21 research outputs found

    A Simple Nonlinearity-Tailored Probabilistic Shaping Distribution for Square QAM

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    A new probabilistic shaping distribution that outperforms Maxwell-Boltzmann is studied for the nonlinear fiber channel. Additional gains of 0.1 bit/symbol MI or 0.2 dB SNR for both DP-256QAM and DP-1024QAM are reported after 200 km nonlinear fiber transmission

    Achievable Rates for Four-Dimensional Coded Modulation with a Bit-Wise Receiver

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    We study achievable rates for four-dimensional (4D) constellations for spectrally efficient optical systems based on a (suboptimal) bit-wise receiver. We show that PM-QPSK outperforms the best 4D constellation designed for uncoded transmission by approximately 1 dB. Numerical results using LDPC codes validate the analysis

    General BER Expression for One-Dimensional Constellations

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    A novel general ready-to-use bit-error rate (BER) expression for one-dimensional constellations is developed. The BER analysis is performed for bit patterns that form a labeling. The number of patterns for equally spaced M-PAM constellations with different BER is analyzed.Comment: To appear in the Proceedings of the IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) 2012. Remark 3 modifie

    A Simple Approximation for the Bit-Interleaved Coded Modulation Capacity

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    The generalized mutual information (GMI) is an achievable rate for bit-interleaved coded modulation (BICM) and is highly dependent on the binary labeling of the constellation. The BICM-GMI, sometimes called the BICM capacity, can be evaluated numerically. This approach, however, becomes impractical when the number of constellation points and/or the constellation dimensionality grows, or when many different labelings are considered. A simple approximation for the BICM-GMI based on the area theorem of the demapper's extrinsic information transfer (EXIT) function is proposed. Numerical results show the proposed approximation gives good estimates of the BICM-GMI for labelings with close to linear EXIT functions, which includes labelings of common interest, such as the natural binary code, binary reflected Gray code, etc. This approximation is used to optimize the binary labeling of the 32-APSK constellation defined in the DVB-S2 standard. Gains of approximately 0.15 dB are obtained

    Replacing the Soft FEC Limit Paradigm in the Design of Optical Communication Systems

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    The FEC limit paradigm is the prevalent practice for designing optical communication systems to attain a certain bit-error rate (BER) without forward error correction (FEC). This practice assumes that there is an FEC code that will reduce the BER after decoding to the desired level. In this paper, we challenge this practice and show that the concept of a channel-independent FEC limit is invalid for soft-decision bit-wise decoding. It is shown that for low code rates and high order modulation formats, the use of the soft FEC limit paradigm can underestimate the spectral efficiencies by up to 20%. A better predictor for the BER after decoding is the generalized mutual information, which is shown to give consistent post-FEC BER predictions across different channel conditions and modulation formats. Extensive optical full-field simulations and experiments are carried out in both the linear and nonlinear transmission regimes to confirm the theoretical analysis

    Signal Shaping for BICM at Low SNR

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    The mutual information of bit-interleaved coded modulation (BICM) systems, sometimes called the BICM capacity, is investigated at low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), i.e., in the wideband regime. A new linear transform that depends on bits' probabilities is introduced. This transform is used to prove the asymptotical equivalence between certain BICM systems with uniform and nonuniform input distributions. Using known results for BICM systems with a uniform input distribution, we completely characterize the combinations of input alphabet, input distribution, and binary labeling that achieve the Shannon limit -1.59 dB. The main conclusion is that a BICM system achieves the Shannon limit at low SNR if and only if it can be represented as a zero-mean linear projection of a hypercube, which is the same condition as for uniform input distributions. Hence, probabilistic shaping offers no extra degrees of freedom to optimize the low-SNR mutual information of BICM systems, in addition to what is provided by geometrical shaping. These analytical conclusions are confirmed by numerical results, which also show that for a fixed input alphabet, probabilistic shaping of BICM can improve the mutual information in the low and medium SNR range over any coded modulation system with a uniform input distribution

    On Optimal TCM Encoders

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    An asymptotically optimal trellis-coded modulation (TCM) encoder requires the joint design of the encoder and the binary labeling of the constellation. Since analytical approaches are unknown, the only available solution is to perform an exhaustive search over the encoder and the labeling. For large constellation sizes and/or many encoder states, however, an exhaustive search is unfeasible. Traditional TCM designs overcome this problem by using a labeling that follows the set-partitioning principle and by performing an exhaustive search over the encoders. In this paper we study binary labelings for TCM and show how they can be grouped into classes, which considerably reduces the search space in a joint design. For 8-ary constellations, the number of different binary labelings that must be tested is reduced from 8!=40320 to 240. For the particular case of an 8-ary pulse amplitude modulation constellation, this number is further reduced to 120 and for 8-ary phase shift keying to only 30. An algorithm to generate one labeling in each class is also introduced. Asymptotically optimal TCM encoders are tabulated which are up to 0.3 dB better than the previously best known encoders

    A simple approximation for the bit-interleaved coded modulation capacity

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    Abstract-The generalized mutual information (GMI) is an achievable rate for bit-interleaved coded modulation (BICM) and is highly dependent on the binary labeling of the constellation. The BICM-GMI, sometimes called the BICM capacity, can be evaluated numerically. This approach, however, becomes impractical when the number of constellation points and/or the constellation dimensionality grows, or when many different labelings are considered. A simple approximation for the BICM-GMI based on the area theorem of the demapper's extrinsic information transfer (EXIT) function is proposed. Numerical results show the proposed approximation gives good estimates of the BICM-GMI for labelings with close to linear EXIT functions, which includes labelings of common interest, such as the natural binary code, binary reflected Gray code, etc. This approximation is used to optimize the binary labeling of the 32-APSK constellation defined in the DVB-S2 standard. Gains of approximately 0.15 dB are obtained