30 research outputs found


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    The recent trends in the domain of wireless communications indicate severe upcoming challenges, both in terms of infrastructure as well as design of novel techniques. On the other hand, the world population keeps witnessing or hearing about new generations of mobile/wireless technologies within every half to one decade. It is certain the wireless communication systems have enabled the exchange of information without any physical cable(s), however, the dependence of the mobile devices on the power cables still persist. Each passing year unveils several critical challenges related to the increasing capacity and performance needs, power optimization at complex hardware circuitries, mobility of the users, and demand for even better energy efficiency algorithms at the wireless devices. Moreover, an additional issue is raised in the form of continuous battery drainage at these limited-power devices for sufficing their assertive demands. In this regard, optimal performance at any device is heavily constrained by either wired, or an inductive based wireless recharging of the equipment on a continuous basis. This process is very inconvenient and such a problem is foreseen to persist in future, irrespective of the wireless communication method used. Recently, a promising idea for simultaneous wireless radio-frequency (RF) transmission of information and energy came into spotlight during the last decade. This technique does not only guarantee a more flexible recharging alternative, but also ensures its co-existence with any of the existing (RF-based) or alternatively proposed methods of wireless communications, such as visible light communications (VLC) (e.g., Light Fidelity (Li-Fi)), optical communications (e.g., LASER-equipped communication systems), and far-envisioned quantum-based communication systems. In addition, this scheme is expected to cater to the needs of many current and future technologies like wearable devices, sensors used in hazardous areas, 5G and beyond, etc. This Thesis presents a detailed investigation of several interesting scenarios in this direction, specifically concerning design and optimization of such RF-based power transfer systems. The first chapter of this Thesis provides a detailed overview of the considered topic, which serves as the foundation step. The details include the highlights about its main contributions, discussion about the adopted mathematical (optimization) tools, and further refined minutiae about its organization. Following this, a detailed survey on the wireless power transmission (WPT) techniques is provided, which includes the discussion about historical developments of WPT comprising its present forms, consideration of WPT with wireless communications, and its compatibility with the existing techniques. Moreover, a review on various types of RF energy harvesting (EH) modules is incorporated, along with a brief and general overview on the system modeling, the modeling assumptions, and recent industrial considerations. Furthermore, this Thesis work has been divided into three main research topics, as follows. Firstly, the notion of simultaneous wireless information and power transmission (SWIPT) is investigated in conjunction with the cooperative systems framework consisting of single source, multiple relays and multiple users. In this context, several interesting aspects like relay selection, multi-carrier, and resource allocation are considered, along with problem formulations dealing with either maximization of throughput, maximization of harvested energy, or both. Secondly, this Thesis builds up on the idea of transmit precoder design for wireless multigroup multicasting systems in conjunction with SWIPT. Herein, the advantages of adopting separate multicasting and energy precoder designs are illustrated, where we investigate the benefits of multiple antenna transmitters by exploiting the similarities between broadcasting information and wirelessly transferring power. The proposed design does not only facilitates the SWIPT mechanism, but may also serve as a potential candidate to complement the separate waveform designing mechanism with exclusive RF signals meant for information and power transmissions, respectively. Lastly, a novel mechanism is developed to establish a relationship between the SWIPT and cache-enabled cooperative systems. In this direction, benefits of adopting the SWIPT-caching framework are illustrated, with special emphasis on an enhanced rate-energy (R-E) trade-off in contrast to the traditional SWIPT systems. The common notion in the context of SWIPT revolves around the transmission of information, and storage of power. In this vein, the proposed work investigates the system wherein both information and power can be transmitted and stored. The Thesis finally concludes with insights on the future directions and open research challenges associated with the considered framework

