284 research outputs found

    Exclusive-or preprocessing and dictionary coding of continuous-tone images.

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    The field of lossless image compression studies the various ways to represent image data in the most compact and efficient manner possible that also allows the image to be reproduced without any loss. One of the most efficient strategies used in lossless compression is to introduce entropy reduction through decorrelation. This study focuses on using the exclusive-or logic operator in a decorrelation filter as the preprocessing phase of lossless image compression of continuous-tone images. The exclusive-or logic operator is simply and reversibly applied to continuous-tone images for the purpose of extracting differences between neighboring pixels. Implementation of the exclusive-or operator also does not introduce data expansion. Traditional as well as innovative prediction methods are included for the creation of inputs for the exclusive-or logic based decorrelation filter. The results of the filter are then encoded by a variation of the Lempel-Ziv-Welch dictionary coder. Dictionary coding is selected for the coding phase of the algorithm because it does not require the storage of code tables or probabilities and because it is lower in complexity than other popular options such as Huffman or Arithmetic coding. The first modification of the Lempel-Ziv-Welch dictionary coder is that image data can be read in a sequence that is linear, 2-dimensional, or an adaptive combination of both. The second modification of the dictionary coder is that the coder can instead include multiple, dynamically chosen dictionaries. Experiments indicate that the exclusive-or operator based decorrelation filter when combined with a modified Lempel-Ziv-Welch dictionary coder provides compression comparable to algorithms that represent the current standard in lossless compression. The proposed algorithm provides compression performance that is below the Context-Based, Adaptive, Lossless Image Compression (CALIC) algorithm by 23%, below the Low Complexity Lossless Compression for Images (LOCO-I) algorithm by 19%, and below the Portable Network Graphics implementation of the Deflate algorithm by 7%, but above the Zip implementation of the Deflate algorithm by 24%. The proposed algorithm uses the exclusive-or operator in the modeling phase and uses modified Lempel-Ziv-Welch dictionary coding in the coding phase to form a low complexity, reversible, and dynamic method of lossless image compression

    Kompresija slika bez gubitaka uz iskorištavanje tokovnog modela za izvođenje na višejezgrenim računalima

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    Image and video coding play a critical role in present multimedia systems ranging from entertainment to specialized applications such as telemedicine. Usually, they are hand–customized for every intended architecture in order to meet performance requirements. This approach is neither portable nor scalable. With the advent of multicores new challenges emerged for programmers related to both efficient utilization of additional resources and scalable performance. For image and video processing applications, streaming model of computation showed to be effective in tackling these challenges. In this paper, we report the efforts to improve the execution performance of the CBPC, our compute intensive lossless image compression algorithm described in [1]. The algorithm is based on highly adaptive and predictive modeling, outperforming many other methods in compression efficiency, although with increased complexity. We employ a high–level performance optimization approach which exploits streaming model for scalability and portability. We obtain this by detecting computationally demanding parts of the algorithm and implementing them in StreamIt, an architecture–independent stream language which goal is to improve programming productivity and parallelization efficiency by exposing the parallelism and communication pattern. We developed an interface that enables the integration and hosting of streaming kernels into the host application developed in general–purpose language.Postupci obrade slikovnih podataka su iznimno zastupljeni u postojećim multimedijskim sustavima, počev od zabavnih sustava pa do specijaliziranih aplikacija u telemedicini. Vrlo često, zbog svojih računskih zahtjeva, ovi programski odsječci su iznimno optimirani i to na niskoj razini, što predstavlja poteškoće u prenosivosti i skalabilnosti konačnog rješenja. Nadolaskom višejezgrenih računala pojavljuju se novi izazovi kao što su učinkovito iskorištavanje računskih jezgri i postizanje skalabilnosti rješenja obzirom na povećanje broja jezgri. U ovom radu prikazan je novi pristup poboljšanja izvedbenih performansi metode za kompresiju slika bez gubitaka CBPC koja se odlikuje adaptivnim modelom predviđanja koji omogućuje postizanje boljih stupnjeva kompresije uz povećanje računske složenosti [1]. Pristup koji je primjenjen sastoji se u implementaciji računski zahtjevnog predikcijskog modela u tokovnom programskom jeziku koji omogućuje paralelizaciju izvornog programa. Ovako projektiran predikcijski model može se iskoristiti kroz sučelje koje smo razvili a koje omogućuje pozivanje tokovnih računskih modula i njihovo paralelno izvođenje uz iskorištavanje više jezgri

    Effective Video Encoding in Lossless and Near-lossless Modes

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    3D Model compression using Connectivity-Guided Adaptive Wavelet Transform built into 2D SPIHT

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.Connectivity-Guided Adaptive Wavelet Transform based mesh compression framework is proposed. The transformation uses the connectivity information of the 3D model to exploit the inter-pixel correlations. Orthographic projection is used for converting the 3D mesh into a 2D image-like representation. The proposed conversion method does not change the connectivity among the vertices of the 3D model. There is a correlation between the pixels of the composed image due to the connectivity of the 3D mesh. The proposed wavelet transform uses an adaptive predictor that exploits the connectivity information of the 3D model. Known image compression tools cannot take advantage of the correlations between the samples. The wavelet transformed data is then encoded using a zero-tree wavelet based method. Since the encoder creates a hierarchical bitstream, the proposed technique is a progressive mesh compression technique. Experimental results show that the proposed method has a better rate distortion performance than MPEG-3DGC/MPEG-4 mesh coder. © 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved