581 research outputs found

    A macro-micro robot for precise force applications

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    This paper describes an 8 degree-of-freedom macro-micro robot capable of performing tasks which require accurate force control. Applications such as polishing, finishing, grinding, deburring, and cleaning are a few examples of tasks which need this capability. Currently these tasks are either performed manually or with dedicated machinery because of the lack of a flexible and cost effective tool, such as a programmable force-controlled robot. The basic design and control of the macro-micro robot is described in this paper. A modular high-performance multiprocessor control system was designed to provide sufficient compute power for executing advanced control methods. An 8 degree of freedom macro-micro mechanism was constructed to enable accurate tip forces. Control algorithms based on the impedance control method were derived, coded, and load balanced for maximum execution speed on the multiprocessor system

    A force-controllable macro-micro manipulator and its application to medical robots

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    This paper describes an 8-degrees-of-freedom macro-micro robot. This robot is capable of performing tasks that require accurate force control, such as polishing, finishing, grinding, deburring, and cleaning. The design of the macro-micro mechanism, the control algorithms, and the hardware/software implementation of the algorithms are described in this paper. Initial experimental results are reported. In addition, this paper includes a discussion of medical surgery and the role that force control may play. We introduce a new class of robotic systems collectively called Robotic Enhancement Technology (RET). RET systems introduce the combination of robotic manipulation with human control to perform manipulation tasks beyond the individual capability of either human or machine. The RET class of robotic systems offers new challenges in mechanism design, control-law development, and man/machine interface design. We believe force-controllable mechanisms such as the macro-micro structure we have developed are a necessary part of RET. Work in progress in the area of RET systems and their application to minimally invasive surgery is presented, along with future research directions

    Design and control of a macro-micro robot for precise force applications

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    Creating a robot which can delicately interact with its environment has been the goal of much research. Primarily two difficulties have made this goal hard to attain. The execution of control strategies which enable precise force manipulations are difficult to implement in real time because such algorithms have been too computationally complex for available controllers. Also, a robot mechanism which can quickly and precisely execute a force command is difficult to design. Actuation joints must be sufficiently stiff, frictionless, and lightweight so that desired torques can be accurately applied. This paper describes a robotic system which is capable of delicate manipulations. A modular high-performance multiprocessor control system was designed to provide sufficient compute power for executing advanced control methods. An 8 degree of freedom macro-micro mechanism was constructed to enable accurate tip forces. Control algorithms based on the impedance control method were derived, coded, and load balanced for maximum execution speed on the multiprocessor system. Delicate force tasks such as polishing, finishing, cleaning, and deburring, are the target applications of the robot

    Parallel Coupled Micro-Macro Actuators

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    This thesis presents a new actuator system consisting of a micro-actuator and a macro-actuator coupled in parallel via a compliant transmission. The system is called the Parallel Coupled Micro-Macro Actuator, or PaCMMA. In this system, the micro-actuator is capable of high bandwidth force control due to its low mass and direct-drive connection to the output shaft. The compliant transmission of the macro-actuator reduces the impedance (stiffness) at the output shaft and increases the dynamic range of force. Performance improvement over single actuator systems was expected in force control, impedance control, force distortion and reduction of transient impact forces. A set of quantitative measures is proposed and the actuator system is evaluated against them: Force Control Bandwidth, Position Bandwidth, Dynamic Range, Impact Force, Impedance ("Backdriveability'"), Force Distortion and Force Performance Space. Several theoretical performance limits are derived from the saturation limits of the system. A control law is proposed and control system performance is compared to the theoretical limits. A prototype testbed was built using permanenent magnet motors and an experimental comparison was performed between this actuator concept and two single actuator systems. The following performance was observed: Force bandwidth of 56Hz, Torque Dynamic Range of 800:1, Peak Torque of 1040mNm, Minimum Torque of 1.3mNm. Peak Impact Force was reduced by an order of magnitude. Distortion at small amplitudes was reduced substantially. Backdriven impedance was reduced by 2-3 orders of magnitude. This actuator system shows promise for manipulator design as well as psychophysical tests of human performance

    Magneto-Rheological Actuators for Human-Safe Robots: Modeling, Control, and Implementation

