3 research outputs found

    Aplicación de técnicas de generación de mosaicos a la inspección de infraestructuras lineales mediante UAS

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    La inspección y mantenimiento de infraestructuras es uno de los ámbitos en los que el uso de la robótica ha experimentado un notable crecimiento durante los últimos años. Este trabajo de fin de grado presenta un método de generación de mosaicos para aplicaciones de inspección de infraestructuras lineales a partir de imágenes capturadas por sistemas aéreos no tripulados. El algoritmo propuesto comprende tres etapas: detección y descripción de características, asociación de características y cálculo de la transformación que relaciona las imágenes. El método ha sido diseñado utilizando hipótesis derivadas de las condiciones de vuelo para reducir su coste computacional, sin sacrificar por ello un comportamiento eficiente y robusto. La estimación del desplazamiento entre imágenes consecutivas permite seleccionar zonas de interés para evitar detecciones y asociaciones en toda la imagen, reduciendo el tiempo requerido y simplificando la optimización para el cálculo de la transformación.Inspection and maintenance of infrastructures is one of the areas where robotics has experienced a remarkable development during the last years. This Degree Final Project presents a mosaicking method for linear infrastructures inspection applications from images taken by unmanned aerial systems. The proposed algorithm comprises three stages: detection and description of features, feature matching and calculation of the transformation that relates the images. The method has been designed using hypotheses derived from the flight conditions in order to reduce their computational cost, without sacrificing an efficient and robust behavior. The estimation of the displacement between consecutive images allows select regions of interest to avoid detections and associations in the whole image, reducing the required time and simplifying the optimization for calculation of the transformation.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Ingeniería de Tecnologías Industriale

    High-resolution Video Mosaicing for Documents and Photos by Estimating Camera Motion

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    Recently, document and photograph digitization from a paper is very important for digital archiving and personal data transmission through the internet. To realize easy and high quality digitization of documents and photographs, we propose a novel digitization method that uses a movie captured by a hand-held camera. In our method, first, 6-DOF(Degree Of Freedom) position and posture parameters of the mobile camera are estimated in each frame by tracking image features automatically. Next, re-appearing feature points in the image sequence are detected and stitched for minimizing accumulated estimation errors. Finally, all the images are merged as a high-resolution mosaic image using the optimized parameters. Experiments have successfully demonstrated the feasibility of the proposed method. Our prototype system can acquire initial estimates of extrinsic camera parameters in real-time with capturing images