6 research outputs found

    Predicting Airline Passenger Satisfaction with Classification Algorithms

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    Airline businesses around the world have been destroyed by Covid-19 as most international air travel has been banned. Almost all airlines around the world suffer losses, due to being prohibited from carrying out aviation transportation activities which are their biggest source of income. In fact, several airlines such as Thai Airways have filed for bankruptcy. Nonetheless, after the storm ends, demand for air travel is expected to spike as people return for holidays abroad. The research is aimed at analyzing the competition in the aviation industry and what factors are the keys to its success. This study uses several classification models such as KNN, Logistic Regression, Gaussian NB, Decision Trees and Random Forest which will later be compared. The results of this study get the Random Forest Algorithm using a threshold of 0.7 to get an accuracy of 99% and an important factor in getting customer satisfaction is the Inflight Wi-Fi Service

    Improving explainable recommendations by deep review-based explanations

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    Many e-commerce sites encourage their users to write product reviews, in the knowledge that they exert a considerable influence on users’ decision-making processes. These snippets of real-world experience provide an essential source of data for interpretable recommendations. However, current methods relying on user-generated content to make recommendations can run into problems because of well-known issues with reviews, such as noise, sparsity and irrelevant content. On the other hand, recent advances in text generation methods demonstrate significant text quality improvements and show promise in their ability to address these problems. In this paper, we develop two character-level deep neural network-based personalised review generation models, and improve recommendation accuracy by generating high-quality text which meets the input criteria of text-aware recommender systems. To make fair comparisons, we train review-aware recommender systems by human written reviews and attain advanced recommendations by feeding generated reviews at the inference step. Our experiments are conducted on four large review datasets from multiple domains. We leverage our methods’ performance by comparing with non-review based recommender systems and advanced review-aware recommender systems. The results demonstrate that we beat baselines on a range of metrics and obtain state-of-the-art performance on both rating prediction and top- N ranking. Our sparsity experiments validate that our generation models can produce high-quality text to tackle the sparsity problem. We also demonstrate the generation of useful reviews so that we can achieve up to 13.53% RMSE improvements. For explanation evaluation, quantitative analyses reveal good understandable scores for our generated review-based explanations, and qualitative case studies substantiate we can capture critical aspects in generating explanations.Science Foundation IrelandInsight Research Centre2021-06-14 JG: broken PDF replace

    Investigating transportation research based on social media analysis: A systematic mapping review

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    Social media is a pool of users’ thoughts, opinions, surrounding environment, situation and others. This pool can be used as a real-time and feedback data source for many domains such as transportation. It can be used to get instant feedback from commuters; their opinions toward the transportation network and their complaints, in addition to the traffic situation, road conditions, events detection and many others. The problem is in how to utilize social media data to achieve one or more of these targets. A systematic review was conducted in the field of transportation-related research based on social media analysis (TRRSMA) from the years between 2008 and 2018; 74 papers were identified from an initial set of 703 papers extracted from 4 digital libraries. This review will structure the field and give an overview based on the following grounds: activity, keywords, approaches, social media data and platforms and focus of the researches. It will show the trend in the research subjects by countries, in addition to the activity trends, platforms usage trend and others. Further analysis of the most employed approach (Lexicons) and data (text) will be also shown. Finally, challenges and future works are drawn and proposed

    The Challenges of Big Data - Contributions in the Field of Data Quality and Artificial Intelligence Applications

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    The term "big data" has been characterized by challenges regarding data volume, velocity, variety and veracity. Solving these challenges requires research effort that fits the needs of big data. Therefore, this cumulative dissertation contains five paper aiming at developing and applying AI approaches within the field of big data as well as managing data quality in big data

    Artificial Intelligence for Online Review Platforms - Data Understanding, Enhanced Approaches and Explanations in Recommender Systems and Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis

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    The epoch-making and ever faster technological progress provokes disruptive changes and poses pivotal challenges for individuals and organizations. In particular, artificial intelligence (AI) is a disruptive technology that offers tremendous potential for many fields such as information systems and electronic commerce. Therefore, this dissertation contributes to AI for online review platforms aiming at enabling the future for consumers, businesses and platforms by unveiling the potential of AI. To achieve this goal, the dissertation investigates six major research questions embedded in the triad of data understanding of online consumer reviews, enhanced approaches and explanations in recommender systems and aspect-based sentiment analysis