    Spectral-energy efficiency trade-off of relay-aided cellular networks

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    Wireless communication networks are traditionally designed to operate at high spectral e ciency with less emphasis on power consumption as it is assumed that endless power supply is available through the power grid where the cells are connected to. As new generations of mobile networks exhibit decreasing gains in spectral e ciency, the mobile industry is forced to consider energy reform policies in order to sustain the economic growth of itself and other industries relying on it. Consequently, the energy e ciency of conventional direct transmission cellular networks is being examined while alternative green network architectures are also explored. The relay-aided cellular network is being considered as one of the potential network architecture for energy e cient transmission. However, relaying transmission incurs multiplexing loss due to its multi-hop protocol. This, in turn, reduces network spectral e ciency. Furthermore, interference is also expected to increase with the deployment of Relay Stations (RSs) in the network. This thesis examines the power consumption of the conventional direct transmission cellular network and contributes to the development of the relay-aided cellular network. Firstly, the power consumption of the direct transmission cellular network is investigated. While most work considered transmitter side strategies, the impact of the receiver on the Base Station (BS) total power consumption is investigated here. Both the zero-forcing and minimum mean square error weight optimisation approaches are considered for both the conventional linear and successive interference cancellation receivers. The power consumption model which includes both the radio frequency transmit power and circuit power is described. The in uence of the receiver interference cancellation techniques, the number of transceiver antennas, circuit power consumption and inter-cell interference on the BS total power consumption is investigated. Secondly, the spectral-energy e ciency trade-o in the relay-aided cellular network is investigated. The signal forwarding and interference forwarding relaying paradigms are considered with the direct transmission cellular network taken as the baseline. This investigation serves to understand the dynamics in the performance trade-o . To select a suitable balance point in the trade-o , the economic e ciency metric is proposed whereby the spectral-energy e ciency pair which maximises the economic pro tability is found. Thus, the economic e ciency metric can be utilised as an alternative means to optimise the relay-aided cellular network while taking into account the inherent spectral-energy e ciency trade-o . Finally, the method of mitigating interference in the relay-aided cellular network is demonstrated by means of the proposed relay cooperation scheme. In the proposed scheme, both joint RS decoding and independent RS decoding approaches are considered during the broadcast phase while joint relay transmission is employed in the relay phase. Two user selection schemes requiring global Channel State Information (CSI) are considered. The partial semi-orthogonal user selection method with reduced CSI requirement is then proposed. As the cooperative cost limits the practicality of cooperative schemes, the cost incurred at the cooperative links between the RSs is investigated for varying degrees of RS cooperation. The performance of the relay cooperation scheme with di erent relay frequency reuse patterns is considered as well. In a nutshell, the research presented in this thesis reveals the impact of the receiver on the BS total power consumption in direct transmission cellular networks. The relayaided cellular network is then presented as an alternative architecture for energy e cient transmission. The economic e ciency metric is proposed to maximise the economic pro tability of the relay network while taking into account the existing spectral-energy e ciency trade-o . To mitigate the interference from the RSs, the relay cooperation scheme for advanced relay-aided cellular networks is proposed

    Hybrid Processing Design for Multipair Massive MIMO Relaying with Channel Spatial Correlation

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    Massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) avails of simple transceiver design which can tackle many drawbacks of relay systems in terms of complicated signal processing, latency, and noise amplification. However, the cost and circuit complexity of having one radio frequency (RF) chain dedicated to each antenna element are prohibitive in practice. In this paper, we address this critical issue in amplify-and-forward (AF) relay systems using a hybrid analog and digital (A/D) transceiver structure. More specifically, leveraging the channel long-term properties, we design the analog beamformer which aims to minimize the channel estimation error and remain invariant over a long timescale. Then, the beamforming is completed by simple digital signal processing, i.e., maximum ratio combining/maximum ratio transmission (MRC/MRT) or zero-forcing (ZF) in the baseband domain. We present analytical bounds on the achievable spectral efficiency taking into account the spatial correlation and imperfect channel state information at the relay station. Our analytical results reveal that the hybrid A/D structure with ZF digital processor exploits spatial correlation and offers a higher spectral efficiency compared to the hybrid A/D structure with MRC/MRT scheme. Our numerical results showcase that the hybrid A/D beamforming design captures nearly 95% of the spectral efficiency of a fully digital AF relaying topology even by removing half of the RF chains. It is also shown that the hybrid A/D structure is robust to coarse quantization, and even with 2-bit resolution, the system can achieve more than 93% of the spectral efficiency offered by the same hybrid A/D topology with infinite resolution phase shifters.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figures, to appear in IEEE Transactions on Communication

    Principles of Physical Layer Security in Multiuser Wireless Networks: A Survey

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    This paper provides a comprehensive review of the domain of physical layer security in multiuser wireless networks. The essential premise of physical-layer security is to enable the exchange of confidential messages over a wireless medium in the presence of unauthorized eavesdroppers without relying on higher-layer encryption. This can be achieved primarily in two ways: without the need for a secret key by intelligently designing transmit coding strategies, or by exploiting the wireless communication medium to develop secret keys over public channels. The survey begins with an overview of the foundations dating back to the pioneering work of Shannon and Wyner on information-theoretic security. We then describe the evolution of secure transmission strategies from point-to-point channels to multiple-antenna systems, followed by generalizations to multiuser broadcast, multiple-access, interference, and relay networks. Secret-key generation and establishment protocols based on physical layer mechanisms are subsequently covered. Approaches for secrecy based on channel coding design are then examined, along with a description of inter-disciplinary approaches based on game theory and stochastic geometry. The associated problem of physical-layer message authentication is also introduced briefly. The survey concludes with observations on potential research directions in this area.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figures, 303 refs. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1303.1609 by other authors. IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, 201

    Millimeter Wave Hybrid Beamforming Systems

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    Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces for Smart Cities: Research Challenges and Opportunities

