571 research outputs found

    SoK: Fully Homomorphic Encryption Accelerators

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    Fully Homomorphic Encryption~(FHE) is a key technology enabling privacy-preserving computing. However, the fundamental challenge of FHE is its inefficiency, due primarily to the underlying polynomial computations with high computation complexity and extremely time-consuming ciphertext maintenance operations. To tackle this challenge, various FHE accelerators have recently been proposed by both research and industrial communities. This paper takes the first initiative to conduct a systematic study on the 14 FHE accelerators -- cuHE/cuFHE, nuFHE, HEAT, HEAX, HEXL, HEXL-FPGA, 100×\times, F1, CraterLake, BTS, ARK, Poseidon, FAB and TensorFHE. We first make our observations on the evolution trajectory of these existing FHE accelerators to establish a qualitative connection between them. Then, we perform testbed evaluations of representative open-source FHE accelerators to provide a quantitative comparison on them. Finally, with the insights learned from both qualitative and quantitative studies, we discuss potential directions to inform the future design and implementation for FHE accelerators

    TPU as Cryptographic Accelerator

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    Polynomials defined on specific rings are heavily involved in various cryptographic schemes, and the corresponding operations are usually the computation bottleneck of the whole scheme. We propose to utilize TPU, an emerging hardware designed for AI applications, to speed up polynomial operations and convert TPU to a cryptographic accelerator. We also conduct preliminary evaluation and discuss the limitations of current work and future plan

    CryptoLight: An Electro-Optical Accelerator for Fully Homomorphic Encryption

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    Fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) protects data privacy in cloud computing by enabling computations to directly occur on ciphertexts. Although the speed of computationally expensive FHE operations can be significantly boosted by prior ASIC-based FHE accelerators, the performance of key-switching, the dominate primitive in various FHE operations, is seriously limited by their small bit-width datapaths and frequent matrix transpositions. In this paper, we present an electro-optical (EO) FHE accelerator, CryptoLight, to accelerate FHE operations. Its 512-bit datapath supporting 510-bit residues greatly reduces the key-switching cost. We also create an in-scratchpad-memory transpose unit to fast transpose matrices. Compared to prior FHE accelerators, on average, CryptoLight reduces the latency of various FHE applications by >94.4% and the energy consumption by >95%.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figure

    Towards Ultra-High Performance and Energy Efficiency of Deep Learning Systems: An Algorithm-Hardware Co-Optimization Framework

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    Hardware accelerations of deep learning systems have been extensively investigated in industry and academia. The aim of this paper is to achieve ultra-high energy efficiency and performance for hardware implementations of deep neural networks (DNNs). An algorithm-hardware co-optimization framework is developed, which is applicable to different DNN types, sizes, and application scenarios. The algorithm part adopts the general block-circulant matrices to achieve a fine-grained tradeoff between accuracy and compression ratio. It applies to both fully-connected and convolutional layers and contains a mathematically rigorous proof of the effectiveness of the method. The proposed algorithm reduces computational complexity per layer from O(n2n^2) to O(nlognn\log n) and storage complexity from O(n2n^2) to O(nn), both for training and inference. The hardware part consists of highly efficient Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA)-based implementations using effective reconfiguration, batch processing, deep pipelining, resource re-using, and hierarchical control. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed framework achieves at least 152X speedup and 71X energy efficiency gain compared with IBM TrueNorth processor under the same test accuracy. It achieves at least 31X energy efficiency gain compared with the reference FPGA-based work.Comment: 6 figures, AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 201

    Hardware Architectures for Post-Quantum Cryptography

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    The rapid development of quantum computers poses severe threats to many commonly-used cryptographic algorithms that are embedded in different hardware devices to ensure the security and privacy of data and communication. Seeking for new solutions that are potentially resistant against attacks from quantum computers, a new research field called Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) has emerged, that is, cryptosystems deployed in classical computers conjectured to be secure against attacks utilizing large-scale quantum computers. In order to secure data during storage or communication, and many other applications in the future, this dissertation focuses on the design, implementation, and evaluation of efficient PQC schemes in hardware. Four PQC algorithms, each from a different family, are studied in this dissertation. The first hardware architecture presented in this dissertation is focused on the code-based scheme Classic McEliece. The research presented in this dissertation is the first that builds the hardware architecture for the Classic McEliece cryptosystem. This research successfully demonstrated that complex code-based PQC algorithm can be run efficiently on hardware. Furthermore, this dissertation shows that implementation of this scheme on hardware can be easily tuned to different configurations by implementing support for flexible choices of security parameters as well as configurable hardware performance parameters. The successful prototype of the Classic McEliece scheme on hardware increased confidence in this scheme, and helped Classic McEliece to get recognized as one of seven finalists in the third round of the NIST PQC standardization process. While Classic McEliece serves as a ready-to-use candidate for many high-end applications, PQC solutions are also needed for low-end embedded devices. Embedded devices play an important role in our daily life. Despite their typically constrained resources, these devices require strong security measures to protect them against cyber attacks. Towards securing this type of devices, the second research presented in this dissertation focuses on the hash-based digital signature scheme XMSS. This research is the first that explores and presents practical hardware based XMSS solution for low-end embedded devices. In the design of XMSS hardware, a heterogenous software-hardware co-design approach was adopted, which combined the flexibility of the soft core with the acceleration from the hard core. The practicability and efficiency of the XMSS software-hardware co-design is further demonstrated by providing a hardware prototype on an open-source RISC-V based System-on-a-Chip (SoC) platform. The third research direction covered in this dissertation focuses on lattice-based cryptography, which represents one of the most promising and popular alternatives to today\u27s widely adopted public key solutions. Prior research has presented hardware designs targeting the computing blocks that are necessary for the implementation of lattice-based systems. However, a recurrent issue in most existing designs is that these hardware designs are not fully scalable or parameterized, hence limited to specific cryptographic primitives and security parameter sets. The research presented in this dissertation is the first that develops hardware accelerators that are designed to be fully parameterized to support different lattice-based schemes and parameters. Further, these accelerators are utilized to realize the first software-harware co-design of provably-secure instances of qTESLA, which is a lattice-based digital signature scheme. This dissertation demonstrates that even demanding, provably-secure schemes can be realized efficiently with proper use of software-hardware co-design. The final research presented in this dissertation is focused on the isogeny-based scheme SIKE, which recently made it to the final round of the PQC standardization process. This research shows that hardware accelerators can be designed to offload compute-intensive elliptic curve and isogeny computations to hardware in a versatile fashion. These hardware accelerators are designed to be fully parameterized to support different security parameter sets of SIKE as well as flexible hardware configurations targeting different user applications. This research is the first that presents versatile hardware accelerators for SIKE that can be mapped efficiently to both FPGA and ASIC platforms. Based on these accelerators, an efficient software-hardwareco-design is constructed for speeding up SIKE. In the end, this dissertation demonstrates that, despite being embedded with expensive arithmetic, the isogeny-based SIKE scheme can be run efficiently by exploiting specialized hardware. These four research directions combined demonstrate the practicability of building efficient hardware architectures for complex PQC algorithms. The exploration of efficient PQC solutions for different hardware platforms will eventually help migrate high-end servers and low-end embedded devices towards the post-quantum era

