1,700 research outputs found

    LOT: Logic Optimization with Testability - new transformations for logic synthesis

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    A new approach to optimize multilevel logic circuits is introduced. Given a multilevel circuit, the synthesis method optimizes its area while simultaneously enhancing its random pattern testability. The method is based on structural transformations at the gate level. New transformations involving EX-OR gates as well as Reed–Muller expansions have been introduced in the synthesis of multilevel circuits. This method is augmented with transformations that specifically enhance random-pattern testability while reducing the area. Testability enhancement is an integral part of our synthesis methodology. Experimental results show that the proposed methodology not only can achieve lower area than other similar tools, but that it achieves better testability compared to available testability enhancement tools such as tstfx. Specifically for ISCAS-85 benchmark circuits, it was observed that EX-OR gate-based transformations successfully contributed toward generating smaller circuits compared to other state-of-the-art logic optimization tools

    Optimizing construction of scheduled data flow graph for on-line testability

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    The objective of this work is to develop a new methodology for behavioural synthesis using a flow of synthesis, better suited to the scheduling of independent calculations and non-concurrent online testing. The traditional behavioural synthesis process can be defined as the compilation of an algorithmic specification into an architecture composed of a data path and a controller. This stream of synthesis generally involves scheduling, resource allocation, generation of the data path and controller synthesis. Experiments showed that optimization started at the high level synthesis improves the performance of the result, yet the current tools do not offer synthesis optimizations that from the RTL level. This justifies the development of an optimization methodology which takes effect from the behavioural specification and accompanying the synthesis process in its various stages. In this paper we propose the use of algebraic properties (commutativity, associativity and distributivity) to transform readable mathematical formulas of algorithmic specifications into mathematical formulas evaluated efficiently. This will effectively reduce the execution time of scheduling calculations and increase the possibilities of testability

    Plug & Test at System Level via Testable TLM Primitives

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    With the evolution of Electronic System Level (ESL) design methodologies, we are experiencing an extensive use of Transaction-Level Modeling (TLM). TLM is a high-level approach to modeling digital systems where details of the communication among modules are separated from the those of the implementation of functional units. This paper represents a first step toward the automatic insertion of testing capabilities at the transaction level by definition of testable TLM primitives. The use of testable TLM primitives should help designers to easily get testable transaction level descriptions implementing what we call a "Plug & Test" design methodology. The proposed approach is intended to work both with hardware and software implementations. In particular, in this paper we will focus on the design of a testable FIFO communication channel to show how designers are given the freedom of trading-off complexity, testability levels, and cos

    High quality testing of grid style power gating

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    This paper shows that existing delay-based testing techniques for power gating exhibit fault coverage loss due to unconsidered delays introduced by the structure of the virtual voltage power-distribution-network (VPDN). To restore this loss, which could reach up to 70.3% on stuck-open faults, we propose a design-for-testability (DFT) logic that considers the impact of VPDN on fault coverage in order to constitute the proper interface between the VPDN and the DFT. The proposed logic can be easily implemented on-top of existing DFT solutions and its overhead is optimized by an algorithm that offers trade-off flexibility between test-application-time and hardware overhead. Through physical layout SPICE simulations, we show complete fault coverage recovery on stuck-open faults and 43.2% test-application-time improvement compared to a previously proposed DFT technique. To the best of our knowledge, this paper presents the first analysis of the VPDN impact on test qualit

    Cell replication and redundancy elimination during placement for cycle time optimization

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    This paper presents a new timing driven approach for cell replication tailored to the practical needs of standard cell layout design. Cell replication methods have been studied extensively in the context of generic partitioning problems. However, until now it has remained unclear what practical benefit can be obtained from this concept in a realistic environment for timing driven layout synthesis. Therefore, this paper presents a timing driven cell replication procedure, demonstrates its incorporation into a standard cell placement and routing tool and examines its benefit on the final circuit performance in comparison with conventional gate or transistor sizing techniques. Furthermore, we demonstrate that cell replication can deteriorate the stuck-at fault testability of circuits and show that stuck-at redundancy elimination must be integrated into the placement procedure. Experimental results demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed methodology and suggest that cell replication should be an integral part of the physical design flow complementing traditional gate sizing techniques

    Online self-repair of FIR filters

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    Chip-level failure detection has been a target of research for some time, but today's very deep-submicron technology is forcing such research to move beyond detection. Repair, especially self-repair, has become very important for containing the susceptibility of today's chips. This article introduces a self-repair-solution for the digital FIR filter, one of the key blocks used in DSPs

    DFT and BIST of a multichip module for high-energy physics experiments

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    Engineers at Politecnico di Torino designed a multichip module for high-energy physics experiments conducted on the Large Hadron Collider. An array of these MCMs handles multichannel data acquisition and signal processing. Testing the MCM from board to die level required a combination of DFT strategie

    Design and Test Space Exploration of Transport-Triggered Architectures

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    This paper describes a new approach in the high level design and test of transport-triggered architectures (TTA), a special type of application specific instruction processors (ASIP). The proposed method introduces the test as an additional constraint, besides throughput and circuit area. The method, that calculates the testability of the system, helps the designer to assess the obtained architectures with respect to test, area and throughput in the early phase of the design and selects the most suitable one. In order to create the templated TTA, the ¿MOVE¿ framework has been addressed. The approach is validated with respect to the ¿Crypt¿ Unix applicatio

    Achieve complete robust path delay fault testability

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    Recently, Pomeranz and Reddy [7], presented a test point insertion method to improve path delay fault testability in large combinational circuits. A test application scheme was developed that allows test points to be utilized as primary inputs and primary outputs during testing. The placement of test points was guided by the number of paths and was aimed at reducing this number. Indirectly, this approach achieved complete robust path delay fault testability in very low computation times. In this paper, we use their test application scheme, however, we use morre exact measures for guiding test point insertion like test generation and RD fault identification. Thus, we reduce the number of test point needed to achieve complete testability by ensuring that test points are inserted only on paths associated with path delay faults that are necessary to be tested and that are not robustly testable. Experimental results show that an average reduction of about 70% in the number of test points over the approach of [7] can be obtained.

    Ensuring a High Quality Digital Device through Design for Testability

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    An electronic device is reliable if it is available for use most of the times throughout its life. The reliability can be affected by mishandling and use under abnormal operating conditions. High quality product cannot be achieved without proper verification and testing during the product development cycle. If the design is difficult to test, then it is very likely that most of the faults will not be detected before it is shipped to the customer. This paper describes how product quality can be improved by making the hardware design testable. Various designs for testability techniqueswere discussed. A three bit counter circuit was used to illustrate the benefits of design for testability by using scan chain methodology