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    The concept of Smart Cities has been introduced as a way to benefit from the digitization of various ecosystems at a city level. To support this concept, future communication networks need to be carefully designed with respect to the city infrastructure and utilization of resources. Recently, the idea of 'smart' environment, which takes advantage of the infrastructure for better performance of wireless networks, has been proposed. This idea is aligned with the recent advances in design of reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RISs), which are planar structures with the capability to reflect impinging electromagnetic waves toward preferred directions. Thus, RISs are expected to provide the necessary flexibility for the design of the 'smart' communication environment, which can be optimally shaped to enable cost- and energy-efficient signal transmissions where needed. Upon deployment of RISs, the ecosystem of the Smart Cities would become even more controllable and adaptable, which would subsequently ease the implementation of future communication networks in urban areas and boost the interconnection among private households and public services. In this paper, we describe our vision of the application of RISs in future Smart Cities. In particular, the research challenges and opportunities are addressed. The contribution paves the road to a systematic design of RIS-assisted communication networks for Smart Cities in the years to come.Comment: Submitted for possible publication in IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Societ

    Cost-Effective Signal Processing Algorithms for Physical-Layer Security in Wireless Networks

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    Data privacy in traditional wireless communications is accomplished by cryptography techniques at the upper layers of the protocol stack. This thesis aims at contributing to the critical security issue residing in the physical-layer of wireless networks, namely, secrecy rate in various transmission environments. Physical-layer security opens the gate to the exploitation of channel characteristics to achieve data secure transmission. Precoding techniques, as a critical aspect in pre-processing signals prior to transmission has become an effective approach and recently drawn significant attention in the literature. In our research, novel non-linear precoders are designed focusing on the improvement of the physical-layer secrecy rate with consideration of computational complexity as well as the Bit Error Ratio (BER) performance. In the process of designing the precoder, strategies such as Lattice Reduction (LR) and Artificial Noise (AN) are employed to achieve certain design requirements. The deployment and allocation of resources such as relays to assist the transmission also have gained significant interest. In multiple-antenna relay networks, we examine various relay selection criteria with arbitrary knowledge of the channels to the users and the eavesdroppers. Furthermore, we provide novel effective relay selection criteria that can achieve a high secrecy rate performance. More importantly they do not require knowledge of the channels of the eavesdroppers and the interference. Combining the jamming technique with resource allocation of relay networks, we investigate an opportunistic relaying and jamming scheme for Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) buffer-aided downlink relay networks. More specifically, a novel Relaying and Jamming Function Selection (RJFS) algorithm as well as a buffer-aided RJFS algorithm are developed along with their ability to achieve a higher secrecy rate. Relying on the proposed relay network, we detail the characteristics of the system, under various relay selection criteria, develop exhaustive search and greedy search-based algorithms, with or without inter-relay Interference Cancellation (IC)

    On the energy efficiency of spatial modulation concepts

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    Spatial Modulation (SM) is a Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) transmission technique which realizes low complexity implementations in wireless communication systems. Due the transmission principle of SM, only one Radio Frequency (RF) chain is required in the transmitter. Therefore, the complexity of the transmitter is lower compared to the complexity of traditional MIMO schemes, such as Spatial MultipleXing (SMX). In addition, because of the single RF chain configuration of SM, only one Power Amplifier (PA) is required in the transmitter. Hence, SM has the potential to exhibit significant Energy Efficiency (EE) benefits. At the receiver side, due to the SM transmission mechanism, detection is conducted using a low complexity (single stream) Maximum Likelihood (ML) detector. However, despite the use of a single stream detector, SM achieves a multiplexing gain. A point-to-point closed-loop variant of SM is receive space modulation. In receive space modulation, the concept of SMis extended at the receiver side, using linear precoding with Channel State Information at the Transmitter (CSIT). Even though receive space modulation does not preserve the single RF chain configuration of SM, due to the deployed linear precoding, it can be efficiently incorporated in a Space Division Multiple Access (SDMA) or in a Virtual Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (VMIMO) architecture. Inspired by the potentials of SM, the objectives of this thesis are the evaluation of the EE of SM and its extension in different forms of MIMO communication. In particular, a realistic power model for the power consumption of a Base Station (BS) is deployed in order to assess the EE of SM in terms of Mbps/J. By taking into account the whole power supply of a BS and considering a Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) multiple access scheme, it is shown that SM is significantly more energy efficient compared to the traditional MIMO techniques. In the considered system setup, it is shown that SM is up to 67% more energy efficient compared to the benchmark systems. In addition, the concept of space modulation is researched at the receiver side. Specifically, based on the union bound technique, a framework for the evaluation of the Average Bit Error Probability (ABEP), diversity order, and coding gain of receive space modulation is developed. Because receive space modulation deploys linear precoding with CSIT, two new precoding methods which utilize imperfect CSIT are proposed. Furthermore, in this thesis, receive space modulation is incorporated in the broadcast channel. The derivation of the theoretical ABEP, diversity order, and coding gain of the new broadcast scheme is provided. It is concluded that receive space modulation is able to outperform the corresponding traditional MIMO scheme. Finally, SM, receive space modulation, and relaying are combined in order to form a novel virtual MIMO architecture. It is shown that the new architecture practically eliminates or reduces the problem of the inefficient relaying of the uncoordinated virtual MIMO space modulation architectures. This is undertaken by using precoding in a novel fashion. The evaluation of the new architecture is conducted using simulation and theoretical results