1,340 research outputs found

    Ring-resonator-based wavelength filters

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    Microring resonators (MR) represent a class of filters with characteristics very similar to those of Fabry–Perot filters. However, they offer the advantage that the injected and reflected signals are separated in individual waveguides, and in addition, their design does not require any facets or gratings and is thus particularly simple. MRs evolved from the fields of fibre optic ring resonators and micron scale droplets. Their inherently small size (with typical diameters in the range between several to tens of micrometres), their filter characteristics and their potential for being used in complex and flexible configurations make these devices particularly attractive for integrated optics or VLSI photonics applications.\ud MRs for filter applications, delay lines, as add/drop multiplexers, and modulators will be covered in detail in this chapter, while other applications such as in optical sensing, in spectroscopy or for coherent light generation (MR lasers) are outside the scope of this chapter.\ud This chapter focuses primarily on 4-port microrings, while 2-port devices will play a minor role here and are covered in more detail in Chap. 9. The present chapter starts with design considerations, the functional behaviour, and key characteristics of a single microring resonator and continues with the design of cascaded MRs allowing the implementation of higher order filters. Finally, complex devices like add-drop filters, tuneable dispersion compensators, all-optical wavelength converters, and tuneable cross-connects are treated.\u

    Silicon optical modulators

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    Optical technology is poised to revolutionise short reach interconnects. The leading candidate technology is silicon photonics, and the workhorse of such interconnect is the optical modulator. Modulators have been improved dramatically in recent years. Most notably the bandwidth has increased from the MHz to the multi GHz regime in little more than half a decade. However, the demands of optical interconnect are significant, and many questions remain unanswered as to whether silicon can meet the required performance metrics. Minimising metrics such as the energy per bit, and device footprint, whilst maximising bandwidth and modulation depth are non trivial demands. All of this must be achieved with acceptable thermal tolerance and optical spectral width, using CMOS compatible fabrication processes. Here we discuss the techniques that have, and will, be used to implement silicon optical modulators, as well as the outlook for these devices, and the candidate solutions of the future

    Wavelength locking of silicon photonics multiplexer for DML-based WDM transmitter

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    We present a wavelength locking platform enabling the feedback control of silicon (Si) microring resonators (MRRs) for the realization of a 4 × 10 Gb/s wavelength-division-multiplexing (WDM) transmitter. Four thermally tunable Si MRRs are employed to multiplex the signals generated by four directly modulated lasers (DMLs) operating in the L-band, as well as to improve the quality of the DMLs signals. Feedback control is achieved through a field-programmable gate array controller by monitoring the working point of each MRR through a transparent detector integrated inside the resonator. The feedback system provides an MRR wavelength stability of about 4 pm (0.5 GHz) with a time response of 60 ms. Bit error rate (BER) measurements confirm the effectiveness and the robustness of the locking system to counteract sensitivity degradations due to thermal drifts, even under uncooled operation conditions for the Si chip

    Microwave and RF Applications for Micro-resonator based Frequency Combs

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    Photonic integrated circuits that exploit nonlinear optics in order to generate and process signals all-optically have achieved performance far superior to that possible electronically - particularly with respect to speed. We review the recent achievements based in new CMOS-compatible platforms that are better suited than SOI for nonlinear optics, focusing on radio frequency (RF) and microwave based applications that exploit micro-resonator based frequency combs. We highlight their potential as well as the challenges to achieving practical solutions for many key applications. These material systems have opened up many new capabilities such as on-chip optical frequency comb generation and ultrafast optical pulse generation and measurement. We review recent work on a photonic RF Hilbert transformer for broadband microwave in-phase and quadrature-phase generation based on an integrated frequency optical comb. The comb is generated using a nonlinear microring resonator based on a CMOS compatible, high-index contrast, doped-silica glass platform. The high quality and large frequency spacing of the comb enables filters with up to 20 taps, allowing us to demonstrate a quadrature filter with more than a 5-octave (3 dB) bandwidth and an almost uniform phase response.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, 68 references. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1512.0174

    Optical Interconnection Networks Based on Microring Resonators

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    Abstract — Interconnection networks must transport an always increasing information density and connect a rising number of processing units. Electronic technologies have been able to sustain the traffic growth rate, but are getting close to their physical limits. In this context, optical interconnection networks are becoming progressively more attractive, especially because new photonic devices can be directly integrated in CMOS technology. Indeed, interest in microring resonators as switching components is rising, but their usability in full optical interconnection architectures is still limited by their physical characteristics. Indeed, differently from classical devices used for switching, switching elements based on microring resonators exhibit asymmetric power losses depending on the output ports input signals are directed to. In this paper, we study classical interconnection architectures such as crossbar, Benes and Clos networks exploiting microring resonators as building blocks. Since classical interconnection networks lack either scalability or complexity, we propose two new architectures to improve performance of microring based interconnection networks while keeping a reasonable complexity. I

    Optical interconnection networks based on microring resonators

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    Optical microring resonators can be integrated on a chip to perform switching operations directly in the optical domain. Thus they become a building block to create switching elements in on-chip optical interconnection networks, which promise to overcome some of the limitations of current electronic networks. However, the peculiar asymmetric power losses of microring resonators impose new constraints on the design and control of on-chip optical networks. In this work, we study the design of multistage interconnection networks optimized for a particular metric that we name the degradation index, which characterizes the asymmetric behavior of microrings. We also propose a routing control algorithm to maximize the overall throughput, considering the maximum allowed degradation index as a constrain