928 research outputs found

    Optimization in a Simulation Setting: Use of Function Approximation in Debt Strategy Analysis

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    The stochastic simulation model suggested by Bolder (2003) for the analysis of the federal government's debt-management strategy provides a wide variety of useful information. It does not, however, assist in determining an optimal debt-management strategy for the government in its current form. Including optimization in the debt-strategy model would be useful, since it could substantially broaden the range of policy questions that can be addressed. Finding such an optimal strategy is nonetheless complicated by two challenges. First, performing optimization with traditional techniques in a simulation setting is computationally intractable. Second, it is necessary to define precisely what one means by an "optimal" debt strategy. The authors detail a possible approach for addressing these two challenges. They address the first challenge by approximating the numerically computed objective function using a function-approximation technique. They consider the use of ordinary least squares, kernel regression, multivariate adaptive regression splines, and projection-pursuit regressions as approximation algorithms. The second challenge is addressed by proposing a wide range of possible government objective functions and examining them in the context of an illustrative example. The authors' view is that the approach permits debt and fiscal managers to address a number of policy questions that could not be fully addressed with the current stochastic simulation engine.Debt management; Econometric and statistical methods; Fiscal policy; Financial markets

    On the Geometries of Conic Section Representation of Noisy Object Boundaries

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    This paper studies some geometrical properties of conic sections and the utilization of these properties for the generation of conic section representations of object boundaries in digital images. Several geometrical features of the conic sections, such as the chord, the characteristic point, the guiding triangles, and their appearances under the tessellation and noise corruption of the digital images are discussed. The study leads to a noniterative algorithm that takes advantage of these features in the process of formulating the conic section parameters and generating the approximations of object boundaries from the given sequences of edge pixels in the images. The results can be optimized with respect to certain different criteria of the fittings

    Isogeometric Analysis in advection-diffusion problems: tension splines approximation

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    We present a novel approach, within the new paradigm of isogeometric analysis introduced by Hughes et al., to deal with advection dominated advection-diffusion problems. The key ingredient is the use of Galerkin approximating spaces of functions with high smoothness, as in IgA based on classical B-splines, but particularly well suited to describe sharp layers involving very strong gradients

    Circular Arc Approximation by Quartic H-Bézier Curve

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    The quartic H-Bézier curve is used for the approximation of circular arcs. It has five control points and one positive real free parameter. The four control points are carried out b

    Isogeometric analysis for the multigroup neutron diffusion equation with applications in reactor physics

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    Isogeometric Analysis (IGA) has been applied to heterogeneous reactor physics problems using the multigroup neutron dif- fusion equation. IGA uses a computer-aided design (CAD) description of the geometry commonly built from Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines (NURBS), which can exactly represent complicated curved shapes such as circles and cylinders, common features in reactor design. This work has focused on comparing IGA to nite element analysis (FEA) for heterogeneous reactor physics problems, including the OECD/NEA C5G7 LWR benchmark. The exact geometry and increased basis function continuity contribute to the accuracy of IGA and an improvement over comparable FEA calculations has been observed

    Coaxing a planar curve to comply

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    AbstractA long-standing problem in computer graphics is to find a planar curve that is shaped the way you want it to be shaped. A selection of various methods for achieving this goal is presented. The focus is on mathematical conditions that we can use to control curves while still allowing the curves some freedom. We start with methods invented by Newton (1643–1727) and Lagrange (1736–1813) and proceed to recent methods that are the subject of current research. We illustrate almost all the methods discussed with diagrams. Three methods of control that are of special interest are interpolation methods, global minimization methods (such as least squares), and (Bézier) control points. We concentrate on the first of these, interpolation methods