20 research outputs found

    Bilateral 5 Hz transcranial alternating current stimulation on fronto-temporal areas modulates resting-state EEG

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    Rhythmic non-invasive brain stimulations are promising tools to modulate brain activity by entraining neural oscillations in specific cortical networks. The aim of the study was to assess the possibility to influence the neural circuits of the wake-sleep transition in awake subjects via a bilateral transcranial alternating current stimulation at 5 Hz (theta-tACS) on fronto-temporal areas. 25 healthy volunteers participated in two within-subject sessions (theta-tACS and sham), one week apart and in counterbalanced order. We assessed the stimulation effects on cortical EEG activity (28 derivations) and self-reported sleepiness (Karolinska Sleepiness Scale). theta-tACS induced significant increases of the theta activity in temporo-parieto-occipital areas and centro-frontal increases in the alpha activity compared to sham but failed to induce any online effect on sleepiness. Since the total energy delivered in the sham condition was much less than in the active theta-tACS, the current data are unable to isolate the specific effect of entrained theta oscillatory activity per se on sleepiness scores. On this basis, we concluded that theta-tACS modulated theta and alpha EEG activity with a topography consistent with high sleep pressure conditions. However, no causal relation can be traced on the basis of the current results between these rhythms and changes on sleepines

    The Contribution of Thalamocortical Core and Matrix Pathways to Sleep Spindles.

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    Sleep spindles arise from the interaction of thalamic and cortical neurons. Neurons in the thalamic reticular nucleus (TRN) inhibit thalamocortical neurons, which in turn excite the TRN and cortical neurons. A fundamental principle of anatomical organization of the thalamocortical projections is the presence of two pathways: the diffuse matrix pathway and the spatially selective core pathway. Cortical layers are differentially targeted by these two pathways with matrix projections synapsing in superficial layers and core projections impinging on middle layers. Based on this anatomical observation, we propose that spindles can be classified into two classes, those arising from the core pathway and those arising from the matrix pathway, although this does not exclude the fact that some spindles might combine both pathways at the same time. We find evidence for this hypothesis in EEG/MEG studies, intracranial recordings, and computational models that incorporate this difference. This distinction will prove useful in accounting for the multiple functions attributed to spindles, in that spindles of different types might act on local and widespread spatial scales. Because spindle mechanisms are often hijacked in epilepsy and schizophrenia, the classification proposed in this review might provide valuable information in defining which pathways have gone awry in these neurological disorders

    The brain network organization during sleep onset after deprivation

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    Objective: Aim of the present study is to investigate the alterations of brain networks derived from EEG analysis in pre- and post-sleep onset conditions after 40 h of sleep deprivation (SD) compared to sleep onset after normal sleep in 39 healthy subjects. Methods: Functional connectivity analysis was made on electroencelographic (EEG) cortical sources of current density and small world (SW) index was evaluated in the EEG frequency bands (delta, theta, alpha, sigma and beta). Results: Comparing pre- vs. post-sleep onset conditions after a night of SD a significant decrease of SW in delta and theta bands in post-sleep onset condition was found together with an increase of SW in sigma band. Comparing pre-sleep onset after sleep SD versus pre-sleep onset after a night of normal sleep a decreased of SW index in beta band in pre-sleep onset in SD compared to pre-sleep onset in normal sleep was evidenced. Conclusions: Brain functional network architecture is influenced by the SD in different ways. Brain networks topology during wake resting state needs to be further explored to reveal SD-related changes in order to prevent possible negative effects of SD on behaviour and brain function during wakefulness. Significance: The SW modulations as revealed by the current study could be used as an index of an altered balance between brain integration and segregation processes after SD

    Oscillatory patterns in the electroencephalogram at sleep onset

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    Falling asleep is a gradually unfolding process. We investigated the role of various oscillatory activities including sleep spindles and alpha and delta oscillations at sleep onset (SO) by automatically detecting oscillatory events. We used two datasets of healthy young males, eight with four baseline recordings, and eight with a baseline and recovery sleep after 40 h of sustained wakefulness. We analyzed the 2-min interval before SO (stage 2) and the five consecutive 2-min intervals after SO. The incidence of delta/theta events reached its maximum in the first 2-min episode after SO, while the frequency of them was continuously decreasing from stage 1 onwards, continuing over SO and further into deeper sleep. Interestingly, this decrease of the frequencies of the oscillations were not affected by increased sleep pressure, in contrast to the incidence which increased. We observed an increasing number of alpha events after SO, predominantly frontally, with their prevalence varying strongly across individuals. Sleep spindles started to occur after SO, with first an increasing then a decreasing incidence and a continuous decrease in their frequency. Again, the frequency of the spindles was not altered after sleep deprivation. Oscillatory events revealed derivation dependent aspects. However, these regional aspects were not specific of the process of SO but rather reflect a general sleep related phenomenon. No individual traits of SO features (incidence and frequency of oscillations) and their dynamics were observed. Delta/theta events are important features for the analysis of SO in addition to slow waves

    The spatiotemporal pattern of the human electroencephalogram at sleep onset after a period of prolonged wakefulness

