23,959 research outputs found

    CSP methods for identifying atomic actions in the design of fault tolerant concurrent systems

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    Limiting the extent of error propagation when faults occur and localizing the subsequent error recovery are common concerns in the design of fault tolerant parallel processing systems, Both activities are made easier if the designer associates fault tolerance mechanisms with the underlying atomic actions of the system, With this in mind, this paper has investigated two methods for the identification of atomic actions in parallel processing systems described using CSP, Explicit trace evaluation forms the basis of the first algorithm, which enables a designer to analyze interprocess communications and thereby locate atomic action boundaries in a hierarchical fashion, The second method takes CSP descriptions of the parallel processes and uses structural arguments to infer the atomic action boundaries. This method avoids the difficulties involved with producing full trace sets, but does incur the penalty of a more complex algorithm

    Session Types with Runtime Adaptation: Overview and Examples

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    In recent work, we have developed a session types discipline for a calculus that features the usual constructs for session establishment and communication, but also two novel constructs that enable communicating processes to be stopped, duplicated, or discarded at runtime. The aim is to understand whether known techniques for the static analysis of structured communications scale up to the challenging context of context-aware, adaptable distributed systems, in which disciplined interaction and runtime adaptation are intertwined concerns. In this short note, we summarize the main features of our session-typed framework with runtime adaptation, and recall its basic correctness properties. We illustrate our framework by means of examples. In particular, we present a session representation of supervision trees, a mechanism for enforcing fault-tolerant applications in the Erlang language.Comment: In Proceedings PLACES 2013, arXiv:1312.221

    Online Visual Robot Tracking and Identification using Deep LSTM Networks

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    Collaborative robots working on a common task are necessary for many applications. One of the challenges for achieving collaboration in a team of robots is mutual tracking and identification. We present a novel pipeline for online visionbased detection, tracking and identification of robots with a known and identical appearance. Our method runs in realtime on the limited hardware of the observer robot. Unlike previous works addressing robot tracking and identification, we use a data-driven approach based on recurrent neural networks to learn relations between sequential inputs and outputs. We formulate the data association problem as multiple classification problems. A deep LSTM network was trained on a simulated dataset and fine-tuned on small set of real data. Experiments on two challenging datasets, one synthetic and one real, which include long-term occlusions, show promising results.Comment: IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Vancouver, Canada, 2017. IROS RoboCup Best Paper Awar

    Online Multi-Object Tracking Using CNN-based Single Object Tracker with Spatial-Temporal Attention Mechanism

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    In this paper, we propose a CNN-based framework for online MOT. This framework utilizes the merits of single object trackers in adapting appearance models and searching for target in the next frame. Simply applying single object tracker for MOT will encounter the problem in computational efficiency and drifted results caused by occlusion. Our framework achieves computational efficiency by sharing features and using ROI-Pooling to obtain individual features for each target. Some online learned target-specific CNN layers are used for adapting the appearance model for each target. In the framework, we introduce spatial-temporal attention mechanism (STAM) to handle the drift caused by occlusion and interaction among targets. The visibility map of the target is learned and used for inferring the spatial attention map. The spatial attention map is then applied to weight the features. Besides, the occlusion status can be estimated from the visibility map, which controls the online updating process via weighted loss on training samples with different occlusion statuses in different frames. It can be considered as temporal attention mechanism. The proposed algorithm achieves 34.3% and 46.0% in MOTA on challenging MOT15 and MOT16 benchmark dataset respectively.Comment: Accepted at International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) 201

    Hierarchies, relational contracts and new forms of outsourcing.

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    We observe that economic restructuring is significantly changing organizational governance. On the one hand, we witness an increase in mergers & acquisitions, which substitutes markets for hierarchies and, on the other hand, we see an increase in outsourcing and subcontracting activities, appearing to replace hierarchies by markets. However, there is evidence that an increasing part of outsourcing activities mix hierarchies with market forms of governance. The key argument of this paper is that firms have established governance structures based on markets, hierarchies and self-enforcing relational contracts so that they are able to keep a substantial amount of control despite of sourcing out labour. Furthermore, we argue that such hierarchical forms of outsourcing produce dependency. Using empirical evidence of the Austrian insurance industry, it is demonstrated that dependency is created, firstly, by the contractual restriction of alternative uses of resources, secondly, by support measures that bind the upstream party closely to the downstream party, thirdly, by relationship-specific investments made by the upstream party, and fourthly, by authority elements.

    Conformational Dynamics of Supramolecular Protein Assemblies in the EMDB

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    The Electron Microscopy Data Bank (EMDB) is a rapidly growing repository for the dissemination of structural data from single-particle reconstructions of supramolecular protein assemblies including motors, chaperones, cytoskeletal assemblies, and viral capsids. While the static structure of these assemblies provides essential insight into their biological function, their conformational dynamics and mechanics provide additional important information regarding the mechanism of their biological function. Here, we present an unsupervised computational framework to analyze and store for public access the conformational dynamics of supramolecular protein assemblies deposited in the EMDB. Conformational dynamics are analyzed using normal mode analysis in the finite element framework, which is used to compute equilibrium thermal fluctuations, cross-correlations in molecular motions, and strain energy distributions for 452 of the 681 entries stored in the EMDB at present. Results for the viral capsid of hepatitis B, ribosome-bound termination factor RF2, and GroEL are presented in detail and validated with all-atom based models. The conformational dynamics of protein assemblies in the EMDB may be useful in the interpretation of their biological function, as well as in the classification and refinement of EM-based structures.Comment: Associated online data bank available at: http://lcbb.mit.edu/~em-nmdb

    Authority inside the firm: multiple mechanisms of coordination

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    In the last twenty years, through a growing awareness of contractual incompleteness, the concept of authority has regained primacy in the analysis of the employment relationship. This article pursues two goals. First, we assess the famous controversy between Coase and Alchian and Demsetz via an analysis of the foundations of intra-firm authority. Second, we argue that intra-firm authority cannot hinge on a single variable and, to the contrary, rests on multiple mechanisms. The employer's authority over the employee is therefore not binary –infinite or null – and should be understood in terms of degree.authority; firm; incomplete contracts; law and economics

    A Supervisory Control Algorithm Based on Property-Directed Reachability

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    We present an algorithm for synthesising a controller (supervisor) for a discrete event system (DES) based on the property-directed reachability (PDR) model checking algorithm. The discrete event systems framework is useful in both software, automation and manufacturing, as problems from those domains can be modelled as discrete supervisory control problems. As a formal framework, DES is also similar to domains for which the field of formal methods for computer science has developed techniques and tools. In this paper, we attempt to marry the two by adapting PDR to the problem of controller synthesis. The resulting algorithm takes as input a transition system with forbidden states and uncontrollable transitions, and synthesises a safe and minimally-restrictive controller, correct-by-design. We also present an implementation along with experimental results, showing that the algorithm has potential as a part of the solution to the greater effort of formal supervisory controller synthesis and verification.Comment: 16 pages; presented at Haifa Verification Conference 2017, the final publication is available at Springer via https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-70389-3_
