787 research outputs found

    Semiconductor optical amplifiers in avionics

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    RSOAs have been demonstrated to operate within a WDM PON architectures over a >;60nm wavelength range with large path loss capabilities. Two RSOAs enable contiguous operation over the S, C and L bands; results indicate clearly that WDM architectures suitable for avionics with a PLC of >;25dB are possible with only two devices. Performance at extended temperature ranges will be reported later in detai

    Generation of high speed polarization modulated data using a monolithically integrated device

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    We report on the generation of high speed polarization modulated data via direct electrical binary data injection to the phase shifter section of a monolithically integrated laser diode integrated with a polarization controller. The device is fabricated on standard InP/AlGaInAs multiple quantum-well material and consists of a semiconductor laser, a passive polarization mode convertor and an active differential phase-shifter section. We demonstrate the generation of 300 Mbit/s Polarization Shift Keyed data

    Fundamentals of bidirectional transmission over a single optical fibre

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    New materials, regimes and applications of fibre laser technology

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    Nonlinear optics enables the manipulation of spectral and temporal characteristics of optical pulses interacting with a dielectric medium. Optical fibres, as a uniquely practical medium, provide an environment for effectively exploiting the nonlinear effects. This has facilitated the rapid growing interest in this field focused on the investigation of fibrebased sources incorporated with various novel saturable absorber devices for ultrashort pulse generation. This thesis reports a series of experiments exploring the ongoing research in the field of nonlinear optics, including the development of ultrafast mode-locked fibre sources and their applications in supercontinumm generation and third order parametric interactions in new carbon materials. Firstly, the integration of carbon-based materials with rare-earth doped media allows the demonstration of ultrafast mode-locked laser sources operating at wavelengths across the near-infrared region in a compact, low cost and environmentally robust scheme. Power scaling of such sources can be achieved by operating in the all-normal dispersion regime making use of a glass-substrate saturable absorber device that exhibits a higher damage threshold. Supercontinuum generation has been used as an effective method for spectral broadening. Pumping with a conceptually simple and reliable fibre-based system, a continuum covering from 2 to 3 ÎĽm is generated in a highly nonlinear GeO2 fibre. This experiment demonstrates a robust and long-term stable source of radiation in an important band, coincident with a portion of the atmospheric transmission window. Finally, the demonstration of a simple and compact nano-material based dual-wavelength system shows the performance of such devices as a simultaneous saturable absorber and passive synchroniser. An experimental study of coherent frequency mixing at large frequency shifts in a graphene sample, pumped by a two-colour fibre-integrated source, proves the strong nonlinear response of this new carbon material.Open Acces

    A Critical Comparison of High-Speed VCSEL Characterisation Techniques

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    This paper critically compares, for the first time, common microwave and optical procedures used for the high-speed characterisation of vertical-cavity, surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs). The intrinsic small-signal modulation characteristics of a VCSEL are measured, and the related rate equation parameters are extracted. Observed trends show excellent agreement with theory. The modulation characteristics of the VCSEL are determined by examining three different responses: relative intensity noise, S21 response, and high-resolution optical spectra. The various experimental techniques yielded consistent results. The relative strengths and weaknesses of each measurement are investigated below

    Advances in Optical Amplifiers

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    Optical amplifiers play a central role in all categories of fibre communications systems and networks. By compensating for the losses exerted by the transmission medium and the components through which the signals pass, they reduce the need for expensive and slow optical-electrical-optical conversion. The photonic gain media, which are normally based on glass- or semiconductor-based waveguides, can amplify many high speed wavelength division multiplexed channels simultaneously. Recent research has also concentrated on wavelength conversion, switching, demultiplexing in the time domain and other enhanced functions. Advances in Optical Amplifiers presents up to date results on amplifier performance, along with explanations of their relevance, from leading researchers in the field. Its chapters cover amplifiers based on rare earth doped fibres and waveguides, stimulated Raman scattering, nonlinear parametric processes and semiconductor media. Wavelength conversion and other enhanced signal processing functions are also considered in depth. This book is targeted at research, development and design engineers from teams in manufacturing industry, academia and telecommunications service operators

    Adaptive applications of OPTO-VLSI processors in WDM networks

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    Communication is an inseparable part of human life and its nature continues to evolve and improve. The advent of laser was a herald to the new possibilities in the communication world. In recent years technologies such as Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) and Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifiers (EDFA) have afforded significant boost to the practice of optical communication. At the heart of this brave new world is the need to dynamically/ adaptively steer/route beams of light carrying very large amounts of data. In recent years many techniques have been proposed for this purpose by various researchers. In this study we have elected to utilise the beam-steering capabilities of Opto-VLSI processors to investigate band-pass filtering and channel equalisation as two possible and practical applications in WDM networks

    Akinetic Tuneable Optical Sources with Applications

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    Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) is a modern, non-invasive imaging technique in biomedical research and medical diagnostics. It was initially developed for clinical applications in ophthalmology, providing high-resolution, cross-sectional images of the retina, retinal nerve fibre layer and the optic nerve head. Today, OCT is used for in vivo imaging of almost every type of tissue and it also branched out in fields outside medicine, like industrial or pharmaceutical applications. OCT is a continuously improving imaging technique, benefiting from the development of advanced optical components and broadband optical sources. The objective of the work presented in the thesis was the development of both short and, respectively, long cavity akinetic optical devices, employing several types of dispersive optical fibre components in the cavity, like chirped fibre Bragg gratings, single mode or dispersion compensating fibre, and actively radio-frequency tuned semiconductor optical amplifiers, used as gain media. The use of external modulators, like Fabry-Perot assemblies, rotating mirrors and other mechanical devices is therefore completely eliminated, while versatility is added in the control of the coherence length, output bandwidth, repetition rate and power. The short cavity source was developed in the 1060 nm region, the output power and bandwidth showing a slow decay with the increase of repetition rate up to 250 kHz. Without any booster, the power achieved was 2 mW at 100 kHz. A novel dual-mode-locking mechanism was developed in order to tune an akinetic swept source based on dispersive cavities at a repetition rate close to, but different from the inverse of the cavity roundtrip. Several optical source configurations emitting in the 1060 nm or 1550 nm wavelength region were developed, characterised and tested in OCT applications. For the 1550 nm swept source employing a Faraday Rotating Mirror in a dispersive cavity, sweeping rates in the range of MHz were achieved, from 782 kHz to up to 5 times this value, with proportional decrease in the tuning bandwidth. Linewidths smaller than 60 pm and output powers exceeding 10 mW were measured. OCT topographic imaging was demonstrated. The thesis ends with a proposed broadband investigation of microresonators written in silica glass employing akinetic optical sources at 1550 nm. The work presented in this thesis resulted in several peer reviewed papers, one patent application and several conference presentations, listed after the final conclusions
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