33 research outputs found

    Locomotion training of legged robots using hybrid machine learning techniques

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    In this study artificial neural networks and fuzzy logic are used to control the jumping behavior of a three-link uniped robot. The biped locomotion control problem is an increment of the uniped locomotion control. Study of legged locomotion dynamics indicates that a hierarchical controller is required to control the behavior of a legged robot. A structured control strategy is suggested which includes navigator, motion planner, biped coordinator and uniped controllers. A three-link uniped robot simulation is developed to be used as the plant. Neurocontrollers were trained both online and offline. In the case of on-line training, a reinforcement learning technique was used to train the neurocontroller to make the robot jump to a specified height. After several hundred iterations of training, the plant output achieved an accuracy of 7.4%. However, when jump distance and body angular momentum were also included in the control objectives, training time became impractically long. In the case of off-line training, a three-layered backpropagation (BP) network was first used with three inputs, three outputs and 15 to 40 hidden nodes. Pre-generated data were presented to the network with a learning rate as low as 0.003 in order to reach convergence. The low learning rate required for convergence resulted in a very slow training process which took weeks to learn 460 examples. After training, performance of the neurocontroller was rather poor. Consequently, the BP network was replaced by a Cerebeller Model Articulation Controller (CMAC) network. Subsequent experiments described in this document show that the CMAC network is more suitable to the solution of uniped locomotion control problems in terms of both learning efficiency and performance. A new approach is introduced in this report, viz., a self-organizing multiagent cerebeller model for fuzzy-neural control of uniped locomotion is suggested to improve training efficiency. This is currently being evaluated for a possible patent by NASA, Johnson Space Center. An alternative modular approach is also developed which uses separate controllers for each stage of the running stride. A self-organizing fuzzy-neural controller controls the height, distance and angular momentum of the stride. A CMAC-based controller controls the movement of the leg from the time the foot leaves the ground to the time of landing. Because the leg joints are controlled at each time step during flight, movement is smooth and obstacles can be avoided. Initial results indicate that this approach can yield fast, accurate results

    A multirobot platform based on autonomous surface and underwater vehicles with bio-inspired neurocontrollers for long-term oil spills monitoring

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    This paper describes the BUSCAMOS-Oil monitoring system, which is a robotic platform consisting of an autonomous surface vessel combined with an underwater vehicle. The system has been designed for the long-term monitoring of oil spills, including the search for the spill, and transmitting information on its location, extent, direction and speed. Both vehicles are controlled by two different types of bio-inspired neural networks: a Self-Organization Direction Mapping Network for trajectory generation and a Neural Network for Avoidance Behaviour for avoiding obstacles. The systems’ resilient capabilities are provided by bio-inspired algorithms implemented in a modular software architecture and controlled by redundant devices to give the necessary robustness to operate in the difficult conditions typically found in long-term oil-spill operations. The efficacy of the vehicles’ adaptive navigation system and long-term mission capabilities are shown in the experimental results.This work was partially supported by the BUSCAMOS Project (ref. 1003211003700) under the program DN8644 COINCIDENTE of the Spanish Defense Ministry, the “Research Programme for Groups of Scientific Excellence at Region of Murcia” of the Seneca Foundation (Agency for Science and Technology of the Region of Murcia-19895/GERM/15)”, and the Spanish Government’s cDrone (ref. TIN2013-45920-R) and ViSelTR (ref. TIN2012-39279) projects

    Learning Autonomous Flight Controllers with Spiking Neural Networks

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    The ability of a robot to adapt in-mission to achieve an assigned goal is highly desirable. This thesis project places an emphasis on employing learning-based intelligent control methodologies to the development and implementation of an autonomous unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). Flight control is carried out by evolving spiking neural networks (SNNs) with Hebbian plasticity. The proposed implementation is capable of learning and self-adaptation to model variations and uncertainties when the controller learned in simulation is deployed on a physical platform. Controller development for small multicopters often relies on simulations as an intermediate step, providing cheap, parallelisable, observable and reproducible optimisation with no risk of damage to hardware. Although model-based approaches have been widely utilised in the process of development, loss of performance can be observed on the target platform due to simplification of system dynamics in simulation (e.g., aerodynamics, servo dynamics, sensor uncertainties). Ignorance of these effects in simulation can significantly deteriorate performance when the controller is deployed. Previous approaches often require mathematical or simulation models with a high level of accuracy which can be difficult to obtain. This thesis, on the other hand, attempts to cross the reality gap between a low-fidelity simulation and the real platform. This is done using synaptic plasticity to adapt the SNN controller evolved in simulation to the actual UAV dynamics. The primary contribution of this work is the implementation of a procedural methodology for SNN control that integrates bioinspired learning mechanisms with artificial evolution, with an SNN library package (i.e. eSpinn) developed by the author. Distinct from existing SNN simulators that mainly focus on large-scale neuron interactions and learning mechanisms from a neuroscience perspective, the eSpinn library draws particular attention to embedded implementations on hardware that is applicable for problems in the robotic domain. This C++ software package is not only able to support simulations in the MATLAB and Python environment, allowing rapid prototyping and validation in simulation; but also capable of seamless transition between simulation and deployment on the embedded platforms. This work implements a modified version of the NEAT neuroevolution algorithm and leverages the power of evolutionary computation to discover functional controller compositions and optimise plasticity mechanisms for online adaptation. With the eSpinn software package the development of spiking neurocontrollers for all degrees of freedom of the UAV is demonstrated in simulation. Plastic height control is carried out on a physical hexacopter platform. Through a set of experiments it is shown that the evolved plastic controller can maintain its functionality by self-adapting to model changes and uncertainties that take place after evolutionary training, and consequently exhibit better performance than its non-plastic counterpart

