4,837 research outputs found

    A feasibility assessment of magnetic bearings for free-piston Stirling space power converters

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    This report describes a design and analysis study performed by Mechanical Technology Incorporated (MTI) under NASA Contract NAS3-26061. The objective of the study was to assess the feasibility and efficacy of applying magnetic bearings to free-piston Stirling-cycle power conversion machinery of the type currently being evaluated for possible use in long-term space missions. The study was performed for a 50-kWe Reference Stirling Space Power Converter (RSSPC) system consisting of two 25-kWe free-piston Stirling engine modules. Two different versions of the RSSPC engine modules have been defined under NASA Contract NAS3-25463. These modules currently use hydrostatic gas bearings to support the reciprocating displacer and power piston assemblies. Results of this study show that active magnetic bearings of the attractive electromagnetic type are technically feasible for RSSPC application provided that wire insulation with 60,000-hr life capability at 300 C can be developed for the bearing coils. From a design integration standpoint, both versions of the RSSPC were found to be conceptually amenable to magnetic support of the power piston assembly. However, only one version of the RSSPC was found to be amendable to magnetic support of the displacer assembly. Unacceptable changes to the basic engine design would be required to incorporate magnetic displacer bearings into the second version. Complete magnetic suspension of the RSSPC can potentially increase overall efficiency of the Stirling cycle power converter by 0.53 to 1.4 percent (0.15 to 0.4 efficiency points). Magnetic bearings will also overcome several operational concerns associated with hydrostatic gas bearing systems. However, these advantages are accompanied by a 5 to 8 percent increase in specific mass of the RSSPC, depending on the RSSPC version employed. Additionally, magnetic bearings are much more complex, both mechanically and particularly electronically, than hydrostatic bearings. Accordingly, long-term stability and reliability represent areas of uncertainty for magnetic bearings. Considerable development effort will be required to establish the long-term suitability of these bearings for Stirling space power applications

    Design study for a magnetically supported reaction wheel

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    Results are described of a study program in which the characteristics of a magnetically supported reaction wheel are defined. Tradeoff analyses are presented for the principal components, which are then combined in several reaction wheel design concepts. A preliminary layout of the preferred configuration is presented along with calculated design and performance parameters. Recommendations are made for a prototype development program

    Rotors on Active Magnetic Bearings: Modeling and Control Techniques

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    In the last decades the deeper and more detailed understanding of rotating machinery dynamic behavior facilitated the study and the design of several devices aiming at friction reduction, vibration damping and control, rotational speed increase and mechanical design optimization. Among these devices a promising technology is represented by active magnetic actuators which found a great spread in rotordynamics and in high precision applications due to (a) the absence of all fatigue and tribology issues motivated by the absence of contact, (b) the small sensitivity to the operating conditions, (c) the wide possibility of tuning even during operation, (d) the predictability of the behavior. This technology can be classified as a typical mechatronic product due to its nature which involves mechanical, electrical and control aspects, merging them in a single system. The attractive potential of active magnetic suspensions motivated a considerable research effort for the past decade focused mostly on electrical actuation subsystem and control strategies. Examples of application areas are: (a) Turbomachinery, (b) Vibration isolation, (c) Machine tools and electric drives, (d) Energy storing flywheels, (e) Instruments in space and physics, (f) Non-contacting suspensions for micro-techniques, (g) Identification and test equipment in rotordynamics. This chapter illustrates the design, the modeling, the experimental tests and validation of all the subsystems of a rotors on a five-axes active magnetic suspension. The mechanical, electrical, electronic and control strategies aspects are explained with a mechatronic approach evaluating all the interactions between them. The main goals of the manuscript are: • Illustrate the design and the modeling phases of a five-axes active magnetic suspension; • Discuss the design steps and the practical implementation of a standard suspension control strategy; • Introduce an off-line technique of electrical centering of the actuators; • Illustrate the design steps and the practical implementation of an online rotor selfcentering control technique. The experimental test rig is a shaft (Weight: 5.3 kg. Length: 0.5 m) supported by two radial and one axial cylindrical active magnetic bearings and powered by an asynchronous high frequency electric motor. The chapter starts on an overview of the most common technologies used to support rotors with a deep analysis of their advantages and drawbacks with respect to active magnetic bearings. Furthermore a discussion on magnetic suspensions state of the art is carried out highlighting the research efforts directions and the goals reached in the last years. In the central sections, a detailed description of each subsystem is performed along with the modeling steps. In particular the rotor is modeled with a FE code while the actuators are considered in a linearized model. The last sections of the chapter are focused on the control strategies design and the experimental tests. An off-line technique of actuators electrical centering is explained and its advantages are described in the control design context. This strategy can be summarized as follows. Knowing that: a) each actuation axis is composed by two electromagnets; b) each electromagnet needs a current closed-loop control; c) the bandwidth of this control is depending on the mechanical airgap, then the technique allows to obtain the same value of the closed-loop bandwidth of the current control of both the electromagnets of the same actuation axis. This approach improves performance and gives more steadiness to the control behavior. The decentralized approach of the control strategy allowing the full suspensions on five axes is illustrated from the design steps to the practical implementation on the control unit. Furthermore a selfcentering technique is described and implemented on the experimental test rig: this technique uses a mobile notch filter synchronous with the rotational speed and allows the rotor to spin around its mass center. The actuators are not forced to counteract the unbalance excitation avoiding saturations. Finally, the experimental tests are carried out on the rotor to validate the suspension control, the off-line electrical centering and the selfcentering technique. The numerical and experimental results are superimposed and compared to prove the effectiveness of the modeling approach

    Low Power Magnetic Bearing Design for High Speed Rotating Machinery

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    Magnetic suspension technology has advanced to the point of being able to offer a number of advantages to a variety of applications in the rotating machinery and aerospace fields. One strong advantage is the decrease in power consumption. The design and construction of a set of permanent magnet biased, actively controlled magnetic bearing for a flexible rotor are presented. Both permanent magnets and electromagnets are used in a configuration which effectively provides the necessary fluxes in the appropriate air gaps, while simultaneously keeping the undesirable destabilizing forces to a minimum. The design includes two radial bearings and a thrust bearing. The theoretical development behind the design is briefly discussed. Experimental performance results for a set of operating prototype bearings is presented. The results include measurements of load capacity, bearing stiffness and damping, and the dynamic response of the rotor. With few exceptions, the experimental results matched very well with the predicted performance. The power consumption of these bearings was found to be significantly reduced from that for a comparable set of all electromagnetic bearings

    Magnetic bearings-state of the art

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    Magnetic bearings have existed for many years, at least in theory. Earnshaw's theorem, formulated in 1842, concerns stability of magnetic suspensions, and states that not all axes of a bearing can be stable without some means of active control. In Beam's widely referenced experiments, a tiny (1/64 in diameter) rotor was rotated to the astonishing speed of 800,000 rps while it was suspended in a magnetic field. Despite a long history, magnetic bearings have only begun to see practical application since about 1980. The development that finally made magnetic bearings practical was solid state electronics, enabling power supplies and controls to be reduced in size to where they are now comparable in volume to the bearings themselves. An attempt is made to document the current (1991) state of the art of magnetic bearings. The referenced papers are large drawn from two conferences publications published in 1988 and 1990 respectively

    Design and fabrication of a long-life Stirling cycle cooler for space application. Phase 3: Prototype model

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    A second-generation, Stirling-cycle cryocooler (cryogenic refrigerator) for space applications, with a cooling capacity of 5 watts at 65 K, was recently completed. The refrigerator, called the Prototype Model, was designed with a goal of 5 year life with no degradation in cooling performance. The free displacer and free piston of the refrigerator are driven directly by moving-magnet linear motors with the moving elements supported by active magnetic bearings. The use of clearance seals and the absence of outgassing material in the working volume of the refrigerator enable long-life operation with no deterioration in performance. Fiber-optic sensors detect the radial position of the shafts and provide a control signal for the magnetic bearings. The frequency, phase, stroke, and offset of the compressor and expander are controlled by signals from precision linear position sensors (LVDTs). The vibration generated by the compressor and expander is cancelled by an active counter balance which also uses a moving-magnet linear motor and magnetic bearings. The driving signal for the counter balance is derived from the compressor and expander position sensors which have wide bandwidth for suppression of harmonic vibrations. The efficiency of the three active members, which operate in a resonant mode, is enhanced by a magnetic spring in the expander and by gas springs in the compressor and counterbalance. The cooling was achieved with a total motor input power of 139 watts. The magnetic-bearing stiffness was significantly increased from the first-generation cooler to accommodate shuttle launch vibrations

    Performance tests of a cryogenic hybrid magnetic bearing for turbopumps

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    Experiments were performed on a Hybrid Magnetic Bearing designed for cryogenic applications such as turbopumps. This bearing is considerably smaller and lighter than conventional magnetic bearings and is more efficient because it uses a permanent magnet to provide a bias flux. The tests were performed in a test rig that used liquid nitrogen to simulate cryogenic turbopump temperatures. The bearing was tested at room temperature and at liquid nitrogen temperature (-320 F). The maximum speed for the test rig was 14000 rpm. For a magnetic bearing stiffness of 20000 lb/in, the flexible rotor had two critical speeds. A static (nonrotating) bearing stiffness of 85000 lb/in was achieved. Magnetic bearing stiffness, permanent magnet stiffness, actuator gain, and actuator force interaction between two axes were evaluated, and controller/power amplifier characteristics were determined. The tests revealed that it is feasible to use this bearing in the cryogenic environment and to control the rotor dynamics of flexible rotors when passing through bending critical speeds. The tests also revealed that more effort should be placed on enhancing the controller to achieve higher bearing stiffness and on developing displacement sensors that reduce drift caused by temperature and reduce sensor electrical noise

    High efficiency magnetic bearings

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    Research activities concerning high efficiency permanent magnet plus electromagnet (PM/EM) pancake magnetic bearings at the University of Maryland are reported. A description of the construction and working of the magnetic bearing is provided. Next, parameters needed to describe the bearing are explained. Then, methods developed for the design and testing of magnetic bearings are summarized. Finally, a new magnetic bearing which allows active torque control in the off axes directions is discussed

    Index to NASA Tech Briefs, January - June 1966

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    Index to NASA technological innovations for January-June 196

    A magnetically suspended linearly driven cryogenic refrigerator

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    This paper described a novel Stirling cycle cryogenic refrigerator which was designed, fabricated and successfully tested at Philips Laboratories. The prominent features of the machine are an electro-magnetic bearing system, a pair of moving magnet linear motors, and clearance seals with a 25 mu m radial gap. The all-metal and ceramic construction eliminates long-term organic contamination of the helium working fluid. The axial positions of the piston and displacer are electronically controlled, permitting independent adjustment of the amplitude of each and their relative phase relationship during operation. A simple passive counterbalance reduces axial vibrations. The design of the refrigerator system components is discussed and a comparison is made between performance estimates and measured results