404 research outputs found

    Enabling the processing of bioinformatics workflows where data is located through the use of cloud and container technologies

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    >Magister Scientiae - MScThe growing size of raw data and the lack of internet communication technology to keep up with that growth is introducing unique challenges to academic researchers. This is especially true for those residing in rural areas or countries with sub-par telecommunication infrastructure. In this project I investigate the usefulness of cloud computing technology, data analysis workflow languages and portable computation for institutions that generate data. I introduce the concept of a software solution that could be used to simplify the way that researchers execute their analysis on data sets at remote sources, rather than having to move the data. The scope of this project involved conceptualising and designing a software system to simplify the use of a cloud environment as well as implementing a working prototype of said software for the OpenStack cloud computing platform. I conclude that it is possible to improve the performance of research pipelines by removing the need for researchers to have operating system or cloud computing knowledge and that utilising technologies such as this can ease the burden of moving data

    Performance Evaluation of Parallel Haemodynamic Computations on Heterogeneous Clouds

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    The article presents performance evaluation of parallel haemodynamic flow computations on heterogeneous resources of the OpenStack cloud infrastructure. The main focus is on the parallel performance analysis, energy consumption and virtualization overhead of the developed software service based on ANSYS Fluent platform which runs on Docker containers of the private university cloud. The haemodynamic aortic valve flow described by incompressible Navier-Stokes equations is considered as a target application of the hosted cloud infrastructure. The parallel performance of the developed software service is assessed measuring the parallel speedup of computations carried out on virtualized heterogeneous resources. The performance measured on Docker containers is compared with that obtained by using the native hardware. The alternative solution algorithms are explored in terms of the parallel performance and power consumption. The investigation of a trade-off between the computing speed and the consumed energy is performed by using Pareto front analysis and a linear scalarization method

    Single-click to data insights: transaction replication and deployment automation made simple for the cloud age

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    In this report we present out initial work on making the MonetDB column-store analytical database ready for Cloud deployment. As we stand in the new space between research and industry we have tried to combine approaches from both worlds. We provide details how we utilize modern technologies and tools for automating building of virtual machine image for Cloud, datacentre and desktop use. We also explain our solution to asynchronous transaction replication MonetDB. The report concludes with how this all ties together with our efforts to make MonetDB ready for the age where high-performance data analytics is available in a single-click

    Containerization in Cloud Computing: performance analysis of virtualization architectures

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    La crescente adozione del cloud è fortemente influenzata dall’emergere di tecnologie che mirano a migliorare i processi di sviluppo e deployment di applicazioni di livello enterprise. L’obiettivo di questa tesi è analizzare una di queste soluzioni, chiamata “containerization” e di valutare nel dettaglio come questa tecnologia possa essere adottata in infrastrutture cloud in alternativa a soluzioni complementari come le macchine virtuali. Fino ad oggi, il modello tradizionale “virtual machine” è stata la soluzione predominante nel mercato. L’importante differenza architetturale che i container offrono ha portato questa tecnologia ad una rapida adozione poichè migliora di molto la gestione delle risorse, la loro condivisione e garantisce significativi miglioramenti in termini di provisioning delle singole istanze. Nella tesi, verrà esaminata la “containerization” sia dal punto di vista infrastrutturale che applicativo. Per quanto riguarda il primo aspetto, verranno analizzate le performances confrontando LXD, Docker e KVM, come hypervisor dell’infrastruttura cloud OpenStack, mentre il secondo punto concerne lo sviluppo di applicazioni di livello enterprise che devono essere installate su un insieme di server distribuiti. In tal caso, abbiamo bisogno di servizi di alto livello, come l’orchestrazione. Pertanto, verranno confrontate le performances delle seguenti soluzioni: Kubernetes, Docker Swarm, Apache Mesos e Cattle

    Deployment of NFV and SFC scenarios

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    Aquest ítem conté el treball original, defensat públicament amb data de 24 de febrer de 2017, així com una versió millorada del mateix amb data de 28 de febrer de 2017. Els canvis introduïts a la segona versió són 1) correcció d'errades 2) procediment del darrer annex.Telecommunications services have been traditionally designed linking hardware devices and providing mechanisms so that they can interoperate. Those devices are usually specific to a single service and are based on proprietary technology. On the other hand, the current model works by defining standards and strict protocols to achieve high levels of quality and reliability which have defined the carrier-class provider environment. Provisioning new services represent challenges at different levels because inserting the required devices involve changes in the network topology. This leads to slow deployment times and increased operational costs. To overcome the current burdens network function installation and insertion processes into the current service topology needs to be streamlined to allow greater flexibility. The current service provider model has been disrupted by the over-the-top Internet content providers (Facebook, Netflix, etc.), with short product cycles and fast development pace of new services. The content provider irruption has meant a competition and stress over service providers' infrastructure and has forced telco companies to research new technologies to recover market share with flexible and revenue-generating services. Network Function Virtualization (NFV) and Service Function Chaining (SFC) are some of the initiatives led by the Communication Service Providers to regain the lost leadership. This project focuses on experimenting with some of these already available new technologies, which are expected to be the foundation of the new network paradigms (5G, IOT) and support new value-added services over cost-efficient telecommunication infrastructures. Specifically, SFC scenarios have been deployed with Open Platform for NFV (OPNFV), a Linux Foundation project. Some use cases of the NFV technology are demonstrated applied to teaching laboratories. Although the current implementation does not achieve a production degree of reliability, it provides a suitable environment for the development of new functional improvements and evaluation of the performance of virtualized network infrastructures

    NetO-App: A Network Orchestration Application for Centralized Network Management in Small Business Networks

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    Software-defined networking (SDN) is reshaping the networking paradigm. Previous research shows that SDN has advantages over traditional networks because it separates the control and data plane, leading to greater flexibility through network automation and programmability. Small business networks require flexibility, like service provider networks, to scale, deploy, and self-heal network infrastructure that comprises of cloud operating systems, virtual machines, containers, vendor networking equipment, and virtual network functions (VNFs); however, as SDN evolves in industry, there has been limited research to develop an SDN architecture to fulfill the requirements of small business networks. This research proposes a network architecture that can abstract, orchestrate, and scale configurations based on small business network requirements. Our results show that the proposed architecture provides enhanced network management and operations when combined with the network orchestration application (NetO-App) developed in this research. The NetO-App orchestrates network policies, automates configuration changes, and manages internal and external communication between the campus networking infrastructure.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, To appear in the Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Networks & Communications, 28-29 July 2018, Sydney, Australi
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