18,978 research outputs found

    Image enhancement methods and applications in computational photography

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    Computational photography is currently a rapidly developing and cutting-edge topic in applied optics, image sensors and image processing fields to go beyond the limitations of traditional photography. The innovations of computational photography allow the photographer not only merely to take an image, but also, more importantly, to perform computations on the captured image data. Good examples of these innovations include high dynamic range imaging, focus stacking, super-resolution, motion deblurring and so on. Although extensive work has been done to explore image enhancement techniques in each subfield of computational photography, attention has seldom been given to study of the image enhancement technique of simultaneously extending depth of field and dynamic range of a scene. In my dissertation, I present an algorithm which combines focus stacking and high dynamic range (HDR) imaging in order to produce an image with both extended depth of field (DOF) and dynamic range than any of the input images. In this dissertation, I also investigate super-resolution image restoration from multiple images, which are possibly degraded by large motion blur. The proposed algorithm combines the super-resolution problem and blind image deblurring problem in a unified framework. The blur kernel for each input image is separately estimated. I also do not make any restrictions on the motion fields among images; that is, I estimate dense motion field without simplifications such as parametric motion. While the proposed super-resolution method uses multiple images to enhance spatial resolution from multiple regular images, single image super-resolution is related to techniques of denoising or removing blur from one single captured image. In my dissertation, space-varying point spread function (PSF) estimation and image deblurring for single image is also investigated. Regarding the PSF estimation, I do not make any restrictions on the type of blur or how the blur varies spatially. Once the space-varying PSF is estimated, space-varying image deblurring is performed, which produces good results even for regions where it is not clear what the correct PSF is at first. I also bring image enhancement applications to both personal computer (PC) and Android platform as computational photography applications

    Event-based Vision: A Survey

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    Event cameras are bio-inspired sensors that differ from conventional frame cameras: Instead of capturing images at a fixed rate, they asynchronously measure per-pixel brightness changes, and output a stream of events that encode the time, location and sign of the brightness changes. Event cameras offer attractive properties compared to traditional cameras: high temporal resolution (in the order of microseconds), very high dynamic range (140 dB vs. 60 dB), low power consumption, and high pixel bandwidth (on the order of kHz) resulting in reduced motion blur. Hence, event cameras have a large potential for robotics and computer vision in challenging scenarios for traditional cameras, such as low-latency, high speed, and high dynamic range. However, novel methods are required to process the unconventional output of these sensors in order to unlock their potential. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the emerging field of event-based vision, with a focus on the applications and the algorithms developed to unlock the outstanding properties of event cameras. We present event cameras from their working principle, the actual sensors that are available and the tasks that they have been used for, from low-level vision (feature detection and tracking, optic flow, etc.) to high-level vision (reconstruction, segmentation, recognition). We also discuss the techniques developed to process events, including learning-based techniques, as well as specialized processors for these novel sensors, such as spiking neural networks. Additionally, we highlight the challenges that remain to be tackled and the opportunities that lie ahead in the search for a more efficient, bio-inspired way for machines to perceive and interact with the world

    "TORINO 1911" project: A contribution of a SLAM-based survey to extensive 3D heritage modeling

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    In the framework of the digital documentation of complex environments the advanced Geomatics researches offers integrated solution and multi-sensor strategies for the 3D accurate reconstruction of stratified structures and articulated volumes in the heritage domain. The use of handheld devices for rapid mapping, both image- and range-based, can help the production of suitable easy-to use and easy-navigable 3D model for documentation projects. These types of reality-based modelling could support, with their tailored integrated geometric and radiometric aspects, valorisation and communication projects including virtual reconstructions, interactive navigation settings, immersive reality for dissemination purposes and evoking past places and atmospheres. The aim of this research is localized within the “Torino 1911” project, led by the University of San Diego (California) in cooperation with the PoliTo. The entire project is conceived for multi-scale reconstruction of the real and no longer existing structures in the whole park space of more than 400,000&thinsp;m<sup>2</sup>, for a virtual and immersive visualization of the Turin 1911 International “Fabulous Exposition” event, settled in the Valentino Park. Particularly, in the presented research, a 3D metric documentation workflow is proposed and validated in order to integrate the potentialities of LiDAR mapping by handheld SLAM-based device, the ZEB REVO Real Time instrument by GeoSLAM (2017 release), instead of TLS consolidated systems. Starting from these kind of models, the crucial aspects of the trajectories performances in the 3D reconstruction and the radiometric content from imaging approaches are considered, specifically by means of compared use of common DSLR cameras and portable sensors

    Object segmentation from low depth of field images and video sequences

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    This thesis addresses the problem of autonomous object segmentation. To do so the proposed segementation method uses some prior information, namely that the image to be segmented will have a low depth of field and that the object of interest will be more in focus than the background. To differentiate the object from the background scene, a multiscale wavelet based assessment is proposed. The focus assessment is used to generate a focus intensity map, and a sparse fields level set implementation of active contours is used to segment the object of interest. The initial contour is generated using a grid based technique. The method is extended to segment low depth of field video sequences with each successive initialisation for the active contours generated from the binary dilation of the previous frame's segmentation. Experimental results show good segmentations can be achieved with a variety of different images, video sequences, and objects, with no user interaction or input. The method is applied to two different areas. In the first the segmentations are used to automatically generate trimaps for use with matting algorithms. In the second, the method is used as part of a shape from silhouettes 3D object reconstruction system, replacing the need for a constrained background when generating silhouettes. In addition, not using a thresholding to perform the silhouette segmentation allows for objects with dark components or areas to be segmented accurately. Some examples of 3D models generated using silhouettes are shown

    Consistent Correspondences for Shape and Image Problems

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    Establish consistent correspondences between different objects is a classic problem in computer science/vision. It helps to match highly similar objects in both 3D and 2D domain. Inthe 3D domain, finding consistent correspondences has been studying for more than 20 yearsand it is still a hot topic. In 2D domain, consistent correspondences can also help in puzzlesolving. However, only a few works are focused on this approach. In this thesis, we focuson finding consistent correspondences and extend to develop robust matching techniques inboth 3D shape segments and 2D puzzle solving. In the 3D domain, segment-wise matching isan important research problem that supports higher-level understanding of shapes in geometryprocessing. Many existing segment-wise matching techniques assume perfect input segmentation and would suffer from imperfect or over-segmented input. To handle this shortcoming,we propose multi-layer graphs (MLGs) to represent possible arrangements of partially mergedsegments of input shapes. We then adapt the diffusion pruning technique on the MLGs to findconsistent segment-wise matching. To obtain high-quality matching, we develop our own voting step which is able to remove inconsistent results, for finding hierarchically consistent correspondences as final output. We evaluate our technique with both quantitative and qualitativeexperiments on both man-made and deformable shapes. Experimental results demonstrate theeffectiveness of our technique when compared to two state-of-art methods. In the 2D domain,solving jigsaw puzzles is also a classic problem in computer vision with various applications.Over the past decades, many useful approaches have been introduced. Most existing worksuse edge-wise similarity measures for assembling puzzles with square pieces of the same size, and recent work innovates to use the loop constraint to improve efficiency and accuracy. Weobserve that most existing techniques cannot be easily extended to puzzles with rectangularpieces of arbitrary sizes, and no existing loop constraints can be used to model such challenging scenarios. We propose new matching approaches based on sub-edges/corners, modelledusing the MatchLift or diffusion framework to solve square puzzles with cycle consistency.We demonstrate the robustness of our approaches by comparing our methods with state-of-artmethods. We also show how puzzles with rectangular pieces of arbitrary sizes, or puzzles withtriangular and square pieces can be solved by our techniques
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