27 research outputs found

    Large scale ab-initio simulations of dislocations

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    We present a novel methodology to compute relaxed dislocations core configurations, and their energies in crystalline metallic materials using large-scale ab-intio simulations. The approach is based on MacroDFT, a coarse-grained density functional theory method that accurately computes the electronic structure with sub-linear scaling resulting in a tremendous reduction in cost. Due to its implementation in real-space, MacroDFT has the ability to harness petascale resources to study materials and alloys through accurate ab-initio calculations. Thus, the proposed methodology can be used to investigate dislocation cores and other defects where long range elastic effects play an important role, such as in dislocation cores, grain boundaries and near precipitates in crystalline materials. We demonstrate the method by computing the relaxed dislocation cores in prismatic dislocation loops and dislocation segments in magnesium (Mg). We also study the interaction energy with a line of Aluminum (Al) solutes. Our simulations elucidate the essential coupling between the quantum mechanical aspects of the dislocation core and the long range elastic fields that they generate. In particular, our quantum mechanical simulations are able to describe the logarithmic divergence of the energy in the far field as is known from classical elastic theory. In order to reach such scaling, the number of atoms in the simulation cell has to be exceedingly large, and cannot be achieved with the state-of-the-art density functional theory implementations

    Gradient type optimization methods for electronic structure calculations

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    The density functional theory (DFT) in electronic structure calculations can be formulated as either a nonlinear eigenvalue or direct minimization problem. The most widely used approach for solving the former is the so-called self-consistent field (SCF) iteration. A common observation is that the convergence of SCF is not clear theoretically while approaches with convergence guarantee for solving the latter are often not competitive to SCF numerically. In this paper, we study gradient type methods for solving the direct minimization problem by constructing new iterations along the gradient on the Stiefel manifold. Global convergence (i.e., convergence to a stationary point from any initial solution) as well as local convergence rate follows from the standard theory for optimization on manifold directly. A major computational advantage is that the computation of linear eigenvalue problems is no longer needed. The main costs of our approaches arise from the assembling of the total energy functional and its gradient and the projection onto the manifold. These tasks are cheaper than eigenvalue computation and they are often more suitable for parallelization as long as the evaluation of the total energy functional and its gradient is efficient. Numerical results show that they can outperform SCF consistently on many practically large systems.Comment: 24 pages, 11 figures, 59 references, and 1 acknowledgement

    QM/MM methods for crystalline defects. Part 1: Locality of the tight binding model

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    The tight binding model is a minimal electronic structure model for molecular modelling and simulation. We show that the total energy in this model can be decomposed into site energies, that is, into contributions from each atomic site whose influence on their environment decays exponentially. This result lays the foundation for a rigorous analysis of QM/MM coupling schemes.Comment: 35 pages, 3 figure