11 research outputs found

    Cofibrant complexes are free

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    We define a notion of cofibration among n-categories and show that the cofibrant objects are exactly the free ones, that is those generated by polygraphs.Comment: 16 page

    A folk model structure on omega-cat

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    We establish a model structure on the category of strict omega-categories. The constructions leading to the model structure in question are expressed entirely within the scope of omega-categories, building on a set of generating cofibrations and a class of weak equivalences as basic items. All object are fibrant while cofibrant objects are exactly the free ones. Our model structure transfers to n-categories along right-adjoints, for each n, thus recovering the known cases n = 1 and n = 2.Comment: 33 pages, expanded version of the original 17 pages synopsis, new sections adde

    Operads, clones, and distributive laws

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    International audienceWe show how non-symmetric operads (or multicategories), symmetric operads, and clones, arise from three suitable monads on Cat, each extending to a (pseudo-)monad on the bicategory of categories and profunctors. We also explain how other previous categorical analyses of operads (via Day's tensor products, or via analytical functors) fit with the profunctor approach

    Operads, clones, and distributive laws

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    International audienceWe show how non-symmetric operads (or multicategories), symmetric operads, and clones, arise from three suitable monads on Cat, each extending to a (pseudo-)monad on the bicategory of categories and profunctors. We also explain how other previous categorical analyses of operads (via Day's tensor products, or via analytical functors) fit with the profunctor approach

    A diagrammatic approach to networks of spans and relations

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    In this thesis we exhibit nondeterministic semantics for various classes of circuits. Motivated initially by quantum circuits, we also give nondeterministic semantics for circuits for classical mechanical systems and Boolean algebra. More formally, we interpret these classes of circuits in terms of categories of spans or relations: in less categorical terms these are equivalent to matrices over the natural numbers or the Boolean semiring. In the relational picture, we characterize circuits in terms of which inputs and outputs are jointly possible; and in the spans picture, how often inputs and outputs are jointly possible. Specifically, we first show that the class of circuits generated by the Toffoli gate as well the states |0⟩, |1⟩, √2|+⟩ and their adjoints is characterized in terms of spans of finite sets. We also give a complete axiomatization for these circuits. With this semantics in mind, we discuss the connection to partial and reversible computation. Shifting to the phase-space picture we also characterize circuits in terms of how they relate abstract positions and momenta. We show how this gives a unifying relational semantics for certain classes circuits for classical mechanical systems, as well as for stabilizer quantum circuit

    Higher operads, higher categories

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    Higher-dimensional category theory is the study of n-categories, operads, braided monoidal categories, and other such exotic structures. It draws its inspiration from areas as diverse as topology, quantum algebra, mathematical physics, logic, and theoretical computer science. This is the first book on the subject and lays its foundations. Many examples are given throughout. There is also an introductory chapter motivating the subject for topologists.Comment: Book, 410 page

    Polygraphs: From Rewriting to Higher Categories

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    Polygraphs are a higher-dimensional generalization of the notion of directed graph. Based on those as unifying concept, this monograph on polygraphs revisits the theory of rewriting in the context of strict higher categories, adopting the abstract point of view offered by homotopical algebra. The first half explores the theory of polygraphs in low dimensions and its applications to the computation of the coherence of algebraic structures. It is meant to be progressive, with little requirements on the background of the reader, apart from basic category theory, and is illustrated with algorithmic computations on algebraic structures. The second half introduces and studies the general notion of n-polygraph, dealing with the homotopy theory of those. It constructs the folk model structure on the category of strict higher categories and exhibits polygraphs as cofibrant objects. This allows extending to higher dimensional structures the coherence results developed in the first half

    Homologie polygraphique des syst\`emes locaux

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    In this article, we introduce a notion of polygraphic homology of a strict ω\omega-category with coefficients in a local system, generalizing the polygraphic homology with coefficients in Z\mathbb Z, introduced by Fran\c{c}ois M\'etayer. We show that the homology of a simplicial set with coefficients in a local system coincides with the polygraphic homology of its image by the left adjoint of the Street nerve with coefficients in the corresponding local system. We define in this framework a comparison morphism between the polygraphic homology of a strict ω\omega-category and the homology of its Street nerve, and we show that this morphism is an isomorphism for (1-)categories. This is not true for an arbitrary ω\omega-category. Nevertheless, we conjecture that for an analogous construction in the framework of weak ω\omega-categories ``\`a la Grothendieck'' we would always obtain an isomorphism.Comment: 55 pages, in French languag