236 research outputs found

    Hierarchical isometry properties of hierarchical measurements

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    Compressed sensing studies linear recovery problems under structure assumptions. We introduce a new class of measurement operators, coined hierarchical measurement operators, and prove results guaranteeing the efficient, stable and robust recovery of hierarchically structured signals from such measurements. We derive bounds on their hierarchical restricted isometry properties based on the restricted isometry constants of their constituent matrices, generalizing and extending prior work on Kronecker-product measurements. As an exemplary application, we apply the theory to two communication scenarios. The fast and scalable HiHTP algorithm is shown to be suitable for solving these types of problems and its performance is evaluated numerically in terms of sparse signal recovery and block detection capability

    Hierarchical compressed sensing

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    Compressed sensing is a paradigm within signal processing that provides the means for recovering structured signals from linear measurements in a highly efficient manner. Originally devised for the recovery of sparse signals, it has become clear that a similar methodology would also carry over to a wealth of other classes of structured signals. In this work, we provide an overview over the theory of compressed sensing for a particularly rich family of such signals, namely those of hierarchically structured signals. Examples of such signals are constituted by blocked vectors, with only few non-vanishing sparse blocks. We present recovery algorithms based on efficient hierarchical hard-thresholding. The algorithms are guaranteed to converge, in a stable fashion both with respect to measurement noise as well as to model mismatches, to the correct solution provided the measurement map acts isometrically restricted to the signal class. We then provide a series of results establishing the required condition for large classes of measurement ensembles. Building upon this machinery, we sketch practical applications of this framework in machine-type communications and quantum tomography.Comment: This book chapter is a report on findings within the DFG-funded priority program `Compressed Sensing in Information Processing' (CoSIP

    A Kronecker-Based Sparse Compressive Sensing Matrix for Millimeter Wave Beam Alignment

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    Millimeter wave beam alignment (BA) is a challenging problem especially for large number of antennas. Compressed sensing (CS) tools have been exploited due to the sparse nature of such channels. This paper presents a novel deterministic CS approach for BA. Our proposed sensing matrix which has a Kronecker-based structure is sparse, which means it is computationally efficient. We show that our proposed sensing matrix satisfies the restricted isometry property (RIP) condition, which guarantees the reconstruction of the sparse vector. Our approach outperforms existing random beamforming techniques in practical low signal to noise ratio (SNR) scenarios.Comment: Accepted to 13th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ICSPCS'2019

    Low-rank Tensor Recovery

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    Low-rank tensor recovery is an interesting subject from both the theoretical and application point of view. On one side, it is a natural extension of the sparse vector and low-rank matrix recovery problem. On the other side, estimating a low-rank tensor has applications in many different areas such as machine learning, video compression, and seismic data interpolation. In this thesis, two approaches are introduced. The first approach is a convex optimization approach and could be considered as a tractable extension of ell1ell_1-minimization for sparse vector and nuclear norm minimization for matrix recovery to tensor scenario. It is based on theta bodies – a recently introduced tool from real algebraic geometry. In particular, theta bodies of appropriately defined polynomial ideal correspond to the unit-theta norm balls. These unit-theta norm balls are relaxations of the unit-tensor-nuclear norm ball. Thus, in this case, we consider a canonical tensor format. The method requires computing the reduced Groebner basis (with respect to the graded reverse lexicographic ordering) of the appropriately defined polynomial ideal. Numerical results for third-order tensor recovery via theta1theta_1-norm are provided. The second approach is a generalization of iterative hard thresholding algorithm for sparse vector and low-rank matrix recovery to tensor scenario (tensor IHT or TIHT algorithm). Here, we consider the Tucker format, the tensor train decomposition, and the hierarchical Tucker decomposition. The analysis of the algorithm is based on a version of the restricted isometry property (tensor RIP or TRIP) adapted to the tensor decomposition at hand. We show that subgaussian measurement ensembles satisfy TRIP with high probability under an almost optimal condition on the number of measurements. Additionally, we show that partial Fourier maps combined with random sign flips of the tensor entries satisfy TRIP with high probability. Under the assumption that the linear operator satisfies TRIP and under an additional assumption on the thresholding operator, we provide a linear convergence result for the TIHT algorithm. Finally, we present numerical results on low-Tucker-rank third-order tensors via partial Fourier maps combined with random sign flips of tensor entries, tensor completion, and Gaussian measurement ensembles

    Semi-device-dependent blind quantum tomography

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    Extracting tomographic information about quantum states is a crucial task in the quest towards devising high-precision quantum devices. Current schemes typically require measurement devices for tomography that are a priori calibrated to a high precision. Ironically, the accuracy of the measurement calibration is fundamentally limited by the accuracy of state preparation, establishing a vicious cycle. Here, we prove that this cycle can be broken and the fundamental dependence on the measurement devices significantly relaxed. We show that exploiting the natural low-rank structure of quantum states of interest suffices to arrive at a highly scalable blind tomography scheme with a classically efficient post-processing algorithm. We further improve the efficiency of our scheme by making use of the sparse structure of the calibrations. This is achieved by relaxing the blind quantum tomography problem to the task of de-mixing a sparse sum of low-rank quantum states. Building on techniques from model-based compressed sensing, we prove that the proposed algorithm recovers a low-rank quantum state and the calibration provided that the measurement model exhibits a restricted isometry property. For generic measurements, we show that our algorithm requires a close-to-optimal number measurement settings for solving the blind tomography task. Complementing these conceptual and mathematical insights, we numerically demonstrate that blind quantum tomography is possible by exploiting low-rank assumptions in a practical setting inspired by an implementation of trapped ions using constrained alternating optimization.Comment: 22 pages, 8 Figure
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