4,311 research outputs found

    An ant colony optimization approach for maximizing the lifetime of heterogeneous wireless sensor networks

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    Maximizing the lifetime of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) is a challenging problem. Although some methods exist to address the problem in homogeneous WSNs, research on this problem in heterogeneous WSNs have progressed at a slow pace. Inspired by the promising performance of ant colony optimization (ACO) to solve combinatorial problems, this paper proposes an ACO-based approach that can maximize the lifetime of heterogeneous WSNs. The methodology is based on finding the maximum number of disjoint connected covers that satisfy both sensing coverage and network connectivity. A construction graph is designed with each vertex denoting the assignment of a device in a subset. Based on pheromone and heuristic information, the ants seek an optimal path on the construction graph to maximize the number of connected covers. The pheromone serves as a metaphor for the search experiences in building connected covers. The heuristic information is used to reflect the desirability of device assignments. A local search procedure is designed to further improve the search efficiency. The proposed approach has been applied to a variety of heterogeneous WSNs. The results show that the approach is effective and efficient in finding high-quality solutions for maximizing the lifetime of heterogeneous WSNs

    A Review on Energy Consumption Optimization Techniques in IoT Based Smart Building Environments

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    In recent years, due to the unnecessary wastage of electrical energy in residential buildings, the requirement of energy optimization and user comfort has gained vital importance. In the literature, various techniques have been proposed addressing the energy optimization problem. The goal of each technique was to maintain a balance between user comfort and energy requirements such that the user can achieve the desired comfort level with the minimum amount of energy consumption. Researchers have addressed the issue with the help of different optimization algorithms and variations in the parameters to reduce energy consumption. To the best of our knowledge, this problem is not solved yet due to its challenging nature. The gap in the literature is due to the advancements in the technology and drawbacks of the optimization algorithms and the introduction of different new optimization algorithms. Further, many newly proposed optimization algorithms which have produced better accuracy on the benchmark instances but have not been applied yet for the optimization of energy consumption in smart homes. In this paper, we have carried out a detailed literature review of the techniques used for the optimization of energy consumption and scheduling in smart homes. The detailed discussion has been carried out on different factors contributing towards thermal comfort, visual comfort, and air quality comfort. We have also reviewed the fog and edge computing techniques used in smart homes

    Hybrid ant colony system algorithm for static and dynamic job scheduling in grid computing

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    Grid computing is a distributed system with heterogeneous infrastructures. Resource management system (RMS) is one of the most important components which has great influence on the grid computing performance. The main part of RMS is the scheduler algorithm which has the responsibility to map submitted tasks to available resources. The complexity of scheduling problem is considered as a nondeterministic polynomial complete (NP-complete) problem and therefore, an intelligent algorithm is required to achieve better scheduling solution. One of the prominent intelligent algorithms is ant colony system (ACS) which is implemented widely to solve various types of scheduling problems. However, ACS suffers from stagnation problem in medium and large size grid computing system. ACS is based on exploitation and exploration mechanisms where the exploitation is sufficient but the exploration has a deficiency. The exploration in ACS is based on a random approach without any strategy. This study proposed four hybrid algorithms between ACS, Genetic Algorithm (GA), and Tabu Search (TS) algorithms to enhance the ACS performance. The algorithms are ACS(GA), ACS+GA, ACS(TS), and ACS+TS. These proposed hybrid algorithms will enhance ACS in terms of exploration mechanism and solution refinement by implementing low and high levels hybridization of ACS, GA, and TS algorithms. The proposed algorithms were evaluated against twelve metaheuristic algorithms in static (expected time to compute model) and dynamic (distribution pattern) grid computing environments. A simulator called ExSim was developed to mimic the static and dynamic nature of the grid computing. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithms outperform ACS in terms of best makespan values. Performance of ACS(GA), ACS+GA, ACS(TS), and ACS+TS are better than ACS by 0.35%, 2.03%, 4.65% and 6.99% respectively for static environment. For dynamic environment, performance of ACS(GA), ACS+GA, ACS+TS, and ACS(TS) are better than ACS by 0.01%, 0.56%, 1.16%, and 1.26% respectively. The proposed algorithms can be used to schedule tasks in grid computing with better performance in terms of makespan

    Performance Portability Through Semi-explicit Placement in Distributed Erlang

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    We consider the problem of adapting distributed Erlang applications to large or heterogeneous architectures to achieve good performance in a portable way. In many architectures, and especially large architectures, the communication latency between pairs of virtual machines (nodes) is no longer uniform. We propose two language-level methods that enable programs to automatically adapt to heterogeneity and non-uniform communication latencies, and both provide information enabling a program to identify an appropriate node when spawning a process. We provide a means of recording node attributes describing the hardware and software capabilities of nodes, and mechanisms that allow an application to examine the attributes of remote nodes. We provide an abstraction of communication distances that enables an application to select nodes to facilitate efficient communication. We have developed open source libraries that implement these ideas. We show that the use of attributes for node selection can lead to significant performance improvements if different components of the application have different processing requirements. We report a detailed empirical investigation of non-uniform communication times in several representative architectures, and show that our abstract model provides a good description of the hierarchy of communication times

    Hybrid ant colony system and genetic algorithm approach for scheduling of jobs in computational grid

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    Metaheuristic algorithms have been used to solve scheduling problems in grid computing.However, stand-alone metaheuristic algorithms do not always show good performance in every problem instance. This study proposes a high level hybrid approach between ant colony system and genetic algorithm for job scheduling in grid computing.The proposed approach is based on a high level hybridization.The proposed hybrid approach is evaluated using the static benchmark problems known as ETC matrix.Experimental results show that the proposed hybridization between the two algorithms outperforms the stand-alone algorithms in terms of best and average makespan values

    CBPRS: A City Based Parking and Routing System

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    Navigational systems assist drivers in finding a route between two locations that is time optimal in theory but seldom in practice due to delaying circumstances the system is unaware of, such as traffic jams. Upon arrival at the destination the service of the system ends and the driver is forced to locate a parking place without further assistance. We propose a City Based Parking Routing System (CBPRS) that monitors and reserves parking places for CBPRS participants within a city. The CBPRS guides vehicles using an ant based distributed hierarchical routing algorithm to their reserved parking place. Through means of experiments in a simulation environment we found that reductions of travel times for participants were significant in comparison to a situation where vehicles relied on static routing information generated by the well known Dijkstra’s algorithm. Furthermore, we found that the CBPRS was able to increase city wide traffic flows and decrease the number and duration of traffic jams throughout the city once the number of participants increased.information systems;computer simulation;dynamic routing

    A Computational Field Framework for Collaborative Task Execution in Volunteer Clouds

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    The increasing diffusion of cloud technologies is opening new opportunities for distributed and collaborative computing. Volunteer clouds are a prominent example, where participants join and leave the platform and collaborate by sharing their computational resources. The high dynamism and unpredictability of such scenarios call for decentralized self-* approaches to guarantee QoS. We present a simulation framework for collaborative task execution in volunteer clouds and propose one concrete instance based on Ant Colony Optimization, which is validated through a set of simulation experiments based on Google workload data