - longing for the former hunt, feeling of decadency of the world of great big game hunts, and the observation of irreversible transformations of the civilization and cultural landscape [the beginnings of pro-ecological trend mixed with the romantic Naturphilosophie] find their expression, are the subject of analysis. The idea of the former hunt inscribes perfectly into the romantic tendency of sanctifying everything that is decadent and preserving what is passing from reality. Hunt, through its ritual and super-Polish character, will be a home space fostered with care. Literature acquires the character of a synecdoche of the inaccessible Homeland, a fairylike backwoods and den, or even a reserve, where the chase of hounds and rustle of the Latvian forest is still heard. Each part of the book is an attempt at understanding the other aspect of ‘the last hunt’ and reading of various ‘characters’ of writing, a dialogue with the individual style of five selected authors. For Alexander Fredro, the hunt is primarily of a joyful character; it ends in a lounge [dance, blind man’s buff], Bruno Kiciński establishes his own reserve with hunt game - Poezje myśliwskie [Hunt Poetry], Wincenty Pol discards the hunting tradition - it is both a treasure and a piece of junk. Mickiewicz finds a bear in the Latvian forests, i.e. a walking myth of ‘the former hunt’, and confuses the ways and beguiles the eyes of his shooter. Hunting puts Józef Weyssenhoff into a state of happy unity with ‘the universal life’