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    During the sleep onset (SO) process, the human electroencephalogram (EEG) is characterized by an orchestrated pattern of spatiotemporal changes. Sleep deprivation (SD) strongly affects both wake and sleep EEG, but a description of the topographical EEG power spectra and oscillatory activity during the wake-sleep transition after a period of prolonged wakefulness is still missing. The increased homeostatic sleep pressure should induce an earlier onset of sleep-related EEG oscillations. The aim of the present study was to assess the spatiotemporal EEG pattern at SO following SD. A dataset of a previous study was analyzed. We assessed the spatiotemporal EEG changes (19 cortical derivations) during the SO (5 min before vs. 5 min after the first epoch of Stage 2) of a recovery night after 40 h of SD in 39 healthy subjects, analyzing the EEG power spectra (fast Fourier transform) and the oscillatory activity [better oscillation (BOSC) detection method]. The spatiotemporal pattern of the EEG power spectra mostly confirmed the changes previously observed during the wake-sleep transition at baseline. The comparison between baseline and recovery showed a wide increase of the post- vs. pre-SO ratio during the recovery night in the frequency bins 10 Hz. We found a predominant alpha oscillatory rhythm in the pre-SO period, while after SO the theta oscillatory activity was prevalent. The oscillatory peaks showed a generalized increase in all frequency bands from delta to sigma with different predominance, while beta activity increased only in the fronto-central midline derivations. Overall, the analysis of the EEG power replicated the topographical pattern observed during a baseline night of sleep but with a stronger intensity of the SO-induced changes in the frequencies 10 Hz, and the detection of the rhythmic activity showed the rise of several oscillations at SO after SD that was not observed during the wake-sleep transition at baseline (e.g., alpha and frontal theta in correspondence of their frequency peaks). Beyond confirming the local nature of the EEG pattern at SO, our results show that SD has an impact on the spatiotemporal modulation of cortical activity during the falling-asleep process, inducing the earlier emergence of sleep-related EEG oscillations

    How do children fall asleep? A high-density EEG study of slow waves in the transition from wake to sleep.

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    Slow waves, the hallmarks of non-rapid eye-movement (NREM) sleep, are thought to reflect maturational changes that occur in the cerebral cortex throughout childhood and adolescence. Recent work in adults has revealed evidence for two distinct synchronization processes involved in the generation of slow waves, which sequentially come into play in the transition to sleep. In order to understand how these two processes are affected by developmental changes, we compared slow waves between children and young adults in the falling asleep period. The sleep onset period (starting 30s before end of alpha activity and ending at the first slow wave sequence) was extracted from 72 sleep onset high-density EEG recordings (128 electrodes) of 49 healthy subjects (age 8-25). Using an automatic slow wave detection algorithm, the number, amplitude and slope of slow waves were analyzed and compared between children (age 8-11) and young adults (age 20-25). Slow wave number and amplitude increased linearly in the falling asleep period in children, while in young adults, isolated high-amplitude slow waves (type I) dominated initially and numerous smaller slow waves (type II) with progressively increasing amplitude occurred later. Compared to young adults, children displayed faster increases in slow wave amplitude and number across the falling asleep period in central and posterior brain regions, respectively, and also showed larger slow waves during wakefulness immediately prior to sleep. Children do not display the two temporally dissociated slow wave synchronization processes in the falling asleep period observed in adults, suggesting that maturational factors underlie the temporal segregation of these two processes. Our findings provide novel perspectives for studying how sleep-related behaviors and dreaming differ between children and adults

    Intracortical Causal Information Flow of Oscillatory Activity (Effective Connectivity) at the Sleep Onset Transition

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    We investigated the sleep onset transition in humans from an effective connectivity perspective in a baseline condition (approx. 16 h of wakefulness) and after sleep deprivation (40 h of sustained wakefulness). Using EEG recordings (27 derivations), source localization (LORETA) allowed us to reconstruct the underlying patterns of neuronal activity in various brain regions, e.g., the default mode network (DMN), dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and hippocampus, which were defined as regions of interest (ROI). We applied isolated effective coherence (iCOH) to assess effective connectivity patterns at the sleep onset transition [2 min prior to and 10 min after sleep onset (first occurrence of stage 2)]. ICOH reveals directionality aspects and resolves the spectral characteristics of information flow in a given network of ROIs. We observed an anterior-posterior decoupling of the DMN, and moreover, a prominent role of the posterior cingulate cortex guiding the process of the sleep onset transition, particularly, by transmitting information in the low frequency range (delta and theta bands) to other nodes of DMN (including the hippocampus). In addition, the midcingulate cortex appeared as a major cortical relay station for spindle synchronization (originating from the thalamus; sigma activity). The inclusion of hippocampus indicated that this region might be functionally involved in sigma synchronization observed in the cortex after sleep onset. Furthermore, under conditions of increased homeostatic pressure, we hypothesize that an anterior-posterior decoupling of the DMN occurred at a faster rate compared to baseline overall indicating weakened connectivity strength within the DMN. Finally, we also demonstrated that cortico-cortical spindle synchronization was less effective after sleep deprivation than in baseline, thus, reflecting the reduction of spindles under increased sleep pressure

    Waveform detection by deep learning reveals multi-area spindles that are selectively modulated by memory load

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    Sleep is generally considered to be a state of large-scale synchrony across thalamus and neocortex; however, recent work has challenged this idea by reporting isolated sleep rhythms such as slow oscillations and spindles. What is the spatial scale of sleep rhythms? To answer this question, we adapted deep learning algorithms initially developed for detecting earthquakes and gravitational waves in high-noise settings for analysis of neural recordings in sleep. We then studied sleep spindles in non-human primate electrocorticography (ECoG), human electroencephalogram (EEG), and clinical intracranial electroencephalogram (iEEG) recordings in the human. Within each recording type, we find widespread spindles occur much more frequently than previously reported. We then analyzed the spatiotemporal patterns of these large-scale, multi-area spindles and, in the EEG recordings, how spindle patterns change following a visual memory task. Our results reveal a potential role for widespread, multi-area spindles in consolidation of memories in networks widely distributed across primate cortex