61 research outputs found

    Corners-based composite descriptor for shapes

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    In this paper, a composite descriptor for shape retrieval is proposed. The composite descriptor is obtained based upon corner-points and shape region. In an earlier paper, we proposed a composite descriptor based on shape region and shape contour, however, the descriptor was not effective for all perspective and geometric transformations. Hence, we modify the composite descriptor by replacing contour features with corner-points features. The proposed descriptor is obtained from Generic FourierDescriptors (GFD) of the shape region and the GFD ofthe corner-points. We study the performance of the proposed composite descriptor. The proposed method is evaluated using Item S8 within the MPEG-7 Still Images Content Set. Experimental results show that the proposed descriptor is effective.<br /

    Bag-of-Features Image Indexing and Classification in Microsoft SQL Server Relational Database

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    This paper presents a novel relational database architecture aimed to visual objects classification and retrieval. The framework is based on the bag-of-features image representation model combined with the Support Vector Machine classification and is integrated in a Microsoft SQL Server database.Comment: 2015 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Cybernetics (CYBCONF), Gdynia, Poland, 24-26 June 201

    Coding Solutions for the Secure Biometric Storage Problem

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    The paper studies the problem of securely storing biometric passwords, such as fingerprints and irises. With the help of coding theory Juels and Wattenberg derived in 1999 a scheme where similar input strings will be accepted as the same biometric. In the same time nothing could be learned from the stored data. They called their scheme a "fuzzy commitment scheme". In this paper we will revisit the solution of Juels and Wattenberg and we will provide answers to two important questions: What type of error-correcting codes should be used and what happens if biometric templates are not uniformly distributed, i.e. the biometric data come with redundancy. Answering the first question will lead us to the search for low-rate large-minimum distance error-correcting codes which come with efficient decoding algorithms up to the designed distance. In order to answer the second question we relate the rate required with a quantity connected to the "entropy" of the string, trying to estimate a sort of "capacity", if we want to see a flavor of the converse of Shannon's noisy coding theorem. Finally we deal with side-problems arising in a practical implementation and we propose a possible solution to the main one that seems to have so far prevented real life applications of the fuzzy scheme, as far as we know.Comment: the final version appeared in Proceedings Information Theory Workshop (ITW) 2010, IEEE copyrigh

    Identifying person re-occurrences for personal photo management applications

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    Automatic identification of "who" is present in individual digital images within a photo management system using only content-based analysis is an extremely difficult problem. The authors present a system which enables identification of person reoccurrences within a personal photo management application by combining image content-based analysis tools with context data from image capture. This combined system employs automatic face detection and body-patch matching techniques, which collectively facilitate identifying person re-occurrences within images grouped into events based on context data. The authors introduce a face detection approach combining a histogram-based skin detection model and a modified BDF face detection method to detect multiple frontal faces in colour images. Corresponding body patches are then automatically segmented relative to the size, location and orientation of the detected faces in the image. The authors investigate the suitability of using different colour descriptors, including MPEG-7 colour descriptors, color coherent vectors (CCV) and color correlograms for effective body-patch matching. The system has been successfully integrated into the MediAssist platform, a prototype Web-based system for personal photo management, and runs on over 13000 personal photos

    Angular histograms for shape retrieval

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    Distance histograms have been used for Shape Representation and Retrieval [1][2]. In this paper, we have proposed the use of angular histograms for shape representation. We have implemented a system for conducting experiments and evaluating the effectiveness of the proposed method. The proposed method is compared with the distance histograms method. It is found that theproposed method is effective.<br /

    Image retrieval using modified generic fourier descriptors

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    Generic Fourier Descriptors have been used for image retrieval [12]. In this paper, we have proposed a modification to the Generic Fourier Descriptors. We have performed experiments to compare the performance of the proposed method with the standard method. Tests were performed on Set B of the MPEG-7 Still Images Content Set [13]. The experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed method.<br /

    Effect of spatial coherence on shape retrieval

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