254 research outputs found

    Optical Switching for Scalable Data Centre Networks

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    This thesis explores the use of wavelength tuneable transmitters and control systems within the context of scalable, optically switched data centre networks. Modern data centres require innovative networking solutions to meet their growing power, bandwidth, and scalability requirements. Wavelength routed optical burst switching (WROBS) can meet these demands by applying agile wavelength tuneable transmitters at the edge of a passive network fabric. Through experimental investigation of an example WROBS network, the transmitter is shown to determine system performance, and must support ultra-fast switching as well as power efficient transmission. This thesis describes an intelligent optical transmitter capable of wideband sub-nanosecond wavelength switching and low-loss modulation. A regression optimiser is introduced that applies frequency-domain feedback to automatically enable fast tuneable laser reconfiguration. Through simulation and experiment, the optimised laser is shown to support 122×50 GHz channels, switching in less than 10 ns. The laser is deployed as a component within a new wavelength tuneable source (WTS) composed of two time-interleaved tuneable lasers and two semiconductor optical amplifiers. Switching over 6.05 THz is demonstrated, with stable switch times of 547 ps, a record result. The WTS scales well in terms of chip-space and bandwidth, constituting the first demonstration of scalable, sub-nanosecond optical switching. The power efficiency of the intelligent optical transmitter is further improved by introduction of a novel low-loss split-carrier modulator. The design is evaluated using 112 Gb/s/λ intensity modulated, direct-detection signals and a single-ended photodiode receiver. The split-carrier transmitter is shown to achieve hard decision forward error correction ready performance after 2 km of transmission using a laser output power of just 0 dBm; a 5.2 dB improvement over the conventional transmitter. The results achieved in the course of this research allow for ultra-fast, wideband, intelligent optical transmitters that can be applied in the design of all-optical data centres for power efficient, scalable networking

    Photonics-enabled very high capacity wireless communication for indoor applications

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    Advanced optical modulation and fast reconfigurable en/decoding techniques for OCDMA application

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    With the explosive growth of bandwidth requirement in optical fiber communication networks, optical code division multiple access (OCDMA) has witnessed tremendous achievements as one of the promising technologies for optical access networks over the past decades. In an OCDMA system, optical code processing is one of the key techniques. Rapid optical code reconfiguration can improve flexibility and security of the OCDMA system. This thesis focuses on advanced optical modulations and en/decoding techniques for applications in fast reconfigurable OCDMA systems and secure optical communications. A novel time domain spectral phase encoding (SPE) scheme which can rapidly reconfigure the optical code and is compatible with conventional spectral domain phase en/decoding by using a pair of dispersive devices and a high speed phase modulator is proposed. Based on this scheme, a novel advanced modulation technique that can simultaneously generate both the optical code and the differential-phase-shift-keying (DPSK) data using a single phase modulator is experimentally demonstrated. A symmetric time domain spectral phase encoding and decoding (SPE/SPD) scheme using a similar setup for both the transmitter and receiver is further proposed, based on which a bit-by-bit optical code scrambling and DPSK data modulation technique for secure optical communications has been successfully demonstrated. By combining optical encoding and optical steganography, a novel approach for secure transmission of time domain spectral phase encoded on-off-keying (OOK)/DPSK-OCDMA signal over public wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) network has also been proposed and demonstrated. To enable high speed operation of the time domain SPE/SPD scheme and enhance the system security, a rapid programmable, code-length variable bit-by-bit optical code shifting technique is proposed. Based on this technique, security improvements for OOK/DPSK OCDMA systems at data rates of 10Gb/s and 40Gb/s using reconfigurable optical codes of up to 1024-chip have been achieved. Finally, a novel tunable two-dimensional coherent optical en/decoder which can simultaneously perform wavelength hopping and spectral phase encoding based on coupled micro-ring resonator is proposed and theoretically investigated. The techniques included in this thesis could be potentially used for future fast reconfigurable and secure optical code based communication systems

    Developing coherent optical wavelength conversion systems for reconfigurable photonic networks

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    In future optical networks that employ wavelength division multiplexing (WDM), the use of optical switching technologies on a burst or packet level, combined with advanced modulation formats would achieve greater spectral efficiency and utilize the existing bandwidth more efficiently. All-optical wavelength converters are expected to be one of the key components in these broadband networks. They can be used at the network nodes to avoid contention and to dynamically allocate wavelengths to ensure optimum use of fiber bandwidth. In this work, a reconfigurable wavelength converter comprising of a Semiconductor Optical Amplifier (SOA) as the nonlinear element and a fast-switching sampled grating distributed Bragg reflector (SG-DBR) tunable laser as one of the pumps is developed. The wavelength conversion of 12.5-Gbaud quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK) and Pol-Mul QPSK signals with switching time of tens of nanoseconds is experimentally achieved. Although the tunable DBR lasers can achieve ns tuning time, they present relatively large phase noise. The phase noise transfer from the pump to the converted signal can have a deleterious effect on signal quality and cause a performance penalty with phase modulated signals. To overcome the phase noise transfer issue, a wavelength converter using tunable dual-correlated pumps provided by the combination of a single-section quantum dash passively mode-locked laser (QD-PMLL) and a programmable tunable optical filter is designed and the wavelength conversion of QPSK and 16-quadrature amplitude modulation (16-QAM) signals at 12.5 GBaud is experimentally investigated. Nonlinear distortion of the wavelength converted signal caused by gain saturation effects in the SOA can significantly degrade the signal quality and cause difficulties for the practical wavelength conversion of sig nal data with advanced modulation formats. In this work, the machine learning clustering based nonlinearity compensation method is proposed to improve the tolerance to nonlinear distortion in an SOA based wavelength conversion system with 16 QAM and 64 QAM signals

    Passive components in indium phosphide generic integration technologies

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    Capability extensions to the COBRA generic photonic integration platform

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    Investigation of wavelength tunable laser modules for use in future optically switched dense wavelength division multiplexed networks

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    This thesis investigates the use of fast wavelength tunable laser modules in future optically switched dense wavelength division multiplexed networks (DWDM). The worldwide demand for increasingly greater broadband access has thus far been satisfied by the use of DWDM networks, enabled by the development of the erbium doped amplifier. However as this demand continues to grow electronic switching at network nodes will become a limiting factor, creating a potential bandwidth mismatch between the fibre capacities and switching capacity. Optical switching has been proposed to overcome this electronic bottleneck and fully utilize the enormous bandwidth offered by fibre. Fast tunable lasers (TLs) are a key technology in this area, enabling fast wavelength switching. Experimental work involving the fast wavelength switching of sampled grating distributed Bragg reflector TL modules is presented. Spurious mode generation during wavelength tuning is shown to cause severe cross-channel interference on other data channels in a DWDM test bed. Bit error rate (BER) results demonstrate that a integrated semiconductor optical amplifier can greatly reduce system degradation caused by asynchronous switching of multiple TLs. This is achieved by optically blanking the laser output during channel transition for a period of 60 ns. Immediately after the blanking period a wavelength drift due to the TL module wavelength locking is found to cause cross channel interference and introduce an error floor >1 e-4 on the BER performance characteristic of an adjacent channel in a 12.5 GHz spaced DWDM network. This drift is characterised, using a selfheterodyne and a filter based approach – Error free performance is subsequently demonstrated by using an extended blanking period of 260 ns or by using subcarrier multiplexing transmission and phase selective demodulation before detection. A DWDM optical label switching system, utilizing 40 Gbit/s payload data with low data rate labels placed on a 40 GHz sub-carrier and using TL transmitters is presented. Channel performance is monitored on a static channel as a second data channel is tuned into an adjacent channel on a 100 GHz spaced grid. Error free performance is demonstrated only for the channel payload – Time resolved BER results in agreement with the TL wavelength drift are measured and demonstrate a detrimental influence of the drift on the sub-carrier label performance
