312 research outputs found

    Improved MPPT Methods for PV Array Under Patrially Shaded Condition

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    Under partially shaded conditions PV string exhibits complex output characteristics, i.e., the current-voltage curve (I-V) shows multiple current stairs whereas power –voltage (P-V) curves presents multiple voltage peaks. Therefore the use of conventional maximum power point tracking is not beneficial in the case of tracking accuracy or on tracking speed. This paper introduces two global MPPT methods one is search-skip-judge global MPPT(SSJ-GMMPT) and another is rapid global MPPT (R-GMPPT) methods. These two methods proposed helps to reduce searching voltage range based on study of I-V and P-V characteristics of P-V string. The real maximum power under any shading condition can be tracked by SSJ-GMPPT and therefore high accuracy and rapid tracking speed can be achieved without any additional circuits and sensors. The tracking speed of long string having huge PV modules can be improved by R-GMPPT methods which degrades more than 90% of tracking time that is required by conventional global searching method. Comparing these two propose method with other methods highlights that these proposed methods are good and powerful

    Maximum power point tracking and control of grid interfacing PV systems

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    Grid interfacing of PV systems is very crucial for their future deployment. To address some drawbacks of model-based maximum power point tracking (MPPT) techniques, new optimum proportionality constant values based on the variation of temperature and irradiance are proposed for fractional open circuit voltage (FOCV) and fraction short circuit current (FSCC) MPPT. The two MPPT controllers return their optimum proportionality values to gain high tracking efficiency when a change occurred to temperature and/or irradiance. A modified variable step-size incremental conductance MPPT technique for PV system is proposed. In the new MPPT technique, a new autonomous scaling factor based on the PV module voltage in a restricted search range to replace the fixed scaling factor in the conventional variable step-size algorithm is proposed. Additionally, a slope angle variation algorithm is also developed. The proposed MPPT technique demonstrates faster tracking speed with minimum oscillations around MPP both at steady-state and dynamic conditions with overall efficiency of about 99.70%. The merits of the proposed MPPT technique are verified using simulation and practical experimentation. A new 0.8Voc model technique to estimate the peak global voltage under partial shading condition for medium voltage megawatt photovoltaic system integration is proposed. The proposed technique consists of two main components; namely, peak voltage and peak voltage deviation correction factor. The proposed 0.8Voc model is validated by using MATLAB simulation. The results show high tracking efficiency with minimum deviations compared to the conventional counterpart. The efficiency of the conventional 0.8 model is about 93% while that of the proposed is 99.6%. Control issues confronting grid interfacing PV system is investigated. The proposed modified 0.8Voc model is utilized to optimise the active power level in the grid interfacing of multimegawatt photovoltaic system under normal and partial shading conditions. The active power from the PV arrays is 5 MW, while the injected power into the ac is 4.73 MW, which represents 95% of the PV arrays power at normal condition. Similarly, during partial shading conditions, the active power of PV module is 2 MW and the injected power is 1.89 MW, which represents 95% of PV array power at partial shading conditions. The technique demonstrated the capability of saving high amount of grid power.Grid interfacing of PV systems is very crucial for their future deployment. To address some drawbacks of model-based maximum power point tracking (MPPT) techniques, new optimum proportionality constant values based on the variation of temperature and irradiance are proposed for fractional open circuit voltage (FOCV) and fraction short circuit current (FSCC) MPPT. The two MPPT controllers return their optimum proportionality values to gain high tracking efficiency when a change occurred to temperature and/or irradiance. A modified variable step-size incremental conductance MPPT technique for PV system is proposed. In the new MPPT technique, a new autonomous scaling factor based on the PV module voltage in a restricted search range to replace the fixed scaling factor in the conventional variable step-size algorithm is proposed. Additionally, a slope angle variation algorithm is also developed. The proposed MPPT technique demonstrates faster tracking speed with minimum oscillations around MPP both at steady-state and dynamic conditions with overall efficiency of about 99.70%. The merits of the proposed MPPT technique are verified using simulation and practical experimentation. A new 0.8Voc model technique to estimate the peak global voltage under partial shading condition for medium voltage megawatt photovoltaic system integration is proposed. The proposed technique consists of two main components; namely, peak voltage and peak voltage deviation correction factor. The proposed 0.8Voc model is validated by using MATLAB simulation. The results show high tracking efficiency with minimum deviations compared to the conventional counterpart. The efficiency of the conventional 0.8 model is about 93% while that of the proposed is 99.6%. Control issues confronting grid interfacing PV system is investigated. The proposed modified 0.8Voc model is utilized to optimise the active power level in the grid interfacing of multimegawatt photovoltaic system under normal and partial shading conditions. The active power from the PV arrays is 5 MW, while the injected power into the ac is 4.73 MW, which represents 95% of the PV arrays power at normal condition. Similarly, during partial shading conditions, the active power of PV module is 2 MW and the injected power is 1.89 MW, which represents 95% of PV array power at partial shading conditions. The technique demonstrated the capability of saving high amount of grid power

    Design of Improved Soft Computing based Maximum Power Point Tracking System for Operational Efficiency Enhancement of Solar Photovoltaic Energy System