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    In recent years, research on physical human-robot interaction has received considerable attention. Research on this subject has led to the study of new control and actuation mechanisms for robots in order to achieve intrinsic safety. Naturally, intrinsic safety is only achievable in kinematic structures that exhibit low output impedance. Existing solutions for reducing impedance are commonly obtained at the expense of reduced performance, or significant increase in mechanical complexity. Achieving high performance while guaranteeing safety seems to be a challenging goal that necessitates new actuation technologies in future generations of human-safe robots. In this study, a novel two degrees-of-freedom safe manipulator is presented. The manipulator uses magneto-rheological fluid-based actuators. Magneto-rheological actuators offer low inertia-to-torque and mass-to-torque ratios which support their applications in human-friendly actuation. As a key element in the design of the manipulator, bi-directional actuation is attained by antagonistically coupling MR actuators at the joints. Antagonistically coupled MR actuators at the joints allow using a single motor to drive multiple joints. The motor is located at the base of the manipulator in order to further reduce the overall weight of the robot. Due to the unique characteristic of MR actuators, intrinsically safe actuation is achieved without compromising high quality actuation. Despite these advantages, modeling and control of MR actuators present some challenges. The antagonistic configuration of MR actuators may result in limit cycles in some cases when the actuator operates in the position control loop. To study the possibility of limit cycles, describing function method is employed to obtain the conditions under which limit cycles may occur in the operation of the system. Moreover, a connection between the amplitude and the frequency of the potential limit cycles and the system parameters is established to provide an insight into the design of the actuator as well as the controller. MR actuators require magnetic fields to control their output torques. The application of magnetic field however introduces hysteresis in the behaviors of MR actuators. To this effect, an adaptive model is developed to estimate the hysteretic behavior of the actuator. The effectiveness of the model is evaluated by comparing its results with those obtained using the Preisach model. These results are then extended to an adaptive control scheme in order to compensate for the effect of hysteresis. In both modeling and control, stability of proposed schemes are evaluated using Lyapunov method, and the effectiveness of the proposed methods are validated with experimental results

    Fuzzy PD control of an optically guided long reach robot

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    This thesis describes the investigation and development of a fuzzy controller for a manipulator with a single flexible link. The novelty of this research is due to the fact that the controller devised is suitable for flexible link manipulators with a round cross section. Previous research has concentrated on control of flexible slender structures that are relatively easier to model as the vibration effects of torsion can be ignored. Further novelty arises due to the fact that this is the first instance of the application of fuzzy control in the optical Tip Feedback Sensor (TFS) based configuration. A design methodology has been investigated to develop a fuzzy controller suitable for application in a safety critical environment such as the nuclear industry. This methodology provides justification for all the parameters of the fuzzy controller including membership fUllctions, inference and defuzzification techniques and the operators used in the algorithm. Using the novel modified phase plane method investigated in this thesis, it is shown that the derivation of complete, consistent and non-interactive rules can be achieved. This methodology was successfully applied to the derivation of fuzzy rules even when the arm was subjected to different payloads. The design approach, that targeted real-time embedded control applicat.ions from the outset, results in a controller implementation that is suitable for cheaper CPU constrained and memory challenged embedded processors. The controller comprises of a fuzzy supervisor that is used to alter the derivative term of a linear classical Proportional + Derivative (PD) controller. The derivative term is updated in relation to the measured tip error and its derivative obtained through the TFS based configuration. It is shown that by adding 'intelligence' to the control loop in this way, the performance envelope of the classical controller can be enhanced. A 128% increase in payload, 73.5% faster settling time and a reduction of steady state of over 50% is achieved using fuzzy control over its classical counterpart

    Force sensing enhancement of robot system

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    At present there is a general industrial need to improve robot performance. Force feedback, which involves sensing and actuation, is one means of improving the relative position between the workpiece and the end-effector. In this research work various causes of errors and poor robot performance are identified. Several methods of improving the performance of robotic systems are discussed. As a result of this research, a system was developed which is interposed between the wrist and the gripper of the manipulator. This system integrates a force sensor with a micro-manipulator, via an electronic control unit, with a micro-computer to enhance a robot system. The force sensor, the micromanipulator and the electronic control unit, were all designed and manufactured at the robotic centre of Middlesex Polytechnic. The force feedback is provided by means of strain gauges and the associated bridge circuitry. Control algorithms which define the relationship between the force detected and the motion required are implemented in the software. The software is capable of performing two specific tasks in real time, these are: 1- Inserting a peg into a hole 2- Following an unknown geometric path A rig was designed and manufactured to enable the robot to follow different geometric shapes and paths in which force control was achieved mainly by control of the micro-manipulator

    Analysis and experimental evaluation of a Stewart platform-based force/torque sensor

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    The kinematic analysis and experimentation of a force/torque sensor whose design is based on the mechanism of the Stewart Platform are discussed. Besides being used for measurement of forces/torques, the sensor also serves as a compliant platform which provides passive compliance during a robotic assembly task. It consists of two platforms, the upper compliant platform (UCP) and the lower compliant platform (LCP), coupled together through six spring-loaded pistons whose length variations are measured by six linear voltage differential transformers (LVDT) mounted along the pistons. Solutions to the forward and inverse kinematics of the force sensor are derived. Based on the known spring constant and the piston length changes, forces/torques applied to the LCP gripper are computed using vector algebra. Results of experiments conducted to evaluate the sensing capability of the force sensor are reported and discussed