7 research outputs found

    Higher dimensional Automorphic Lie Algebras

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    The paper presents the complete classification of Automorphic Lie Algebras based on sln(C)\mathfrak{sl}_n (\mathbb{C}), where the symmetry group GG is finite and the orbit is any of the exceptional GG-orbits in C‾\overline{\mathbb{C}}. A key feature of the classification is the study of the algebras in the context of classical invariant theory. This provides on one hand a powerful tool from the computational point of view, on the other it opens new questions from an algebraic perspective, which suggest further applications of these algebras, beyond the context of integrable systems. In particular, the research shows that Automorphic Lie Algebras associated to the TOY\mathbb{T}\mathbb{O}\mathbb{Y} groups (tetrahedral, octahedral and icosahedral groups) depend on the group through the automorphic functions only, thus they are group independent as Lie algebras. This can be established by defining a Chevalley normal form for these algebras, generalising this classical notion to the case of Lie algebras over a polynomial ring.Comment: 43 pages, standard LaTeX2

    Automorphic Lie Algebras with dihedral symmetry

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    The concept of Automorphic Lie Algebras arises in the context of reduction groups introduced in the early 1980s in the field of integrable systems. Automorphic Lie Algebras are obtained by imposing a discrete group symmetry on a current algebra of Krichever-Novikov type. Past work shows remarkable uniformity between algebras associated to different reduction groups. For example, if the base Lie algebra is sl2(C)\mathfrak{sl}_2(\mathbb{C}) and the poles of the Automorphic Lie Algebra are restricted to an exceptional orbit of the symmetry group, changing the reduction group does not affect the Lie algebra structure. In the present research we fix the reduction group to be the dihedral group and vary the orbit of poles as well as the group action on the base Lie algebra. We find a uniform description of Automorphic Lie Algebras with dihedral symmetry, valid for poles at exceptional and generic orbits.Comment: 20 pages, 5 tables, standard LaTeX2

    Automorphic Lie Algebras and Cohomology of Root Systems

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    A cohomology theory of root systems emerges naturally in the context of Automorphic Lie Algebras, where it helps formulating some structure theory questions. In particular, one can find concrete models for an Automorphic Lie Algebra by integrating cocycles. In this paper we define this cohomology and show its connection with the theory of Automorphic Lie Algebras. Furthermore, we discuss its properties: we define the cup product, we show that it can be restricted to symmetric forms, that it is equivariant with respect to the automorphism group of the root system, and finally we show acyclicity at dimension two of the symmetric part, which is exactly what is needed to find concrete models for Automorphic Lie Algebras. Furthermore, we show how the cohomology of root systems finds application beyond the theory of Automorphic Lie Algebras by applying it to the theory of contractions and filtrations of Lie algebras. In particular, we show that contractions associated to Cartan Z\mathbb{Z}-filtrations of simple Lie algebras are classified by 22-cocycles, due again to the vanishing of the symmetric part of the second cohomology group.Comment: 26 pages, standard LaTeX2

    Polyhedral Groups in G2(C)G_2(\mathbb{C})

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    We classify embeddings of the finite groups A4A_4, S4S_4 and A5A_5 in the Lie group G2(C)G_2(\mathbb{C}) up to conjugation.Comment: 6 pages. To appear in the Glasgow Mathematical Journa

    Riemann-Hilbert Problem, Integrability and Reductions

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    Abstract. The present paper is dedicated to integrable models with Mikhailov reduction groups GR ≃ Dh. Their Lax representation allows us to prove, that their solution is equivalent to solving Riemann-Hilbert problems, whose contours depend on the realization of the GR-action on the spectral parameter. Two new examples of Nonlinear Evolution Equations (NLEE) with Dh symmetries are presented

    Riemann-Hilbert problem, integrability and reductions

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    The present paper is dedicated to integrable models with Mikhailov reduction groups GR≃Dh.G_R \simeq \mathbb{D}_h. Their Lax representation allows us to prove, that their solution is equivalent to solving Riemann-Hilbert problems, whose contours depend on the realization of the GRG_R-action on the spectral parameter. Two new examples of Nonlinear Evolution Equations (NLEE) with Dh\mathbb{D}_h symmetries are presented.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figures, Dedicated to Darryl Holm's 70th birthda