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    The most promising renewable energy source is solar energy, which has enormous potential but has not yet been fully investigated or converted into useful power. The process of converting solar radiation into electrical power is marked by fluctuations in output and waste. These losses are associated with the processes of conversion, transformation, and usage. Temperature, irradiance, and shade are the main operating conditions that affect how well a solar photovoltaic system performs. The efficiency with which power is converted from the panel to the load determines the operational efficiency. Charge controllers are made to convert solar photovoltaic power into electricity for an external circuit. The goal of the research is to look into efficient algorithms that can improve the solar photovoltaic energy system's operating efficiency. In order to increase the operational efficiency of solar photovoltaic systems, research is concentrated on developing maximum power point tracking systems (MPPT) under a variety of operating scenarios, including partial shade and fluctuating irradiance. The performance of the system under various operating conditions has been investigated through the simulation of an equivalent mathematical model. A unique method for charge controller duty cycle control and solar system cooling has been developed. It is based on hybridization of PV-T System and cuckoo search optimization. Simulations of the suggested system have been run under standard, complex, and changing shading pattern and operating conditions. Simulations have shown that the devised method performs better in terms of tracked power, tracking time, and tracking stability. Comparing the suggested research to heuristic approaches based on conventional and soft computing, the solar photovoltaic system's operational performance is much improved

    An Improved and Fast MPPT Algorithm for PV Systems under Partially Shaded Conditions

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    Photovoltaic MPPT techniques comparative review

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    Hybrid Improved Differential Evolution and Splinebased Jaya for Photovoltaic MPPT Technique

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    Some Soft Computing algorithms to solve themaximum power point tracking (MPPT) method problem ofthe photovoltaic system under partially shaded conditions willstop tracking Global Maxima and produce reference voltage orthe best duty-cycle if the difference between the worst and thebest candidate solution is smaller than the specified threshold.A large threshold value will produce fast converging, but theaccuracy value will be low, and vice versa, then thedetermination of the threshold value will be very dilemma.Therefore, this study proposed a combination of ImprovedDifferential Evolution (IDE) and Jaya optimization based onpredictive curves using cubic spline interpolation to determinethe best particles after the IDE reaches convergent criteria, sothat with a large threshold value it will still get high accuracyand high convergent speed. Furthermore, the algorithmproposed in this study is known as Improved DifferentialEvolution and Jaya Based Spline (IDESJaya). The proposedalgorithm is compared with conventional P&O, Jaya based onSpline, and IDE. Simulation results show that the IDESJayatechnique is faster converging, provides a better overalltracking efficiency and higher accuracy

    Modelling and Analysis of Photovoltaic System under Partially Shaded Conditions using Improved Harmony Search Algorithm

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    With the increasing penetration of solar electricity in residential, institutional and commercial centres around the globe, the phenomenon of partial shading (PS) in Photovoltaic (PV) power generation is gaining attention. Under Partial shading condition (PSC), cells that are shaded tends to have an equivalent current with cells that are unshaded in series-connection, due to this, the shaded cells operates in reverse bias and consequently becomes load and consumes the generated power. This causes a serious problem known as hotspot. This is characterized by the presence of excessive heat which consequently reduces the total generated power. Recently, researchers use the technique of bypass diodes across the PV cells so that the problem of partial shading can be reduced, but this solution taken alone, has made the nonlinearity and complexity of the system to increase. The shaded cells generate multiple peaks with only one global peak. Conventional Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) algorithms do not differentiates the global peak from local peaks which may end up tracking local peak as global peak, this results in serious power loss. This paper seeks to solve this problem by modelling a PV system under PSC and through the application of Improved Harmony Search algorithm (IHSA) and variable step Perturb & Observe (P&O) to track the global peak instead of local peaks. Simulation was done in MATLAB/Simulink 2018a environment, and the results under standard test condition (STC) and PSC showed that the proposed IHSA had an improvement of 25%, 3.17% and 2.27%, 3.07% and 2.21%, 3.26% and 2.26% when compared with the improved particle swarm optimization (IPSO) under STC and PSC conditions respectively, which had a better advantage of minimizing power oscillation and improving the efficiency of the system, improved MPPT tracking, reduced error and a better tracking efficiency in both conditions. Keywords: MPPT, photovoltaic system, partial shading, tracking efficiency, Harmony search algorith

    A Unified Approach to Maximum Power Point Tracking and I-V Curve Determination of Photovoltaic Arrays from Real-time Measurements

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    In recent years we have seen a considerable increase in the installed capacity of Photovoltaic (PV) power generating plants worldwide. This increase is primarily attributed to the decrease in the cost of installation and the awareness towards the sustainable power generation. However, the efficiency of the PV modules is still low. The Current vs. Voltage (I-V) characteristics of the PV generators is non-linear and changes with irradiance and temperature. For optimal utilization of PV sources, Maximum Power Point Trackers (MPPTs) are used. When the array is under uniform illumination, there is a single peak on the Power vs. Voltage (P-V) curve of the PV array. This peak is easily tracked by conventional MPPTs. However, under Partial Shading Conditions (PSC), multiple peaks appear on the P-V curve. Out of these, there is one Global Peak (GP) while the others are Local Peaks (LP). When the MPPT algorithm is trapped at LP, considerable power loss occurs. Special MPPTs are designed for finding the GP when the array is under PSC. It is also important to periodically find the I-V curve of the array under the field conditions for monitoring and control of the PV generators. For this purpose, specialized tests are performed. During these tests, the generation of power from the PV arrays is halted. Similarly, the speed of performance of these tests is also important as the environmental conditions may change quickly during finding of the curve. Any change in the surroundings during the performance of finding the characteristic curve may affect the results. In this thesis, two algorithms are proposed that perform the MPP tracking and measurement of the I-V curve under any kind of irradiance. The first algorithm performs these tasks by using the module voltages as the parameter. In the second method, the input filter capacitor of buck or buck-boost converter is used. Simulation and experimental results confirm the performance of the proposed methods
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