    The 1995 Goddard Conference on Space Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Information Technologies

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    This publication comprises the papers presented at the 1995 Goddard Conference on Space Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Information Technologies held at the NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, on May 9-11, 1995. The purpose of this annual conference is to provide a forum in which current research and development directed at space applications of artificial intelligence can be presented and discussed

    Simultaneous incremental neuroevolution of motor control, navigation and object manipulation in 3D virtual creatures

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    There have been numerous attempts to develop 3D virtual agents by applying evolutionary processes to populations that exist in a realistic physical simulation. Whilst often contributing useful knowledge, no previous work has demonstrated the capacity to evolve a sequence of increasingly complex behaviours in a single, unified system. This thesis has this demonstration as its primary aim. A rigorous exploration of one aspect of incremental artificial evolution was carried out to understand how subtask presentations affect the whole-task generalisation performance of evolved, fixed-morphology 3D agents. Results from this work led to the design of an environment–body–control architecture that can be used as a base for evolving multiple behaviours incrementally. A simulation based on this architecture with a more complex environment was then developed and explored. This system was then adapted to include elements of physical manipulation as a first step toward a fully physical virtual creature environment demonstrating advanced evolved behaviours. The thesis demonstrates that incremental evolutionary systems can be subject to problems of forgetting and loss of gradient, and that different complexification strategies have a strong bearing on the management of these issues. Presenting successive generations of the population to a full range of objective functions (covering and revisiting the range of complexity) outperforms straightforward linear or direct presentations, establishing a more robust approach to the evolution of naturalistic embodied agents. When combining this approach with a bespoke control architecture in a problem requiring reactive and deliberative behaviours, we see results that not only demonstrate success at the tasks, but also show a variety of intricate behaviours being used. This is the first ever example of the simultaneous incremental evolution in 3D of composite behaviours more complex than simple locomotion. Finally, the architecture demonstrably supports extension to manipulation in a feedback control task. Given the problem-agnostic controller architecture, these results indicate a system with potential for discovering yet more advanced behaviours in yet more complex environments

    Understanding upper-limb movements via neurocomputational models of the sensorimotor system and neurorobotics: where we stand

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    Roboticists and neuroscientists are interested in understanding and reproducing the neural and cognitive mechanisms behind the human ability to interact with unknown and changing environments as well as to learn and execute fine movements. In this paper, we review the system-level neurocomputational models of the human motor system, and we focus on biomimetic models simulating the functional activity of the cerebellum, the basal ganglia, the motor cortex, and the spinal cord, which are the main central nervous system areas involved in the learning, execution, and control of movements. We review the models that have been proposed from the early of 1970s, when the first cerebellar model was realized, up to nowadays, when the embodiment of these models into robots acting in the real world and into software agents acting in a virtual environment has become of paramount importance to close the perception-cognition-action cycle. This review shows that neurocomputational models have contributed to the comprehension and reproduction of neural mechanisms underlying reaching movements, but much remains to be done because a whole model of the central nervous system controlling musculoskeletal robots is still missing

    Robotic Trajectory Tracking: Position- and Force-Control

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    This thesis employs a bottom-up approach to develop robust and adaptive learning algorithms for trajectory tracking: position and torque control. In a first phase, the focus is put on the following of a freeform surface in a discontinuous manner. Next to resulting switching constraints, disturbances and uncertainties, the case of unknown robot models is addressed. In a second phase, once contact has been established between surface and end effector and the freeform path is followed, a desired force is applied. In order to react to changing circumstances, the manipulator needs to show the features of an intelligent agent, i.e. it needs to learn and adapt its behaviour based on a combination of a constant interaction with its environment and preprogramed goals or preferences. The robotic manipulator mimics the human behaviour based on bio-inspired algorithms. In this way it is taken advantage of the know-how and experience of human operators as their knowledge is translated in robot skills. A selection of promising concepts is explored, developed and combined to extend the application areas of robotic manipulators from monotonous, basic tasks in stiff environments to complex constrained processes. Conventional concepts (Sliding Mode Control, PID) are combined with bio-inspired learning (BELBIC, reinforcement based learning) for robust and adaptive control. Independence of robot parameters is guaranteed through approximated robot functions using a Neural Network with online update laws and model-free algorithms. The performance of the concepts is evaluated through simulations and experiments. In complex freeform trajectory tracking applications, excellent absolute mean position errors (<0.3 rad) are achieved. Position and torque control are combined in a parallel concept with minimized absolute mean torque errors (<0.1 Nm)