34,033 research outputs found

    An optimal-control based integrated model of supply chain

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    Problems of supply chain scheduling are challenged by high complexity, combination of continuous and discrete processes, integrated production and transportation operations as well as dynamics and resulting requirements for adaptability and stability analysis. A possibility to address the above-named issues opens modern control theory and optimal program control in particular. Based on a combination of fundamental results of modern optimal program control theory and operations research, an original approach to supply chain scheduling is developed in order to answer the challenges of complexity, dynamics, uncertainty, and adaptivity. Supply chain schedule generation is represented as an optimal program control problem in combination with mathematical programming and interpreted as a dynamic process of operations control within an adaptive framework. The calculation procedure is based on applying Pontryagin’s maximum principle and the resulting essential reduction of problem dimensionality that is under solution at each instant of time. With the developed model, important categories of supply chain analysis such as stability and adaptability can be taken into consideration. Besides, the dimensionality of operations research-based problems can be relieved with the help of distributing model elements between an operations research (static aspects) and a control (dynamic aspects) model. In addition, operations control and flow control models are integrated and applicable for both discrete and continuous processes.supply chain, model of supply chain scheduling, optimal program control theory, Pontryagin’s maximum principle, operations research model,

    The Country-specific Organizational and Information Architecture of ERP Systems at Globalised Enterprises

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    The competition on the market forces companies to adapt to the changing environment. Most recently, the economic and financial crisis has been accelerating the alteration of both business and IT models of enterprises. The forces of globalization and internationalization motivate the restructuring of business processes and consequently IT processes. To depict the changes in a unified framework, we need the concept of Enterprise Architecture as a theoretical approach that deals with various tiers, aspects and views of business processes and different layers of application, software and hardware systems. The paper outlines a wide-range theoretical background for analyzing the re-engineering and re-organization of ERP systems at international or transnational companies in the middle-sized EU member states. The research carried out up to now has unravelled the typical structural changes, the models for internal business networks and their modification that reflect the centralization, decentralization and hybrid approaches. Based on the results obtained recently, a future research program has been drawn up to deepen our understanding of the trends within the world of ERP systems.Information System; ERP; Enterprise Resource Planning; Enterprise Architecture; Globalization; Centralization; Decentralization; Hybrid

    A virtual environment to support the distributed design of large made-to-order products

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    An overview of a virtual design environment (virtual platform) developed as part of the European Commission funded VRShips-ROPAX (VRS) project is presented. The main objectives for the development of the virtual platform are described, followed by the discussion of the techniques chosen to address the objectives, and finally a description of a use-case for the platform. Whilst the focus of the VRS virtual platform was to facilitate the design of ROPAX (roll-on passengers and cargo) vessels, the components within the platform are entirely generic and may be applied to the distributed design of any type of vessel, or other complex made-to-order products

    An overview of the VRS virtual platform

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    This paper provides an overview of the development of the virtual platform within the European Commission funded VRShips-ROPAX (VRS) project. This project is a major collaboration of approximately 40 industrial, regulatory, consultancy and academic partners with the objective of producing two novel platforms. A physical platform will be designed and produced representing a scale model of a novel ROPAX vessel with the following criteria: 2000 passengers; 400 cabins; 2000 nautical mile range, and a service speed of 38 knots. The aim of the virtual platform is to demonstrate that vessels may be designed to meet these criteria, which was not previously possible using individual tools and conventional design approaches. To achieve this objective requires the integration of design and simulation tools representing concept, embodiment, detail, production, and operation life-phases into the virtual platform, to enable distributed design activity to be undertaken. The main objectives for the development of the virtual platform are described, followed by the discussion of the techniques chosen to address the objectives, and finally a description of a use-case for the platform. Whilst the focus of the VRS virtual platform was to facilitate the design of ROPAX vessels, the components within the platform are entirely generic and may be applied to the distributed design of any type of vessel, or other complex made-to-order products

    Virtual enterprise collaborative processes monitoring through a project business approach

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    In order to design a system for managing performance in collaborative project-based enterprises, it is necessary to undertake real-time monitoring of its business processes and activities. This paper presents a systematic approach to project business process monitoring (BPM) and identifies the key aspects of virtual enterprise (VE) process evaluation. A framework for VE BPM is presented with special emphasis in linking interest groups to the development of their targets, information and knowledge sharing. The proposed model defines the exclusive performance metrics, which are needed during BPM. This interdisciplinary study examines BPM through peer-to-peer information exchange in the VE domain, which is currently a research gap. The fundamental metrics to define business process performance monitoring are elaborated in the research reported in this paper. The identified performance metrics can be used to measure the overall performances for both a project business and VE. A reference architecture is also highlighted with a case example with the objective to measure the performance in a project business VE. An overall definition of collaborative BPM and performance management systems is also presented accordingly. Future research directions are identified regarding the nature of collaboration in a project business VE and the characteristics of performance indicators to support it.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed