1,924 research outputs found

    Accurate and efficient algorithms for boundary element methods in electromagnetic scattering: a tribute to the work of F. Olyslager

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    Boundary element methods (BEMs) are an increasingly popular approach to model electromagnetic scattering both by perfect conductors and dielectric objects. Several mathematical, numerical, and computational techniques pullulated from the research into BEMs, enhancing its efficiency and applicability. In designing a viable implementation of the BEM, both theoretical and practical aspects need to be taken into account. Theoretical aspects include the choice of an integral equation for the sought after current densities on the geometry's boundaries and the choice of a discretization strategy (i.e. a finite element space) for this equation. Practical aspects include efficient algorithms to execute the multiplication of the system matrix by a test vector (such as a fast multipole method) and the parallelization of this multiplication algorithm that allows the distribution of the computation and communication requirements between multiple computational nodes. In honor of our former colleague and mentor, F. Olyslager, an overview of the BEMs for large and complex EM problems developed within the Electromagnetics Group at Ghent University is presented. Recent results that ramified from F. Olyslager's scientific endeavors are included in the survey

    Explicit Solution of the Time Domain Volume Integral Equation Using a Stable Predictor-Corrector Scheme

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    An explicit marching-on-in-time (MOT) scheme for solving the time domain volume integral equation is presented. The proposed method achieves its stability by employing, at each time step, a corrector scheme, which updates/corrects fields computed by the explicit predictor scheme. The proposedmethod is computationally more efficient when compared to the existing filtering techniques used for the stabilization of explicit MOT schemes. Numerical results presented in this paper demonstrate that the proposed method maintains its stability even when applied to the analysis of electromagnetic wave interactions with electrically large structures meshed using approximately half a million discretization elements

    On the Continuity Condition for the Higher-Order VSIE-MoM Formulation

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    Modeling elastic wave propagation in fluid-filled boreholes drilled in nonhomogeneous media: BEM – MLPG versus BEM-FEM coupling

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    The efficiency of two coupling formulations, the boundary element method (BEM)-meshless local Petrov–Galerkin (MLPG) versus the BEM-finite element method (FEM), used to simulate the elastic wave propagation in fluid-filled boreholes generated by a blast load, is compared. The longitudinal geometry is assumed to be invariant in the axial direction (2.5D formulation). The material properties in the vicinity of the borehole are assumed to be nonhomogeneous as a result of the construction process and the ageing of the material. In both models, the BEM is used to tackle the propagation within the fluid domain inside the borehole and the unbounded homogeneous domain. The MLPG and the FEM are used to simulate the confined, damaged, nonhomogeneous, surrounding borehole, thus utilizing the advantages of these methods in modeling nonhomogeneous bounded media. In both numerical techniques the coupling is accomplished directly at the nodal points located at the common interfaces. Continuity of stresses and displacements is imposed at the solid–solid interface, while continuity of normal stresses and displacements and null shear stress are prescribed at the fluid–solid interface. The performance of each coupled BEM-MLPG and BEM-FEM approach is determined using referenced results provided by an analytical solution developed for a circular multi-layered subdomain. The comparison of the coupled techniques is evaluated for different excitation frequencies, axial wavenumbers and degrees of freedom (nodal points).Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad BIA2013-43085-PCentro Informático Científico de Andalucía (CICA

    Higer-Order Intergral Equation Methods in Computational Electromagnetics

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