8 research outputs found

    Higher rank homogeneous Clifford structures

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    We give an upper bound for the rank rr of homogeneous (even) Clifford structures on compact manifolds of non-vanishing Euler characteristic. More precisely, we show that if r=2a⋅br=2^a\cdot b with bb odd, then r≤9r\le 9 for a=0a=0, r≤10r\le 10 for a=1a=1, r≤12r\le 12 for a=2a=2 and r≤16r\le 16 for a≥3a\ge 3. Moreover, we describe the four limiting cases and show that there is exactly one solution in each case.Comment: 20 pages, final versio

    Invariant four-forms and symmetric pairs

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    We give criteria for real, complex and quaternionic representations to define s-representations, focusing on exceptional Lie algebras defined by spin representations. As applications, we obtain the classification of complex representations whose second exterior power is irreducible or has an irreducible summand of co-dimension one, and we give a conceptual computation-free argument for the construction of the exceptional Lie algebras of compact type.Comment: 16 pages [v2: references added, last section expanded

    The even Clifford structure of the fourth Severi variety

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    The Hermitian symmetric space M=EIIIM=\mathrm{EIII} appears in the classification of complete simply connected Riemannian manifolds carrying a parallel even Clifford structure. This means the existence of a real oriented Euclidean vector bundle EE over it together with an algebra bundle morphism φ:Cl0(E)→End(TM)\varphi:\mathrm{Cl}^0(E) \rightarrow \mathrm{End}(TM) mapping Λ2E\Lambda^2 E into skew-symmetric endomorphisms, and the existence of a metric connection on EE compatible with φ\varphi. We give an explicit description of such a vector bundle EE as a sub-bundle of End(TM)\mathrm{End}(TM). From this we construct a canonical differential 8-form on EIII\mathrm{EIII}, associated with its holonomy Spin(10)⋅U(1)⊂U(16)\mathrm{Spin}(10) \cdot \mathrm{U}(1) \subset \mathrm{U}(16), that represents a generator of its cohomology ring. We relate it with a Schubert cycle structure by looking at EIII\mathrm{EIII} as the smooth projective variety V(4)⊂CP26V_{(4)} \subset \mathbb{C}P^{26} known as the fourth Severi variety