    Precision analysis for hardware acceleration of numerical algorithms

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    The precision used in an algorithm affects the error and performance of individual computations, the memory usage, and the potential parallelism for a fixed hardware budget. However, when migrating an algorithm onto hardware, the potential improvements that can be obtained by tuning the precision throughout an algorithm to meet a range or error specification are often overlooked; the major reason is that it is hard to choose a number system which can guarantee any such specification can be met. Instead, the problem is mitigated by opting to use IEEE standard double precision arithmetic so as to be ‘no worse’ than a software implementation. However, the flexibility in the number representation is one of the key factors that can be exploited on reconfigurable hardware such as FPGAs, and hence ignoring this potential significantly limits the performance achievable. In order to optimise the performance of hardware reliably, we require a method that can tractably calculate tight bounds for the error or range of any variable within an algorithm, but currently only a handful of methods to calculate such bounds exist, and these either sacrifice tightness or tractability, whilst simulation-based methods cannot guarantee the given error estimate. This thesis presents a new method to calculate these bounds, taking into account both input ranges and finite precision effects, which we show to be, in general, tighter in comparison to existing methods; this in turn can be used to tune the hardware to the algorithm specifications. We demonstrate the use of this software to optimise hardware for various algorithms to accelerate the solution of a system of linear equations, which forms the basis of many problems in engineering and science, and show that significant performance gains can be obtained by using this new approach in conjunction with more traditional hardware optimisations

    Exploring the acceleration of Nekbone on reconfigurable architectures

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    Hardware technological advances are struggling to match scientific ambition, and a key question is how we can use the transistors that we already have more effectively. This is especially true for HPC, where the tendency is often to throw computation at a problem whereas codes themselves are commonly bound, at-least to some extent, by other factors. By redesigning an algorithm and moving from a Von Neumann to dataflow style, then potentially there is more opportunity to address these bottlenecks on reconfigurable architectures, compared to more general-purpose architectures. In this paper we explore the porting of Nekbone's AX kernel, a widely popular HPC mini-app, to FPGAs using High Level Synthesis via Vitis. Whilst computation is an important part of this code, it is also memory bound on CPUs, and a key question is whether one can ameliorate this by leveraging FPGAs. We first explore optimisation strategies for obtaining good performance, with over a 4000 times runtime difference between the first and final version of our kernel on FPGAs. Subsequently, performance and power efficiency of our approach on an Alveo U280 are compared against a 24 core Xeon Platinum CPU and NVIDIA V100 GPU, with the FPGA outperforming the CPU by around four times, achieving almost three quarters the GPU performance, and significantly more power efficient than both. The result of this work is a comparison and set of techniques that both apply to Nekbone on FPGAs specifically and are also of interest more widely in accelerating HPC codes on reconfigurable architectures.Comment: Pre-print of paper accepted to IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Heterogeneous High-performance Reconfigurable Computing (H2RC

    Co-processor offloading applied to passive coherent location with Doppler and bearing data

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    Includes abstract.Includes bibliographical references (leaf 76).This project dealt with the acceleration of an aircraft tracking algorithm using a ClearSpeed mathematical co-processor. The algorithm is based on non-linear differential correction (also known as the Gauss-Newton method) and uses Doppler and bearing data from a Passive Coherent Location (PCL) radar system. A PCL radar uses a network of receivers to track targets through their back-scatter from existing Continuous Wave (CW) transmissions, such as broadcast TV or radio. The lack of an active transmitter in a PCL system results in relatively low procurement, operation and maintenance costs. This is of particular advantage for airports in third world countries, many of which do not have radar assisted air traffic control