8 research outputs found

    Toward a New Approach in Fruit Recognition using Hybrid RGBD Features and Fruit Hierarchy Property

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    We present hierarchical multi-feature classification (HMC) system for multiclass fruit recognition problem. Our approach to HMC exploits the advantages of combining multimodal features  and  the  fruit  hierarchy  property.  In  the construction of hybrid features, we take the advantage of using color feature in the fruit recognition problem and combine it with 3D shape feature of depth channel of RGBD (Red, Green, Blue, Depth) images. Meanwhile, given a set of fruit species and variety, with a preexisting hierarchy among them, we consider the problem of assigning images to one of these fruit variety from the point of view of a hierarchy. We report on computational experiment using this approach. We show that the use of hierarchy structure along with hybrid RGBD features can improve the classification performance

    Data-Driven Shape Analysis and Processing

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    Data-driven methods play an increasingly important role in discovering geometric, structural, and semantic relationships between 3D shapes in collections, and applying this analysis to support intelligent modeling, editing, and visualization of geometric data. In contrast to traditional approaches, a key feature of data-driven approaches is that they aggregate information from a collection of shapes to improve the analysis and processing of individual shapes. In addition, they are able to learn models that reason about properties and relationships of shapes without relying on hard-coded rules or explicitly programmed instructions. We provide an overview of the main concepts and components of these techniques, and discuss their application to shape classification, segmentation, matching, reconstruction, modeling and exploration, as well as scene analysis and synthesis, through reviewing the literature and relating the existing works with both qualitative and numerical comparisons. We conclude our report with ideas that can inspire future research in data-driven shape analysis and processing.Comment: 10 pages, 19 figure

    Active multiple kernel learning for interactive 3D object retrieval systems

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    An effective relevance feedback solution plays a key role in interactive intelligent 3D object retrieval systems. In this work, we investigate the relevance feedback problem for interactive intelligent 3D object retrieval, with the focus on studying effective machine learning algorithms for improving the user's interaction in the retrieval task. One of the key challenges is to learn appropriate kernel similarity measure between 3D objects through the relevance feedback interaction with users. We address this challenge by presenting a novel framework of Active multiple kernel learning (AMKL), which exploits multiple kernel learning techniques for relevance feedback in interactive 3D object retrieval. The proposed framework aims to efficiently identify an optimal combination of multiple kernels by asking the users to label the most informative 3D images. We evaluate the proposed techniques on a dataset of over 10,000 3D models collected from the World Wide Web. Our experimental results show that the proposed AMKL technique is significantly more effective for 3D object retrieval than the regular relevance feedback techniques widely used in interactive content-based image retrieval, and thus is promising for enhancing user's interaction in such interactive intelligent retrieval systems. </jats:p

    Novel approaches for hierarchical classification with case studies in protein function prediction

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    A very large amount of research in the data mining, machine learning, statistical pattern recognition and related research communities has focused on flat classification problems. However, many problems in the real world such as hierarchical protein function prediction have their classes naturally organised into hierarchies. The task of hierarchical classification, however, needs to be better defined as researchers into one application domain are often unaware of similar efforts developed in other research areas. The first contribution of this thesis is to survey the task of hierarchical classification across different application domains and present an unifying framework for the task. After clearly defining the problem, we explore novel approaches to the task. Based on the understanding gained by surveying the task of hierarchical classification, there are three major approaches to deal with hierarchical classification problems. The first approach is to use one of the many existing flat classification algorithms to predict only the leaf classes in the hierarchy. Note that, in the training phase, this approach completely ignores the hierarchical class relationships, i.e. the parent-child and sibling class relationships, but in the testing phase the ancestral classes of an instance can be inferred from its predicted leaf classes. The second approach is to build a set of local models, by training one flat classification algorithm for each local view of the hierarchy. The two main variations of this approach are: (a) training a local flat multi-class classifier at each non-leaf class node, where each classifier discriminates among the child classes of its associated class; or (b) training a local fiat binary classifier at each node of the class hierarchy, where each classifier predicts whether or not a new instance has the classifier’s associated class. In both these variations, in the testing phase a procedure is used to combine the predictions of the set of local classifiers in a coherent way, avoiding inconsistent predictions. The third approach is to use a global-model hierarchical classification algorithm, which builds one single classification model by taking into account all the hierarchical class relationships in the training phase. In the context of this categorization of hierarchical classification approaches, the other contributions of this thesis are as follows. The second contribution of this thesis is a novel algorithm which is based on the local classifier per parent node approach. The novel algorithm is the selective representation approach that automatically selects the best protein representation to use at each non-leaf class node. The third contribution is a global-model hierarchical classification extension of the well known naive Bayes algorithm. Given the good predictive performance of the global-model hierarchical-classification naive Bayes algorithm, we relax the Naive Bayes’ assumption that attributes are independent from each other given the class by using the concept of k dependencies. Hence, we extend the flat classification /¿-Dependence Bayesian network classifier to the task of hierarchical classification, which is the fourth contribution of this thesis. Both the proposed global-model hierarchical classification Naive Bayes and the proposed global-model hierarchical /¿-Dependence Bayesian network classifier have achieved predictive accuracies that were, overall, significantly higher than the predictive accuracies obtained by their corresponding local hierarchical classification versions, across a number of datasets for the task of hierarchical protein function prediction

    Semantic and Visual Analysis of Metadata to Search and Select Heterogeneous Information Resources

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    An increasing number of activities in several disciplinary and industrial fields such as the scientific research, the industrial design and the environmental management, rely on the production and employment of informative resources representing objects, information and knowledge. The vast availability of digitalized information resources (documents, images, maps, videos, 3D model) highlights the need for appropriate methods to effectively share and employ all these resources. In particular, tools to search and select information resources produced by third parties are required to successfully achieve our daily work activities. Headway in this direction is made adopting the metadata, a description of the most relevant features characterizing the information resources. However, a plenty of features have to be considered to fully describe the information resources in sophisticated fields as those mentioned. This brings to a complexity of metadata and to a growing need for tools which face with this complexity. The thesis aims at developing methods to analyze metadata easing the search and comparison of information resources. The goal is to select the resources which best fit the user\u27s needs in specific activities. In particular, the thesis faces with the problem of metadata complexity and supports in the discovery of selection criteria which are unknown to the user. The metadata analysis consists of two approaches: visual and semantic analysis. The visual analysis involves the user as much as possible to let him discover the most suitable selection criteria. The semantic analysis supports in the browsing and selection of information resources taking into account the user\u27s knowledge which is properly formalized